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Standardized testing and

acceptance of Syrian


What impact do standardized testing have on American society?
What impact do Syrian refugees have on other states (countries)?



What is standardized

Test given under controlled conditions, typically to test

mastery of a specific skill. The U.S. has adopted
standardized testing as the medium for assessing a
mass amount of students in a shorter amount of time.
Increased reliance on standardized testing scores
occurred with the passing of the No Child Left Behind
Act passed by George W. Bush in 2002.

What issue does

standardized testing pose
to students of the modern

Association for Supervision

and Curriculum
against standardized

Minorities and students of lower socioeconomic status

typically perform worse than white students/students of
higher income households. The Annie E. Casey
Foundation has found a 60% increase in the
standardized testing score gap among rich and poor
students. One of the causations of students of lower
income answering test questions incorrectly is the
expectation of out of school learning, which most
people may refer to as common sense test questions.
In a publication by the Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, Popham states, If children
come from advantaged families and stimulus-rich
environments, then they are more apt to succeed on
items in standardized achievement test items than will
other children whose environments don't mesh as well
with what the tests measure.'t-Measure-Educational-Quality.aspx

What is your attitude

towards standardized

Dependency on standardized testing scores have been

proven to be detrimental to teachers and schools, as
well. Wrongful incentives have been created which

Annie E. Casey
Foundation: neutral: only
providing statistics

Washington Post:
against standardized
Harvard Politics:
Opposed to standardized

Harvard Politics:
Against standardized

What are Syrian refugees?
BBC: neutral; only provides
information regarding the
current state of Syria
(beginning of paragraph

Why is there so much

resentment towards Syrian

What are some

misconceptions about the
effect of Syrian refugees
on a host country?
Euroactiv: supports Syrian

pushes schools (teachers, more specifically) to teach to

the test. Federal money is offered to districts high
standardized test scores, which has shown the flaw in
the system. Studies have found that students perform
relatively well on state tests, but are defeated by
nationally administered tests. Sole focus math and
reading test scores have led to 71% of school districts
cutting back on subjects involving history and arts, as
said by a 2006 study conducted by the Center on
Education Policy, hurting teachers involved in these
subjects and students emotionally invested in these
Standardized testing is an unfair examination system
which gives advantage to only a certain group of
people. Many teachers have seen this testing method
as inconvenient due to the time it consumes to teach
students the ways of a test, rather than versatile skills
or their own curriculum for the subject. However, this
system allows millions of students to meet at the same
standards, giving colleges and other entities an easier
way to examine the statistics.
Also known as Syrian refugees, many citizens of Syria
have found themselves escaping the harsh warzone
they once called their homes. There has been ongoing
conflict among President al-Assad and rebel forces, such
as ISIS. Refugees have face xenophobia and
uncomfortable living situations extended periods of
times, which makes it difficult for refugees to find a
home elsewhere.

Whether people of a country are xenophobic or believe

that refugees will be bad for their economy, citizens can
sometimes have a negative attitude towards people
fleeing their own country, perhaps because they do not
align their beliefs with citizens of a country or taking in
people fleeing war-like conditions was not exactly in the
governments agenda.

Brookings: supports Syrian


What is your stance on the

acceptance of Syrian
UNHCR: supports (Syrian)

According to, Syrian refugees can

potentially boost the European economy. These arrivals
typically work in sectors of unsatisfactory working
conditions, such as in the clothing or steel industry.
The Lebanese have already seen these economic
benefits. In a study by the World Bank, with an increase
of 1% of refugees, exports increase by 1.5%. Both
Jordan and Turkey have seen, economies growing
consistently throughout the refugees inflow. economic-impactrefugees-cali
The UN Refugee Agency has put forth the notion (which
has since become law) that refugees are entitled to
rations like nationals. Also, the UNHCR has tasked
states to assist refugees fleeing their country. Although
the UNHCR is required to assist states taking in
refugees, these states must provide safeguards and
resource to help refugees get back on their feet.
Examining the emotional aspect of this issue, I believe
that despite peoples religious or biased beliefs, those in
need should always be helped, because we would want
the same thing in return.

Standardized testing is an ever-growing issue in the U.S. due to perceived unfairness
and excessive dependency on test results. Syrian refugees have faced a plethora of
obstacles and according to international law, countries a part of the UN have an
obligation help refugees, which really is not as big of an economic issue as most
people make it out to be.

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