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Statues for a Noteworthy Person

When a person does great deeds for their country, a lot of ways are often considered to
honor the person. Money is printed with their faces on, books are written about their lives, or
sometimes it might be considered to erect a statue in his or her honor. If I am asked to
determine the person who will be portrayed in a monument like that, I think it will be
Indonesias first president, Soekarno. He had an admirable character in the forming of the
Indonesian Republic, and he had also done a great part in leading it to grow in the chaos of its
first decades.
In my opinion, Soekarno is somebody who has an impressive nationalism and leadership.
These traits were clearly shown when he led the Indonesians after its awakening, in the
Revolutionary War, and also after the independence when he became Indonesias first
president. In the first quarter of the twentieth century, Indonesian resistance organizations
sprang up, and after some years Soekarno founded one of the most influential of them: the
PNI. He had to go to jail several times because of his activities, but still he didnt stop until
the Japanese came.
Under Japanese rule, Soekarno secretly managed the Indonesians in Japanese-formed
organizations to resist the foreigners. A string of events happened after the Allied forces
overran the Japanese, eventually leading to the Proclamation. Soekarno was in the most
important ones, like the Rengasdengklok meeting. His leadership was proved good, and
Indonesians won their Independence in August 1945.
After the Proclamation, Soekarno also did remarkable feats in forming a military force and
beating off Dutch invasions, who wanted to reclaim their previous lands. Afterwards, as the
first president of Indonesia he developed it into a nation worth to note by the international
world. Some of his acts included establishing strong connections with a number of Western
countries, founding the Non-Bloc Group and organizing the Asian-African Conference.
In conclusion, I think Soekarno is a person who did great deeds and also had impressive
attributes in leading Indonesia in the twentieth century. He ran the nation well enough to form
a strong country in the Northeast Asia. Therefore I have explained how Soekarno is a notable
character to portray in a statue.

Joseph S. Ang

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