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Mohammed Maidan

Paradox Of Us
Professor R.Andrew Brown
UWRT 1102
Changing The World Starts With You by the motivational philosopher Jay
Shetty is truly interesting short three minutes talk. In general, the video talks
about the change of life. It talks about how did the world advanced in many
factors but moving backward with true communication. Moreover talks about
losing morals for the sake of money. No one denies that the world advanced in
technology, science, and medical science.
There was this quote in the video that I truthfully liked which once was
said by the genius Albert Einstein. Albert stated, The problems we have today
cant be solved with same thinking we had when we created them. This saying is
so true. A human being must change. Change is a part of life. A human being
must change, as anything else, as the seasons change. Human beings must
exceed their limits and information, learn new things, new perspectives. Learning
new things inspire a new way of thinking that may lead us to solve problems.
Furthermore, to think, why this way a problem in the first place?
Few days ago, I saw a video that indeed saddened me. Soccer fans of a
specific team visited Spain to support their team. The fans saw a poor woman
that was asking for some money, as charity. Surprisingly they gave her money,
but not to help or with respect. The fans sat on a coffee shop, and started to

throw coins on the floor, and laughed whenever the poor women leaned or bent
to collect the money from the floor. This is not the mercy that human beings have
in their heart.
One thing the video covered is communication, and the usage of different
apps to communicate with people that are not technically around. I believe thats
true; I use Whatsapp daily to communicate with my friends and family back
home. Ill keep using it event after watching this video, but Ill limit and decrease
the use of it.

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