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303334 0009291. Elements 0 ia Gas Turbine Propulsion sacco.visin ILO CTC LON DUAR S29) Jo sjuowyy PIN 041019-4 PART OF 1S8N 0-07-912196-4 Foreword by von Ohain ATi or of th Mi wee Basseetaszgss Stas 3 Compressible Flow 32 Comprestble Flow Properties 33 Nonna Shock Wave 34 Oblique Shock Wave 35) ‘Stealy One-Dimensional Gas Dynamics 35 Simple Rows 37 Simple area Fow—Nowe Flow 35 Simple Henig Flow Rayleigh Line 39. ‘Single Frictional low Fann Line 210 Summary of Simple Flows Aireraft Gas Turbine Engine 41 Intodtcton 42° Theat Equation 413 Note on Propusive Etcency {84 Gas Turbine Eng Components & Begum cya 6 Agra Engine Design Parametric Cycle Analysis of Ideal Engines ST cor $3 Depa So Bogor Eagee rarmecie le Amine 34 lege et aaa aa én Ram SS arta $0 Trac wan ater $0 leat Tetues win Opioen Ben Rao Sy HELagted ew tata oth Atria $03 el Teepe ope Sth Mc reeeh pe win Remeron Peale Component Performance 61 Introduction $2. Vasaton in Gs Properties $3 Component Performance {att so Diner Prenure Recovery Compressor and Tarhine iin (68 “Buener Elsen and Presre Los ie a6 23 213 ba a 0 a 2 26 Es m Be na ‘Summary of Component Figures of Mert (Constant Vales) Component Pesfonsance mith Varile , Probes 7 Parametric Cycle Analysis of Real Engines 2 1s 14 Turtojet ‘Tato with Aterbamst ‘Turtotan” Separate Esbaat Sams ‘Tusholan with AetbuningSeparate Exhast Sram ‘Taso with AMterbueing—Mined Eat Sram ‘arate Gas Property 8 Engine Performance Analysis 5 Ba rt » ss Totadicten Tutbojet Ene Taso mh Aterburning Tushofn Enpine—Sepurte Exess and Convergent Nozzles ‘Tubotan wit AterbumingMacd Pow Eximut Steam Turbopep Engine arabe Gs Propercr 9 Turhomachinery o re Teton Eater's Tutumactinery Eguatons ‘Agablow Comprar Asses ‘Cente Compressor Anas Axi Fw Tartine Asin Centitgs Fi Turbine Analysis Prone (F20- Intets, Nozzles, and Combustion Systems ox toa 103 104 10 105 1 as rodbtion to Its ad Noses nie ‘Subrenc tit Superson Inte Esha Nowe Introduction o Combustion Sytems Main Burere ‘Alterburers Probleme 28 3 Py m m mn © 3 s sie CHAPTER i INTRODUCTION PULSION Howse College Dicionary (Ret. |) defines propulsion 25“ the sale of being propelled, a propelling force or impulse etl propel as “Io. drve, oe case 10 move, forward or onward.” Selntons, we can concude thatthe study of propulsion includes fof the propeling fore, the motion caused, and the bodies involved. ives. an object to he propelled pits one oF more additional propellant study of propubion is concerned with vehicles such 38 automobiles, aircraft, and spacecraft. The focus of tis textbook is on the fof lteraft and spacerat. Methods devised wo produce a thrust ropalsion ofa vehice in ipht ate ased on the principe of jet, (the momentum change of fui ty the propulsion system). The Be the gas mcd bythe engine sell (e tw/bojet, it may bea Mud fin the surrounding environment (ear used by 2 propeller), ori in the vehicie and carried by i during the Might (ex, rocket). ‘propulsion systems can be subulided into two broad categories: apd Hon ai-beathingAir-breathing propulsion sytem include turbojet turbofan, ramjet, twxbopeop, and Tutboska en sirbreathing engines include rocket motors, nuclear propulsion “etic propulsion systems. We foes on gas turbine propulsion | turban, turboprop, and. turbeshaft-cngincs) In this ‘The material in ths textbook i divided imo three paris: + Basic concepis and one-dimensional gas dynamics + Analysis and performance of air-breathing propulsion systems + Analysis of as turbine engine components ‘This chapter introduces the types of air-breathing and rocket propulsion systems and the hase propulsion performance parameters Aso incladed i an inuroducion to aircraft and rocket performance. The material on aicrft performance shows the influence of the gas turbine engine performance oa the Performance ofthe agra system. This material ako permits incxporation of 3g furtine engine den probie ste as new eng for an exstig ‘Numerous examples are included throughout this book to help students sce the application ofa concept afer itis introduced. For some students, the Iateial on basic concepts and gas dynamics will be a review of material ‘covered in other courses they have already taken. For other stents his may be thoi fest exposure to this material, and it may requte more effort to understand 1.2 UNITS AND DIMENSIONS: Since the engineering world uses both the metric SI and English unit system, both will be used in this textbook. One singular distinction exists between the English system and SI—the unit of force is defined inthe former but derived in the litter, Newton's second lave of motion relates force 10 mass, length, and time. It states thatthe sum ofthe forces is proportional to the rate of change of the momentum (M=m¥). The constant of proportionality is 1. dim) _ at zr dt “The units fr each term in the shove equation are listed in STand English units In any unit system, only fur of the five ems the table ‘can be specified, and the latter is derived from Eq. (1-1) ‘AC's result of selecting g.= 1 and defining the units of mass, length, and time is SI units, the ant of forse i derived trom Eq. (+I) a {Units and dimensions Caen Mem ae Tine a Dated 1 Kiogam is) Mane (a) Some no Fagin) Bathe Pau then) Foa Send oe) ——— per Square second (kp m/sec’), whic Tunis, the value of. 8 derived from Ea, ( 18. = 32174 Tom /IBE-5ee) adopt the convention used in many recent textbooks of developing | for use wih only ST metic units. — 1). we wil maintain gi all our Thus g will aso show up in the equations for poweuta energy (PE) cenerss (KE): otal encrgy per unit mass isthe sum ofthe spoil internal energy Kinet energy ke, and specie potential energy pe. emu thet porns tol Ba 28. ke age multude of engiczing units for he quanties finer in 1 For example, every can be expressed ia he St uit of je in rsh nema uit (Bt) on fot-pond ere (A=). be ble to se the aval data i the units provide and conve pte feared, Tue 2 a it ves eve Yo ep esa bn aan 7 itW—ana malar ap rewire re) aot pot = OLS amavis a Sno het neg pe a ma 1g ta Bey Spot et Tg") = 0258 te) facies te) 96 ae) Sf wer vo, is as Foner sp cman ‘ep: = 80 mg) ‘Siang oe) ean) = at fan haa 1.3 OPERATIONAL ENVELOPES AND STANDARD ATMOSPHERE, ach engine type wil operate oaly within a certain range of alludes and “Mach numbers (velocities) Similar limitations in vleity and lite exist for slsfames. Its necessary, therefore, to match arfame and propulsion systom ‘capabilites Figure Lt shows the approtimate velocity and altitude limits, or ‘Corridor of flight, within which iri vehicles can operate, The corridor bounded by if in, temperature lint, andl an aerodynamic force li The lit limits determined bythe maximum level fight litade ata gven velocity ‘The temperature Lit i set by the stuetural thermal limits of the material used in eonstroction of the areraf. At any given altitude, the maximum ‘locity attained is tomporatureimited by aerodynamic heating fects. At Toner altitudes, velocity is limited by aerodynamic force load rather than by temperature "The operating regions of ll sircraft le within the fight corridor. The operating region ofa particular sreraft within the corridor is determined by sireraft design, but it a very small portion of the overall coridor Superimposed on the fight corridor ia Fig. 1-1 are the operational envelopes of various powered ateraft, The operational limits ofeach propulsion syst are determined by limitations ofthe components ofthe propulsion systom and fe shown in Fig. 12. “The anaes presented in thie text use the properties ofthe atmosphere to determine both engine and airrame performance. Since these properties ary with location, season, time of day, et, wo will use the US. standard (ff. 2) 1 gve «toown foundation fr our anaes. Appendix A “Poperies of the US. standard atmosphere 1976 n bolt Ensish Values ofthe pressure P,empeatre 7, dest p. and spect of ‘ven in dimensionless ration ofthe property a ate foe fea level (SL), (the reference value). The fimensionles Fat of Aemperatre, and denity ae given the symbuls 8, and respectively. Thos ratios are defined as follows: e Pe e as) ont as) ‘The reference values of pressure, temperature, and density are given for each unit stem at the end of ts property table. For nonstandard conditions such 38 hot day, the normal proce ito tse the standard pressure and correct the density. using the perfect ge Felationsip «= 8/8. As an example, we considera 10°F day at 44f aitude From App. A, we have # = O03? forthe 4-kt atu. We caeuate using te 1007 temperature; @= 7/7a.~ (100+ 499.7)/S18.7= 11079. Note that solute temperstires must be used in calculating 8. Then the density rath ‘aeulated using = 8/8» 0.8857/1.79 =. 005, ‘Stet gr fe eee fan inlet and a nozzle to the gas generator, turbojet engine can be “A schematic diagram ofa simple turbojet i shown in Fig. 14a turbojet with afterburner shown in Fig. 1-4. In the analysis of jengne, the major components are tfeated 36 sections. Alo shown it and 1-4 are the station numbers foreach section. 1-4 AIR-BREATHING ENGINES ‘The turbojet, turbofan, turboprop, turbos, and ramjet engine systems are drop), or deceleration (thrust drag) —- Lo BW 5 te. of Pra & WH ae S elie SHY Bette (Conry of Lace) ‘As derived in Chap. 4, the uninstalled thrust Ff a jet engine (single inet and single exhaust) is given by We LR Tats We : (Pe Pe mass fw rates of ar and fl, respectively Yj, V,~ vooctes a inlet and ent, respectively P,P. = pressures at inlet and ex, respostively Its most desirable to expand the exhaust gs to the ambient pressure, which ives P= Pe In this caso, the uninstalled trast equation becomes ig mV, F for =P 06) installed thros is equal to the uninstalled thrust F minus the inlet fand minus the norte drag Dan OF T=F—Dise Daw the inet drag Dyux and noczle drag Dya by the uninstalled thrust F he dimensionless inlet loss coeficent dng and nozzle loss coeficent a7 as) fad TSFC), This i the rate of fuel ure bythe propulsion sytem per tHyust produced. The uninstallod fuel consumption Sand installed fol don TSPC are written in equation form as, C19) aay > uninstalled thrust, $$ sninsslled thrust specific fact consumption T= installed engine thrust alle tran specie fel consumption “y= mass flow rate of fuck jon between S and TSEC in equation form is given by any [s-tecd-ona | a Values of thrust F and fuel consumption § for various jet engines at sea vel state conditions are sted in App. B. The prodited variations at Sninwtalled engine thrust Fand uninstalled Thm specie fe consumption § ‘vith Mach number and altiude foram advanced niger engine (Irom Ref. 3) fre plotted in Fig. I-ldathrouph T-L4d. Note thatthe thnint F crease with tude and the’ fuel consumption S also decreases with altitude until 36 kt {ane start of the isothermal layer of the atmesphere). Also note thatthe fel fonsumpeion increases with Mach number and thai the thst varies con- Sideraby with the Mach number. The predicted atal-tottle performance ot ‘he advanced fighter engine fs shown a! three Might condions in Fig. Ise “The takeoll thrust of the JT9D high-bypassratio turbofan engine is phen fn Fig, 1-150 versus Mach number and ambicat air temperature for two versions. Note the rapid falloff thrust with ising Mach number that is ‘characterise ofthis engine cele andthe constant thrust at a Mach number for Temperatures of 80 and below (thsi often referred 10 farting). The partial thotte performance ofboth engine versions i given in Fig 1-156 for {wo combinations of aldtude and Mach number. "Although the aera gs turbine engine Isa very complex machine, the ‘nase wols for modeling is performance are developed in the following chapters, These fons are based on the work of Gordon Oates (Ref. 4). They eonamen $0 mcd icing ber et mama power fom ead fom Rot) ‘ 5 an ‘Meret on (Eee rom a3). Soe) tees Sn meee mien Ion Re 3) ns for exiting and proposcd engines and ce cures similar to Figs. (14a through 1-14 and Figs. the engine throtle seting. Typical vals are given in Table 13 Fr cepa a ane ees ng (Excel fr Bf.) i ie fel ust (Cary of Pt & Wie) ee renee ‘Typical scralt engine thrst instalation losses ioe Ne me ete with gine od sige echret aad on ot reare kee ea amie preware he pope olen Gen by me tas ah ass 201- baa bali VV ei Gini VE ay fase when tbe mass fow rte of he fel sma est than that of ar fon fscy re very aml, Eq, (1-5) sips to the flowing “The thermal ekieny ay ofan engae is another very wef engine forthe propane ctcicngy formance pute Threl ny few hee ae Saat every (at power or tne energy) out ofthe engine died {he rae f total energy salable from the fel in the engine. The Wes ‘ule tormal ncgy qual to he ass ow rat of he mc th {el eating vale py: Thermal eficiency can be writen in equation form as (1-16) is plotted versus the velocity eatioV/¥ in Fig. -16 and shows [propulsive effiiony requires the exit velocity to Be approximetciy We hed Inlet velocity. Turbojet engines have high valves of the veloity "On 7 ‘with corresponding low propulsive efficiency, whereas turbofan ow values of the velocty ratio V./¥, with corresponding high whore ny = thermal eliency of engine il Wr act power out of engine Oa ate oft mal encrey released (hon) Note: For engines with shaft power ouput, Wa is qual to this shaft power. For engines with no shaft power output (eg turbojet engine), Woy is equal. te nent rate of change of the kinetic energy of the Mid through the engine ‘The power out of a jet engine witha single inlet and single exhawst (e turbojet engine) i given by. Waa = 2 [lio + V3 noVi got t ) 7 The propulsive efficiency np of propulsion system is a measure of how effectively the engine power Wa, is used to power the aircraft. Propusve ‘ficiency isthe ratio ofthe ateraft power (hrast times veloc) to the power ‘out of the engine Way. En equation form, this s writen as cor (1) inhere-np= propulive elcieny of engine "r= thaw of propusion system ect “The thermal and propulsive efficiencies can be combined to sve the overall efcency no of © propulsion stem. Multpying propulsive efisioney by thermal eiieney, we get the rato of the ateraft power to the rate of thermal eneegy released inthe engine (the overall eicency of the propulsion system) ao= em a) (19 Several of the above performance parameters are plotied for gener types of gas turbine engines In Figs. 1-17, 1-17b, and -17e, These pls an be ased fo obiain the general trends of these performance parameters wih fight velocity for each propulsion sistem. ‘Spectres share of rpc aera engines (Cony of Pra Whiney.) Tl consmpon carter fp aes ens (Coury of Pat & Otay ye tt esi uc ens (Cures of Prat & Whine) Since Qu. =Mtng, Ea, (148) can be rewriten a8 [With the help of Eq, (11), the above equation can be written in erms ofthe vst specie fue consumption as (119) Using Eqs. (1-17) and (1-19), we ean write the folowing for TSFC: 20) easton ‘An advanced fighter engine operating at Mach O8 and 104m ha the follwing vital performance data and ues fel oso Fe AN y= ASkglece ands =265kglae Determine the specie thr, tas specie fuel consumption, exit velo, thermal efienys ropuive fey, and overall ellseney (sme x Prowure equal nin presse). Seton, FMM = nme) = 1A me Hy 26S goss eyAN =ShmglN 0) vom Maes at{ Maa = DO.) 3403 = 29.6 m/sec From Fg, (1.6) we bie Fath 50.00% 1448296, = S6 mle (ah WE— nV _nasximse 95.298 snansscurw Oe eg 265% 42800 = 180 W Woe 3127S 1 6 einai Py, _ 0490 «299, i STATS a17% vith singe inlet and single exhaust and exit pressure equal 10 when the mass fw rate ofthe fuel much less than that of losses are very small, the specie thrust Fy can be FVM oe a2 ficiency of Eg (1-16) can be rewiten at 2 022) 1 Faensv+E Eq, (1-22) into Eq, (1-20) and noting that TSEC 5, we obtain (a2) ow thrust specific fuel |S and high specie thrust Fi. Low engine fuel consumption translated into longer range, increased payload, and/or ‘ize. High specie thrust reduces the cross-sectional area of thas direct nftuence on engine weight and instalation los. ‘spotted in Fig 1-IX Equation (1-2) i alo ploted in Fig that fuel cons the sirerat mi shifts in the desired direction when there tease inthe (Gncreaed thermal eficiency) or an increase in the ful {ery useful measure of merit forthe aircraft gas turbine engine tatio F/W. For a piven engine thst. increasing the Fedaces the weight Of the engine. Airraft manufactarers in engine weight to increase the capabilites ofan arcraft Jncteased fue, or both) or decrease the size (weight) and Tider development Seema uo feooen ps tht ant el consmicn Eng thant weight ratio FW ‘companies expend considerable research and development efor ng the thrust /Welght faci of straft gas turbine engines. This ratio fhe specifi thrust Fy divided by the engine weight per nit of ‘Wir. Fora given engine type, the engine weight per unit mass fo the eficieney of the engine structure, andthe specifi thrusts the engine thermodynamics. The weights per unit mass ow of some turbine engines are ploted versus speci thrust in Fig 1-9, Also of constant engine tras weight ratio F/W. iy, the engine companies, in conjunction with the Department of INASA, ae involved in a large research snd development effort 10 engine thrust/weight ratio F/W and decrease the uel consump: “uintsining engine durability, maetaiabily, et. This progran Iniegrated high-performance turbine engine technology (THPTET) Rebs § and 6). PERFORMANCE 8 aircraft performance js included so thatthe reader may get a ‘of the propulsion requirements of the aieatt (Rel. 7). is limited to a few sigifieant concepts that directly relate 0 his not intended as a substitute forthe many excelent forthe performance ofan aircraft can be obiained from energy (Gee Ret. 12). By treating the area (Fg. 120) as a moving thatthe installed propulsive thrust, aerodynamic drag D, ie frees actin the same direction asthe velocity V, i (29 wa) (r+ R= wire scoped nce “ore ys otal resistive force D+ & i the sum of the drag of the clean any additional drags R associated with such protuberances es al stores, or drag ches the energy height as the sum ofthe potential and kinetic (4), respectively, and is the ratio of specie heats (y= 1 ference density py and reference pressure Py of air ae thelr fm a standard day and are Usted in App. A. 7 se the lisse aitsraft drag relations aonee (25) 28 D= CaaS aa) (1-2) ean now be written simply as plot of lift coeficient C, vers drag cvecient Cp, commonly r-w-nyy=wte a2 By defining the weight specie excess power Pas pate azn 29) ‘This i very powerful equation which gives insight int the dynamics of igh including Both the rate of climb dh/dr and acceleration dV Ie Lift and Drag We use the classical aircraft it relationship W aS. 29) Where m i tbe load factor or number of g's perpendicular to V (n= 1 for Straight and level fight), C, isthe coetilent of Ht, 8, the wing planform tea, and qi the dynamic pressure. The dynamic pressure can be expresied it where the coefcents Ki, Ke, and Con are typically functions of Hight Mach umber and wing configuration (Bap postion, et) The Cy term in Eq (1-2) fs the ro Lit dap coefcent which accoun's for both fictional and. presure drag in subsonic ight and wave drain supersonic fight. The Ky and Ky terms sccount for the drag dve to ti NNowmally K; #8 very mall nd approximately equal to zero for most fight ample 13. For he al ge a i seon a. An advanced fgher acai is approcitely modeled ster the YF22 Aavancd.Tacel Fghersbowo tn Fig. 122. For convenience, wo vil Masimum gro akelf weight Wy ~ 40,008 (17, atinum fel pos plod weight ~ 160016 (71.68) ~ = pane Mime, Advoned Tas Fgh. (hon coury of Bec Doe & Space Grow, ti aerate li a Fae Now pene rise trtan wth serum Dar coetsens pen in Tale 14 en. ‘Drag coeficiens for hypothetical passenger ircraft iP.) ie 5 & = 40, ‘ase, =a nia as tise ane Maximum ining weight ~ 1396640 (35.0018) Mastrum pyle 20780 (450018, 255 pnges ph ISAO of Mckmum ul apaciy= 7606 (161.1300) ‘Wing aes S, ~2425" (04000) Engin: hapa urbotan ‘Masinu i ectlet Cee =20 rag eotients gen in Tle 8 ier tn Cater aa 1, Determine the drag pola nd dag variation for the HF sivrat percent ot maximim grove wake! weight andthe Ht srt a 95 of mania pou cof wei ‘aiton inCpand K, with Mach number for the HE are plated in| {134 from the’ data of Table 1-4 Figure 1-25 shows the dese pol Mach numbers forthe HET seta. Ug thse drag data andthe ‘ition gives the taviation in ara drag with sasonis Mach and alte for vl fight (1 = 1), a showin Fig hr Ne that inimum srg is constant or Mach numer 0 Yo DS and then ress isthe sume variation ts Coy. The variation of rag wih ad acorn fm Fig 200 at wo slits. The deg increnes with fers nad Ind there ight Mach number tht ge mininum das foro ves and bad actor be Yvon in Cr aK; th Mach number forthe HP. posted in om the data of Table 1. Fite 128 shows the dag pa dierent Iimbers forthe HP- sia. Using thew dg data the bore es the variation in aca drag wth subsonic Mach number and or level fight (r= 1) a sown in Fp 1.29. Note ht the nm ' contant for Mach numbers 0 0.7 and then iene, Th the aration ss Daa fare pe (21) or HF rn Dro ft Ke at (1) HP asa sample Io Ckelste te drag at Mach O8 and 4 alte ofthe HE-L raf a9) posen of maxim pron ake weight with ood faces of Tad Solution. We hein by clei the dynamic presie 4. 0.70 2858211608" 1761 01, XK, =020, and Ke= 0 tl 0940000, eS, 71x70 Go KiCk + KG + Cop 0202457) +0012 = 0081 = 0.2509 CogS. = 00281 1761 <720~3563164 ate m4 409 4000, aS. Tmax Tm) Go" BiG KC. + Coe = 0204.18) +0012=02701 D = CogS. = 02701 1961 720 = 042471 Not thatthe dag at =4 i about 1 ines haat = and Landing Speeds ight condition when an stcraft's wing loss lift Its an undescabe ee vie cont loa fox tts Dung evel tpt Cin Beles whe oo eto chm» Et cota, pee ty faces Cue The sl pad Sted ot vel pt eed to the wing's maximum lift coefficient, or ms et oon from stall, azcrafl are Bown at velocities grester that Vox, fand landing are two fight conditions in which the sateraft ‘lose tothe stall velocity. For safety, the takeoff speed Vio of an {ypialy 20 percent greater than the stall speed, an the landing Vi 1S percent gre Vo = 120V Vp =115¥oan oo 18. Determine the Lake apced of the HPL at sc tel wih ‘ons take weight nd the landing speed ith mania nding Tom App. A we nave ¢=125S g/m? forse ee rom Example 1-2 we have Con = 20, W= L685 100N, = 205m TBST, a= \ ey SE w0mice Vio 120 ng =A2.8m sce (185 n/t) S860, PTS, Yaar Vigsnxze as 26m Vio™ L18Vnn=72.0 mise (16 mite) ‘ofthe arraft weight W/d is due to the fuel consumed by ‘The mass rate of fel consumed i equal to the product of the T and the installed thrust specie fuel consumption. For cares ‘constant aceleraton of gravity gor We cam write ers fe as Piles Be Be “This equation canbe rewsten in dimensiones form as (135) ESTIMATE OF TSFC. Equation (1-3) requites estimates of installed engine thrust T and installed TSEC to calculate the change i aircraft weight. For ‘many Sight conditions, the istalled engine thrust T equals the aicratt drag. ‘The value of TSEC depends om the enzne eye, altitude, and Mach number. For preliminary analy, the flowing equations (from Ref. 7) can be sed to ctitate TSFC in units of (bm) and 8s the dimensionless temperature ratio T/ 1 High-bypass-ratio urbofon TSFC= (a4 + 045M V6 (1360) b, Low-bypar-ratio, mixed flow mrbofan Military and lower power setings: TSFC=(1.0+ 035M) V8 (130) Mariam power setting TSEC = (1.8 + 0.300)V8 (1.26) Turbojt ‘Miltary and lower power stings: TSFC= (13 +038Myvo (38) Maxinum power sting TSFC=(1.7 026M) (036) 4. Turboprp TSFC= (02 +09MV9 a ENDURANCE, For level unaccelerated ight, thrast equals drap (7'= D) and 1 (L=W), Thus Bq, (135) simply ‘minimum fuel consumption for time + occurs at the Hight the endurance factor maximum. scase when the endurance factor EF i constant or natty constant, “can be inferated from the inital to final con ion obtained for the airerat weight fraction: woe) %, W, o[-Eersee G. 400) Portions of areca Aight where distance & important, the his related to the diferent cstance ds by c= Vat Ea. (1.37) gives a _CoTSFC Es 4, ie Cannes ange factor RF as Ve. | RF CyTSFCE. | aay a2) a3) “Then Eg. (1-42) canbe simply writen a» aw, WRF Note thatthe minimam fuel consumption for condition where the range factor is maximum. or the fight conditions where the RF s constant or nearly constant, Ea (1-42) ean be integrated from the inital 0 ial conditions andthe fllowing txpresion ohtained forthe sreraft weight action: bate ay distances occurs a the Aight (450) “Tis & called the Brequet range equation, For the range factor to remain constant Cu/Co and V/TSFC need to be consent, Above 36Kfaitude, the Ambient temperature is constant and a constant velocity V will correspond to ‘constant Mach and constant TSEC fora fixed thre setting. IC; is eonstanty Ci/Co will remain constant. Since the sireraft weight W decrease during te Aight, the altitude mus increase to reduce the density ofthe ambient air and produce the required hit (L= W) while maintaining C; and velcty constant This fight profile i called a crise limb Example 16, Cael tbe endutance fate and rang: factor at Mach 08 an {Mun stad of hypoteteal ner areraft HFT a 90 percent ef inn ow aed weight dou factor Solution. f= 07 018583211808 = 1761 ? From Fig, 124 at M= 08, Cy 0012, Ky=020, and K, 0 nw _1<0.9 0,000 QS. THE T20 Co=KiCh+ KC. +Cor 02102800) +0012 00081 Using (160), we have {TSF = (10+ 035M VB=(10-+0.35 <0) VT7ST9= 1110/4 G5, a2 ‘GaATSFC)e, “MDA x L.A00 2174 9.2 br 2839 8 861% 116 ae 380 sche 32.198 1 LALOR 60am 32174 =s1700m 17, Determine the vation in endurance factor and ange fcc for wo bypoieeal aca MP1 aad HPs. endurance factor EF i pote vermis Mach number and tia ia Fi So or hyothetal er sera HE] a 0 pce of mans ps night Noe that the best eadurence Mach number (rntmon fl pin) incense with ltade athe bet el consumo ocr at rf 30 and 3 The rags arr pled venus ach mum and ie Fe 131 forthe HET a port of mun pos wet ‘Note tat the best cae Mich numer (ninimum fel onsmyyin wi alii andthe et el Soman cs a a de a tan Mach number a endurance aor plots Yas Mac snr and alae in Fig 1-32 four hypothetical pnenger scat HI a 38 pee of minut ron of Weg. Nee tat te ho saree Me nant (nua fl Rnb ior or HE wa a oh tee ee ems ete pet cmnonee cc ae e ial le inn Sects ees Bert ee ce cr ty oe Reales lth peepee te Bt en encom as reTOR ot SS Rind Spa etc ee Sadat Bee fete Sn pe Me me Seat areas tel ae 0 Bese ek ok Sea Sp maroavan me wines meets os Sh Stan ee cu Cafe. For fight conditions reguiring minimum fuel consumption, Aight condition can be approximated by that corresponding 10 IG. From Eq (1-32), the maim C,/C, (einimem Cp/Ce) [by taking the derivative of the following expression, sting i Ringe ctr or HP raf wt 70 and 95% MGTOW. ‘equal to zero, and solving forthe C that gves minimum Co/Ci ¢ ce if Be rsepenre aw ‘The Ut cocina ges minum C/Cp nina CC. fim a an \@ ay mas Co en by eye (G) weave 7 “The drag D., range factor, endurance factor, and C./Cp versus Mach ‘number at an alte are plotted in Fig. 1-35 forthe HF-1 aircraft and in Fi 1:36 for the HP-I, Note tat the maximum CC, occurs at Mach O38 forthe THF and at Mach 0.75 for the HP-1—the same Mach numbers where drags fare minimum. The endurance factor fs maximum at substantially tower ‘Mack number than that corresponding to (C,/Cp)* forthe HIF- due 10 the high TSFC and is increase with Mach number [see Eq. (1-36b)), The teadurance factor for the HP-L ir a maximum atthe same Mach mumber st iC: endear an rng ar ote HP Am abide Ci/Cp is maximum due to the lower TSEC ofthe high-bypass-ratio turboton ‘engine [see Eq (1-360) The Mach number for an altitude ging a maximum range factors called the best crite Mach (RCM), The Best euise Mach normally cceurs ata ile higher Mach than tha corresponding to (C; Cp). This Because the vlacity term inthe range factor normally dominates over the increase in TSF with Mach number. As-a fist approximation, many use the Mach number corresponding to (C;/Co)* fr the best crise Mach. Example 1 Calculate the Mach ging maximum C./Cp at 2D aide for the HE aca st 0 porcont of matimum ars eo woh and Tod ator oo Staion, From Fig. 1-28 My <0, C0012, Ky =020, and = 0 fa. a-/ Ww _09% ano Gx ane r SHY a8 ~ Veh” Varna aie ACCELERATED FLIGHT, For ight conditions when thust 7 greater than ‘rap D, an expression forthe fuel consumption can be obtsined by frst noting from Ea, (1-28) that te P, wi FR of drag DR to thrust Tas We define the rai ro) “The above equation for thrust to weight becomes [Now Eg. (1-35) canbe rewritten as aw ___TSEC gy Ww va=ws."" Since dr de, the above equation can be expressed in ts most useful foxns fenergy tan represents that faction tht i ot to sreaft dag that this equation applies fr cates when is not unity. Whew , (1.99) or Eg (-4) is used. ‘the fuol consumption during an accleration fight condition, can be easly integrated for known ight paths (values of Vand ©) Naiation of TSEC/[V (I~ 1) with s- Vehicle Design—a Team Effort and mechanical engineers in the aerospace field do many things, ‘most part their eflors all lead to the design of some type of vehicle. The design team for a new atcraft may be dvd into Tour ups: aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, and fight mechanics Sf vehicle calls upon the extraordinary talents of engincers in Tus the design ia team efor. Atypical design Team i SHOW i ‘hie engineer serves as the referee and integrates the efforts of the vehicle design. Figure 1-38 shows the kind of srralt design result {any one group were able to dominate the others. ENGINES propulsion systems arc characterized by the fat that they fuel and the oxidizer within tbe aerospace vehicle. Such stems Conus group ‘thus may be used anywhere in space as well asin the atmosphere. Figure 1-39 shows the essential features of & Hquid-propellant rocket system, Two propellants (an oxidizer anda fuel) are pumped into the combustion chamber there they ignite. The nozle aceceraes the products of combustion to heh ‘loctcs and exhausts them to the atmenphere or space ‘A sold-propellant rocket motor i the simples of all propulsion syste Figure 1-10 shows the esclial features ofthis typeof system. Tn this ster the fuel and oxidizer are mixed together and east into a solid mas called (H ‘eran, The grain, usually formed with s hole down the middle called (Me eh = == fs fimly cemented tothe inside ofthe combustion chamber. Ater ‘iin burns radially outward, and the hot combustion gascs pass jon and are exhavsted through the nozale. ce of propellant feed sjsem in the soi-propellan rocket is is major advantages. Liquid rockets, om the other hand, may be Tater restarted, and their thrust may be varied somewhat by speed ofthe fuel and oxidizer pumps, ‘Thrust m_of the static thrast. Application of the momentum equation ‘Chap. 2 will show that the static thrust is function of the flow rate ry, the exhaust velocity V, and pressure P, the exhaust the ambient pressure P. Figure\I-tt shows a schematic of a cket to be considered for analysis, We assume the flow to be onal, with » steady cxit velocity V, and propelant flow rate ‘rocket we place a control volume o whose control surface intersect jet perpendicularly through the exit plane of the nozle. Thrust rection opposite 1 the direction of V The reaction tothe thrust, nyo hold the rocket and control volume stationary is shown in Fig. conditions. It is convenient to define an efecive exhaust velocity C as) rae sy, Impulse for a rocket is defined as the thrust per unit of ‘weight ow ss) pt “The momentum equation applied to this sytem gives te following: 4s the aceleration du to gravity at sea level. The unit of fy isthe 1:4) and (1:59 he spec mp am al be ten a 1. Sum of forces acting on the outside surface of the control volume: aed 59) sich nee DE-F-@- PA ke 56) Blo 22 The not rate of change of momentum fr the control volume: 18 Find the specie impuhe of he pace shut min engine SSME) roles 14), Fe the data given nthe ged the ore ofthe Ml Fy actng on the convergent ct Dbetneen salons 12nd Feqwaion A, ~ Pu — PAs UHsAsViNo~ ANE] Fig 2140), f+ a em AT te 10M = mi for igh ptm of ma sous ALN AN pen Fg = 137,900 02 ~ 101,325 N01? am g/see(6~2)m/sce o =T7S0N-101N ~1800N and =ISHEN (ac tole in ssued poston) Fay, he foro he water he dct i IS688N acs torah) nm sunt fr rf cto. tm equation my now be used tod the dr onthe aia, This force wl inside both the nin fcion and prenare dag. We sich the Plume © withthe terms of the momenturs equation ss shown in Fig Fagn Fow “Taking foresight a8 postive, we have fom the sketch above Example 23. Figure 218 shows the steady fw coniions a sctons 1 and 2 stout an atl moaned in wind tna! where he toa eet he all tne opie Determine the section ag comin Cf thi fi. Solution. Sie the Bow i steady, the contin equation may be ws tnd the unknown vec Van low DEAR A MBA ho N= wravans AV =CAVh Oats) “ baton pier bv webieedi oe (via peanut (vs-2vi-!y2) =o, rego +018 2 1) ten] xe 27ON Fae actetolet £ Toa ag fore for sein fie and By aes tote fe 272 8174Nim Fs ‘id ane dg tein a Ako sect et Tov 1GaF Came RAS Example 2-4 Figure 2:17 shows # tet stand for determining th thes of nel rocket, The propellants enter at secon 1 at mas Now rac gh [Sac a ely of sD mse. and a presure of 07 MPa. The net wpe for Propet n very exible and the fore eter on the rocket ghey {he nae cu acon 2, the an ODS andthe preware T1OKPs Th fore re iy the ees 2700N, atmospheric peste fe 827 KPa bh Ny ‘steady Determine the atau! veloc secon 2 seuming ene imeigg Mw exits Mecca! fctonal fess may Be neveted eS ee SON ee adage bony tyme tha Feet fs Na, ac sods oe hw td Dri od meen Be es 248) a he prem wed tn tpn tomo ei ech teehron vac et oe es os eee eee adh ee momento equation othe conta vole shown In Fg. 2180, we can icuRe 208 Bene » tetine vores os Fea Aaa gy OF LAWS FOR FLUID Since the ow is steady, the comity equton yields 1, =, 1Skace i ‘a convenient summary of the material covered so far in this aaa ie tm a’ culos othe mam, cc en, nd suas (10-122) 10 06) quan aysem (contol ha) and for cota volume ew isi aa terms ofthe contol volume equtios rtr Yo quantes = 03.5 misee ie ‘at the control surface (neglecting body forces). Thus, to use the mae Paes Eo ~ O-Werattr rain -wtr sek E Fees ee’ POTTTITIAT , 7 a nove 27 r Srotiestte ‘contrat volume equations for steady flow, one need only examine the boundary ‘ofthe control region and iestify the applicable terms of the equations Ty paraphrase Prandtl and Tisjes concerning the theorem of momentum fry, their Fundamentals of Hydro ond Aeromechanics (Ret. 14) of temperature only. The gx» constant A is related 10 the ips constant, and the molecular weight ofthe gas M by R, R uw of the gas constant and molecular weight fr typical gases are peso Table 23m several unit systems: R, -W31431/(Gmal:K) = Bi mol-"R)- the definition of enthalpy per unit mass of substance in Eq, simplifies for a perfect gusto hawt RT ex) (2.31) and (232) combined show thatthe enthalpy per unit mass i fe functon of temperature k= (7). Difeentating Eq. (32) gives n= du + RAT ex ls dh ad du in Eq. (2-33) are related to the specific heat at land specie heat at constant volume [sce definitions in HO:3)], respectively. 8 follows ‘The undoubted abe ofthe seady How conte volume equations Hx th ae ‘hat heir apt eats one to obtain ress in psa! problens fo at 1 tnowledge ofthe boundary cenions. There i mo toed Yo be to ying ‘hoot the state of fuk, the mechan ofthe mation, trot the cog Needles to say, the ist step in analyzing a Mud flow problem is clear statement oF understanding of the contol volume and it srface. In this respect, note thatthe mas in the control volume nocd not be restricted (oth ef owing Mid. The contol volumes of Figs. 22a and 2-17 ilsrate thi point “The flows analyzed in this chapter have generally been through volumes 1 volume equations ply aso to infinitesimally sized control volumes as long as the Buid is a continuum Examples of the vse ofan infinitesimal control volume will be given in Chap. 3 “The basic laws discussed in this chapter represent a powerfl st of ‘analy tols which frm the starting point inthe analysis of any contioaum fiuid ow problem. Equations (28) through (2-11), or Eqs. (220), (224), (2-28), and. 2-29) plus an equation of state relating the thermodynamic ‘Properties ofthe substance under consideration will frm the basi of all the Analytical work to follow. Definitions of new quantities may be introduced, but no further fan: damental laws will be required. Since the relations prevented in tis chapter form the starting point of al analytical studies to follow, time spent on the th=c,aT = 647 oth spectc heats canbe functions of temperature. These equations fod from state 110 state 20 give homework problems of thi chap, which are designed to rng out hse co ce) understanding ofthe fundamental equations, wil be well invested 1 n= | ear (233) 2.12 PERFECT GAS General Characteristics ‘The thermodynamic equations of sate fora perfect gas are ution of the equations for dt and du into Eq. (2-38) gives the eimeen specie heals fr a perfect gas 230) P= kT ew the ratio ofthe specific heat at constant pressre tothe spectc heat elume, ot uaa) en where Pi the theemodymamic pressure, p isthe density, the gas const Tis the thermodynamic lemperature, and the internal energy per int 8 yet eo) ‘Properties of ideal gases at 29815 K (536.67 R) so ayant tin-mjt-e atonships esult fom using Eqs. (236) and (2.6): oan fa ay aa) equation relates the entropy per unit mass s to the other [Proper of a substance It can be writen as dus PAUP) _ dh (ip) db freee Patel ier Gay the Gibbs equation canbe writen simply as en) en quations can be intagrated between sates and 2 to yield the premio or the change entropy fs epee om Be feeaaet en heats ae known functions of temperature for a perfect ens, then (2.35), (2-2), and (2-43) canbe integrated from # reference state for further use in what ae called ga ables for the sped of sound in a perfect ga is eaiy obtained by ') and 20) 10 ive Vere ew Caorially Perfect Gas that Ess (251), (252), and @253) apply only to a calor ‘ calorically perf ass a erect 3s with constant specie heats, aa.) tderoing a bertropie poss. inthis ease, he expresions for changes ntroal energy eabay sg simpy the following 26, Air ity ot 270 snd ma pened revel and =m nel 7) 45 al rere Stn id he Bal epertre bohm ess-T) e ee q Sethe Oe erp rom il fae, E91) cn sonseln nine? en ed tose er te al cpa Pe arn Rs on —Ring 45) Equations (2-47) and (248) can be rearranged to give the following uations for the temperature ratio T/T; i and P=10sim to Y= M00M/se. Find the xk tempertre and EGP ot From Eqs (2-37) and (2-38), these expressions become 1 Applcton ofthe ft law of thermnyounic to the one gs the for cally erect gx 9) x uation an be rearranged to ge arm S 2eg, OEE TIOTS = 3000-1489 =22511°R 5 (2) for P gives ="(7) het Isentropic Process For an isentropic process (6,~ 11), Eqs. (249), (250), snd (230) yield folloing equations est) {or a Perfect Gas termodynamic sate diagram with the coordinates of entropy 5. Since the enthalpy of @ perfect gas depends upoo. alone, aha cya ‘an replace enthalpy asthe coordinate of a Mollie diagram for ‘When temperature T and entropy + are the coordinates of @ Mollicr diagram, we cal it a 7-1 diagram. We ean construct lines of cons ‘of Perfect Gases pressure and density inthe T- diagram by using Eqs. 2-42) and 2-1). Forg 4 mistue of perfect gases, ex the perfect gas equation lorically perfect gay Egy (2-47) ad (248) can be writen between any stage ee gee ne land the entropy reference state (#~0) as PV =NRAT isthe number of moles and A, isthe universal gas constant. The seen Re Tdcalized independent perfect pass, each having the temperatire Sa Poe the volume V. The paral pressure of pus 1's r seein Rin NRG 4g the Gibbs-Dalion law, the pressure of the gas minture of m where Try Fas and Pe ate the values of temperature, pressure, and deny, the sum ofthe partial presutes ofeach constituent: respectively, when s =0. Since the most common working fuid in gas turbine engine sary Fig. 219 was consructed for air by using the above equations vith these data 5 easy, p= LOOM (kgK) Toy =2882K pg = L22Skg/ 5) R=O286KI|(kg-K) Pag 1 stm ~101,225 Pa ratio ofthe number of moles of constituent 10 the total number of the mistue is called the mole fracion 7, By using the above the mole fraction of eonsttuent canbe shown to equal the ratio of pressure of constituent tothe pressure of the mistre: ord es) Gibb Dalton law sho states thatthe internal energy, enthalpy, and | mixture are qual, respectively, to the sum of the iternal ‘enthalpies, and the entropis of he constvens when each alone wolume ofthe mixture a the mistre temperature. Thus we an a mixture of» constituents ee tg [A ag fr lly pcp ‘The specifi heats ofthe mistre follow diestly the definitions of «and the above equations. Fora mistre of constituents, the specie heat, be rowriten as (2), Sain (263), we can express this pressure ratio ia terms of the redused where ms the total mass ofthe misture Gas Tables 2) Inthe ease ofa pecfect gas with nonconstant specie eat, the variation ofthe specific heat at constant pressure cs normally modeled by several terms of power series in temperature 7. This expression is used in conjunction with the feneral equations presented above and the new equations that are developed below to generate a gas table fora particular gas (See Ref. 18) es For convenience, we deine perfect gas, the properties h, Fu a, and are functions of 7, ean be caleulated by starting witha polynomial fr c- Say we polynomial KA HAT EAT HAT HAT HAT HAT HAT’ 268) ean ea) for hand a8 functions of temperature follow directly from (2-41) and (2-62): Aigo Ae ae a oy AeqesAee At om patie Ar Br ea a 4 Bie, Aig Agreed Alot sats Sr Aes fore Gr em) eecaane reference values, the variations of P, and v, follow from Eqs where P, and vy ate called the reduced pressure and reduced volume and the above ‘espectvely. Using the defisition of ¢ from Eq. (262) in Eq. 2-43) gives ro) Bebe bs es) B ai ows through the inlet and compressor ofthe gas turbine engine ‘senttopic process between sates 1 and 2, Ea. (268) reduces to ‘of combustion flow through the engine components dowa~ ms 4 combustion proces. Most gas turbine engines se hydrocarbon br- 6 =R In m (CHL). We can ase the above equations to estimate the 7 ofthese ites, piven the ratio ofthe mass of acl burned 0 the mass a eee TaEmooalec aevirw 167 ‘mass of at. Por convenience, we use the fuel/air rato f, defined #8 Force) while asigned tothe Air Force's Acro Propulsion Laboratory ‘and they continue to be widely used inthe industy. Appendix Dy ce Value of 2 for P, at MPR und f= 0 ‘mass of fuel ass of 7 en Program AFPROP. uter program AFPROP was written by sing the above constants for jets of combustion from sir with (CHL) The program can the four primary thormodysamic propetis ata nate (PT ands) elit ratio fand two independent thermodynamic properties (ay, ‘The maximum value of fis 00676 forthe hydrocarbon fuels of composition (Ci) Given the values of , and ¢ for air and the values of combustion products, the values ef c,h and @ for the mixture follow directly from the Imiture equations [Eqs (2-5) through (20) and are given by 1.9857117 Buu/lbm °R) 2897 =f 0.946185 show the use ofthe gas tables, me wll resolve Examples 2S and 26, gs tablos of App. D. These problems could sso be solved by using program AFPROP. O79) a+ ayes Some? Kazat x my ers 27. Ae ny at 1007 and tm i compress rvesby and Bp aly io el prema of 5 at. Fnd he fl epee as >) Sic he pees eto tio il sine, 24 ean $2 fps feds rte ial eae prose How App Dm 3 19K) one ena ipo, 28a Append D i a ale of the properties and. as functions ofthe Bais temperature and fuel/air ratio f for sir and combustion products [ir ith hyarorarbon fuels of composition (CH),] at low pressure (Perfect gs). Thase data are based on the above equations and the constants given in Table 2, ‘which ate valid over the temperature range of 300 to 4007'R, These conn ‘come from the gas turbine engine modeling work of Capt. Joba 8. Mekinney isxc1am— 19192 Lapp. D for a= 19.8, the nal tenporature i S8440°C (627K) Tis TOK lower than the rol obuined in Example 25 fr ai clorally ie Constants for air and combustion products wsed in App. D and program AFPROP (Ret. 16) 28. Airs expanded heroically through «moze ta 7, = 3007, (and F)=t0atm to V.= 000 A/ae= Find the ext temperature and ‘Conte prota of Saran ‘Appliaton of he fst lw of thermody tothe moze gives the for elraly pvt sae AL ESR 10-9 + Maas: 4: esiseer 0+ A -tepe sie ae fe 2 ‘App. D at f=0 and 7,~3007R, fh, =790L46 Brum and Py =938.6 aise % IE shove craton for hs es Tei ats ti Tee Staessen ‘Se REE ah RN 7.46 17974~ 610.72 Tecoma neview B09 . a ‘thw thal the force F aecosury 10 eld the pepe i pce ci be IGURES P24 and 72.2 ens For h=61072Buulbm and f=0, App. D gives T)=2077.7R and Py =3505 icune mt ‘Using Eg. (40), we sole for he ext pressure “These resus for temperature and pesure at ation 2 ae hier by 125° and (107 atm respectively than those Obtained in Example 25 or oo Pem{a-n+e) la ee see Serica earnest Renee eats the page. Application of the conservation of mass requires V;cos B, = A sam thy fn ety fn a Pi et Oo etn anes oe he pe amet sin hw st ae ee a cont sera ence rae PE ty ps ed bled 0 a cpginn cote ome al te nal momenta equa, show See eee as oo ran SSocees Le ahr eee a a 2 tev gore ny Pas mop a ‘i Se eeeeeeee eam een ae rad Lonsen-veeen)-0-r9] Seco eam lace ey as 3 e Berane) Aes dete by aa sac change of mont ct ad . feed on te Base the Hd alowed tp mone sweety Vi Voult~(2)] ‘may be derived trom the moving blade. This i the basic pencil of the a TarloeTe ett Mi 2.9, mh nny horn etn ty de Aveniny Oe Sane prose sound ef show tt he a : Faal-(6)1 7 Ea eign) and vert forces fy the dom the Hage ae sven by ‘niu W058) yyy ting Cala the force or 4 mas Now ate of 10 Ibe, w= = 20 and p= 24, One mahod of reducing an aca’ landing distance i ough the we of hat reverts Comer the turbofan engine in Fig. F246 th tt revert fhe bypass seam Tes gen tht 1500on/ee of ai at 0 and 1.7 pn ney the engin at elo of fe and hat 2S bc of pa i lene the engine at 6 wo the Honan veloaty of Hee, and presse of ‘M7 pin. The remaining 250Tbm sec leaves the engine core at a veh Of {00sec and reste a 147 pa Detrmin he fore on the tt Asse the oats ofthe engine ses prose of 147 fi [Ae with a density of 0027 h/t entra dtr at elec of 270 sc and stat romure ofp. The reser the ifs at slo 9101 aa {ete presse of 68 pa The entrance aren of the difter 1a fre is 17. Determine the magitade aed econ of the tt force necessary 1o old ihe ase staionry when ths aisr operated in an aimee era ae 28 Wis given ht SO e/a of ni eters dfn ota velity of 750 m/sec sd Sate presars of 20 4Pa The ai aves the difecr a ect of 90m ad 5 1 sae presare of SOKPA, The entanc area ofthe sitar 250m, {cut aes Is 028m" Determine the map and ection of the sre necessary to Bod the ausr staionary when ths dier opera 0 stmonperie presure of 20K £29, is given tht 10 Ibe of al eaters nae a veo of 60 tse nd 8 state pes of 7p Theat eves he noe at ec of 40 sc aed ttle pressure of 2pm The entano area ofthe nove 14S ands at 308% Determine the magne and rst of he st forse essary Be wrth saony when Wn kw eperaed bm imager olin ith a Sosy fOS8 fn enter nore a ey of 18m nd a Jpn of SDKPe. The arlerer te nce na wos of LD m/sec flat prmore of 10XPa. Ta snrance ee he soo 1D ends tech b Bm Determine the mipitide an Seto ofthe rat force to bold the noe sttnary whens nore oped tan ru of 10KPa. calc pefert show th P+ pV can be wen ws PCL + 9A. tintihe Mach number Mir dtd a the vlty Ved the pedo Fa 1400K, Butm, and 03 Mch expands ential rough maze to Aang esircalypertr guia the ex erprsae aad th fest arse fra maw flowrate ot ghee Tsien hat 250imsec of t 2007F 10stm, and 0.2 Mach expands ly throught noe to | atm. Assming » oly pred a od fo tempera nd the inet an ext areas. St SIKTR i fenopcaly comresed ron 1 0 1Daim Assuming ype gas determine then leper a Ne empresa for sms fw ate 50 en that SOkg/e oa aL 2082s Netopia come fom | 40 ‘suming clos sect gu, determine te ex cpr hd empress put pom. 1 “SSF, 4 pa and M ~25 rte am icatope dice with an int aca and ins at 02 Asruming 2 lov pret an, eter ‘Tae mss Bow se of he energie he pressure and temperatre ote ain i ‘Toe sire and mapa ad drt he face 0 he diese asin eae of ie sot) 94235 2, and M=20 eres a neti ir with a et rn and lens a 112. Assuming clo ptfc gs erin Tee ow at oe ncn Presure and tomate of he ewig st Be Stare nd map te Urano fe force on he se assone So itn sos 28KPs) A IIT. Api and M = cotransport an nt ea HE sd are at 10 pon. Avuming ncaeay ere pn, Stemi re eo and mas ow rae othe crag ar 4 Te tomer and Mach i of he vig i The ate nd apna td aveton Of fae mth oz (sa cde tnt e ps) — 29, Ait 100K. OUP ad A=. an epi ze ha tg {NOS anise ot kPa. Aung clr pret oe demic 15 The temperate and Mach number fhe vig st Tsetse and mpi and dete oe oc onthe nz (ang ‘ute of alc er BPS) 2.08 liven hat I yea exes aay ow compressa am dS, Ieee 200m ond SOV the pone nat fn he fr wey ‘prison a ele nd nge Spy be pono Ne (Asn "toaster es) 24, lagen that gh of eter a sety ow crmpcc at tm sd 2° Teresa 30am and Pte poco Ste the pt pow ‘pei ole a ea and agen egy ee proce eves (Aca Seay pert) 221 ingen tha Boca ene a ent ow eis 209 nd 380% Imes a Wain Fr a tne cheney of 8 prin deer he Senge mc hangs my Cay 28, gen that fof sr nes teat ow tia 3a ad 200 Items at isan fora frbte eile) of pce deem ee temperature cpl pet and change in emp. (Aue ary pe = 2904 At a LF, 300pa and 30 Kec ete og ned pipe of unto SSomctes Ai the cat, he pemc hn coppd to 29 ple” Amen aneaky fea pec he tener ad vy othe ext [nS bh the ms fowl {nthe es re coat os robin cosa Ao itv of hemoipnamin fr fae) comm Ug the lo a Comouanin wblu tor te ait sebety and he or ie call cae a Thechang in entry 228, A at 200K, 20am, td 7Dm/se ene ong nated pipe of ano Glance At te ei the pre har opp to 6cestn Assn carey prea ex dere

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