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= Table srandparents las bebies sugar elabuelo grendfather Ia galleta 1a cachara spoon, In abuela grandmother In hamburguess eleuchillo lenifo 1a fami family ethelado jeecream la pimiento pepper tos hermanes siblings eljamen ham el plato plate elhermano brother lalimonada lemonade Ia sal salt ta hermana sister fos pasteles pastries la servilleca napa los padros parents el perrito caliente hot dog ol tensdor forke elpadre, el papi father, dad ta pizza piczn ——_el'vaso alas Jaimadre,la mama mother, mom — el postee essen tos prion cousing etiquese cheese elprime (male) cousin elrefresco op ta prima (female cousin claindwich sandwich Sree abrir los repalbs to open gifts lacelebracion celebration elebear to oaletrate Pre compartir to share decerar cloumpleates —bisthday Ia flor la fiesta party et globo. hhacertin video to make a video lat, pl Jas haces ight preparer to prepare slpepel picade cut paper decorations laquinceafiera sweet 15 romper la pinata to break the pinata sacar fotos to take photos el patio de recreo playground -ito -Add the suffix -ito(-a, -os, -as) to the end of nouns to mean “small” or “little.” It can also be used to show affection. «Mis primos acaban de comprar un perrito nuevo. = My cousins just bought a new little dog. -Isimo “Add the suffix —isimo (-a, -os, -as) to the end of adjectives to say that someone or something is “very...” or “extremely...”. »Esta pelicula es interesantisima. = This movie is very interesting. =Here are a few patterns you may have already seen before: * Hermano hermanito (little brother) *Poco > poquito —~ adjectives ending in -co or ~ca change to -qu *Ricas > riquisimas (very rich/tasty) +Popular > popularisimo (very poplar) e

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