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Kamal and Rajan were cycling along the river. They wanted to go fishing.

are so happy with the activity as they planned it for weeks since its already holiday.
The fishing spot they choose is located at Kampung Bingkul near their house.
When they arrived at the fishing spot, they carried their pail and fishing rod to the
fishing spot. The fishing spot is the best place to caught a lot of big fish. While they
are walking towards to the fishing spot they heard a person crying for help. They
quickly ran towards the worrying sound and found a boy is drowning.
Without any hesitation, Kamal jumped to the river and saved the boy that is
drowning. Kamal bring the boy to the shore .Kamal is drench,his cloth and shoes are
wet He take off his shoes then dry them. The boy thanked Kamal, the boy
introduced himself as Hakimi . Hakimi also fishing but he slipped while setting up his
fishing rod but sadly he got leg cramp and causing him unable to swim properly.
After that they became friend. They talked about fishing and school till the evening.
Hakimi was very thankful to them if they werent around Hakimi might die drowned
in the river. Kamal and Rajan were also feel thankful because they plan to come
fishing because they saved a person life.
Lastly , as time pass by its already evening with the pail with various fish they
gone home and planning to go fishing together again. Hakimi again thank Kamal for
his bravery saving him from the life and death situation.

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