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Surface Questions:

1. What are some of the similarities between the original paragraph style writing and the word
I realized the major words of the article are in a big font in the word clouds, as the main
paragraph focused on.
2. What are some of the differences?
I dont think anyone will understand the whole idea of the main paragraph from just seeing the
world clouds it shows you the subject but not everything.
3. What words are larger and more emphasized?
I chose Animal Abuse as an animal right, so the larg words and more emphasized are Animal,
Abuse, Violence, Right and Human.
4. Are these words that are important to the original message/intent? How so?
Yes, because I chose Animal Rights and all the large words are related to the main subject.
5. What shape did the word cloud take, if any? What does it imply or lead to you to think
about, if anything?
I actually chose the shape of the word cloud I made them all related to the subject like I chose for
2 of them an Animal shape.
6. What colors did you end up with? How do these colors set tone or intent for your word
For the violence article I chose a bloody color which is red I thought its related somehow.

Context Questions:
7. How does moving from composing/paragraph style, to the word cloud style, change the
message of your statement? How so?
I can let anyone see my word clouds understand the idea of the main paragraph, so I dont think I
changed the main idea.
8. What is the use of moving from a paragraph structure to a cloud (or other) structure in
writing? How so?
It is a new way to deliver the same thing written in any paragraph, which sometimes make it
easier for some people or more interesting.

9. How could you apply this to your personal writing processes during drafting or composing,
even revising?
I could make my brainstorming easier by using these new methods.
10. So, overall, what did you think? Interesting experiment or total waste of time? Somewhere
in-between? Please elaborate why so.
Of course it interested me this is my first time trying to use word clouds, I like the way how it
dilver what is written in a 2 pages essay in one image.

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