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I formatted all the cells in row

H so that the telephone
number would be displayed as
text. This makes it so that we
are able to see the full number.

I formatted all the cells in row J
and changed it to date. This is
because it automatically makes it
scientific so in formatting it, it
makes the date correct.

I formatted all the cells in
row L and changed it to
currency so that when I
type a number in that
column, it turns into pounds

I formatted all the cells in row P
and changed it to date. This is
because it automatically makes it
scientific so in formatting it, it
makes the date correct.


I clicked cell I and went to data

validation and changed the allow
section to list. Then I clicked source
and went to my Ticket Types section
and highlighted adult, child and
concession, then pressed enter. This
enables me to choose adult, child or
concession for any person using the
drop down box.


I clicked cell K and went to data

validation and changed the
allow section to list. Then I
clicked source and went to my
Ticket Types section and
highlighted North, East, South,
West, then pressed enter. This
enables me to choose North,
East, South, West for any person
using the drop down box.


In using the formula =VLOOKUP(I3,Tickets,2,False) for row L, it looks up the

ticket type for whether it is an adult, child or concession and puts the price
in automatically from the table from the Ticket Types on another
spreadsheet page.


For row P, you use the formula =J3+365 which selects the cell from the Date of
App and gets the date. From there, using the formula, it adds 1 year onto the
original date.


I clicked cell Q and went to data validation and changed the allow section to list. Then I
clicked source and went to my Ticket Types section and highlighted North, East, South,
West, then pressed enter. This enables me to choose North, East, South, West for any
person using the drop down box.

I highlighted cells A2 to P2
and clicked insert. From there,
I clicked table and ticked the
box so my table had headers.
This makes it so the title for
each section stands out,
making it easier to read.


To do this, you do =COUNTIF(Applications!I:I,Ticket Types!A2) which tells you how many

people want that type of ticket. However, we dont want that as its not what we are asked. So
instead, you use the formula =C2-(COUNTIF(Applications!I:I,Ticket Types!A2)) which will then
take away the amount of tickets that are requested away from the total tickets available. This
then gives us the amount of tickets remaining. Furthermore, to work out the other two ticket
types, you just drag the bar down and the formula works for the other two ticket types.


To work out the income of one of the ticket types, you use the formula =B2*(C2-D2)
which takes the tickets remaining away from the total remaining and then multiplies it
by the cost of one ticket. Then you drag the formula from that cell to the others to do it
automatically. Finally, to work out the total income, you click the cell to the right of
total and press AutoSum which adds all 3 incomes together to get a total.


To work out the number of tickets sold in which stand, you use the formula
=COUNTIF(Applications!O:O,'Ticket Types'!A7) which searches for the name of the stand in
the section, Applications counts up how many tickets have been allocated with that stand.
This then tells us how many tickets have been sold in that area of the stadium. You then
drag the formula down for the other boxes.


To get a graph, you highlight the 4 different stands and hold down the control key and
then highlight the number of tickets sold for each stand. Then you click insert and
insert a pie chart.

To get the applications table, you click the
little arrow at the top of the page, next to
the redo button. Then you go down to
more commands and change popular
commands into all commands., After that,
you look for form and click add, then ok.

I created a title page with hyperlinks
for the two other pages so you can
easily go to the pages automatically.
Also, there is a hyperlink on the other
pages which link back to the main
menu and search for what you want
again. To do this, I typed the title of
the other pages in and right clicked
with my mouse. This allowed me to
add a hyperlink and place it in the
same document. I could then choose
what page I wanted the hyperlink to
link to.

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