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1. Create a new database called University.
2. Create table Student, Course, Faculty, Offering, and Enrollment. Refer text book for the
list of attributes belong to each of the table.
3. Write the SQL statement for inserting data in Student table.
4. What will select StdFirstName, StdMajor, from Student ; display?

Write the SQL statement for listing data from department ,rank, and salary columns of
Faculty table.

6. What will select salary, 1_name from faculty display?

7. Write the SELECT statement to extract the ids of faculty members who get salary more
than $50000
8. Write the SELECT statement to extract the first and last names of all Associate
9. What will the following SELECT statement display:
SELECT * from Student where StdGPA <=3.00;
10. List all student names (last name followed by first name) who live in Seattle


1. List all students whose last names begin with N.
2. Display the names of all students majoring in Finance.
3. What will the following statement display
SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName, StdClass from
Student where StdFirstName LIKE %o%
4. List the last names and ranks of all ASST in table Faculty
5. List the first and the last names of all faculty members who draw less than or equal to
$40000 and are not Professor or Associate Professor
6. What is displayed by the following statement?
SELECT OfferNo, CourseNo, OffTerm, OffYear from offering
AND OffYear < 2006
7. List all enrollment data that have enrollment grade between 3.30 and 3.50.
8. Select names of all faculty members who are form MS department and are not
9. Leonard Fibon falls in love with Julia Mills. She now wants her last name to be changed
to Fibon
10. All Assistance get increment 2% from their salaries.
11. Course Fundamentals of Database now know as Fundamentals of Database Design
and the Course Units change to 3 hour.

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