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Running head: The Power of Solar Energy

The Power of Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Renewable Energy Source
Shakira Harper
The Pennsylvania State University

The Power of Solar Energy


There are various complications within the environment in modern day. With climate
change being the most highlighted, global warming has become a problem on the incline and is
still rising. This is mostly due to pollution and other harmful practices done by people and
businesses around the world. As a way to combat those who do not practice going green, using
products that are less harmful to the environment may not change circumstances entirely but it is
a good start. This paper consists of highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of using solar
energy as a primary source of electricity and other household uses. It gives a clear understanding
of the environmental problem and how solar energy technology can help the fix the problem.
Overall, it gives in insight on how people can change the world by changing themselves.

The Power of Solar Energy

The Power of Solar Energy:

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Renewable Energy Source
Energy, of all sources, is a part of humans and animals everyday lives. Energy is used
through food, used for physical activities, and used to operate an abundance of machinery that is
used today. Automobiles, power plants, houses, and technology is just a few things that require
the use of energy to get it going. Energy can be stored or received from anywhere such as tanks,
generators, and even the sun. Solar energy comes directly from the sun and is used as an
alternative for harmful sources like fossil fuels. However, with solar energy being such a rich
outlet, there are other sources that create problems for the social and economic environments of
peoples livelihood. The emission of harmful gases and non-safe uses of different equipment has
had a bad impact and alternatives, like renewable energy sources, should be used more often.
The switch would be very beneficial in many ways as far as cost, health, and furthering
technological innovations.
There has been a systematic change within our environment across the years both
globally and domestically. This is due to a number of things such as pollution, machinery use,
lack of recycling, and many more contributions from different sources (National Geographic,
2016). These actions have led to climate changes, contaminated water areas, and unsafe living
arrangements throughout various communities. In fact, sea levels have been projected to increase
even further than they already are if there is no substantial change in the future. Natural disasters
(i.e. hurricanes, tornadoes) will be even more detrimental as the climate change for the worse.
Remnants from these events will leave behind more damages, more costs, and unfortunately
more deaths.

The Power of Solar Energy

Environmental changes are becoming more of a problem because of the adverse effects it
leaves behind. People are being subjected to higher costs and lower benefits to use or operate
essential devices and items to live. Some examples would be gas prices, taxes on food and
clothing, and extensive billing on home services such as heating and electricity. The problem is
that there are not enough alternatives for more efficient and more environmental friendly uses in
home and in the community. It is hypothesized that if people switch to using products engineered
by solar energy, they would save a lot of money in the long run and be exposed to less hazardous
material. This would lead to a safer environment without having to alter your whole life by
going green. This paper aims to identify the pros and cons of solar energy technology and
provide extensive research involving these pros and cons in a conceptual way.
Literature Review
Solar energy is radiant light and heat emitted from the sun to provide multiple
technological uses (Greenough, 2016). The suns energy is then stored for purposes like solar
heating, solar thermal energy, and solar architecture. Solar energy is derived from the process of
nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion begins with the combustion of small atoms to form one large atom
(University of California, 2002). Nuclei of four hydrogen atoms combine to become one helium
atom where excess matter is released. According to the law of conservation of energy, this lost
matter is transformed into radiant energy produced by the sun (Lightman, 2000). Radiant
energy takes on different forms with radio waves having the lowest frequency and gamma rays
having the largest frequency (Psaltis, 2008). Therefore, energy can be emitted over a broad
spectrum and provide different uses at each i.e. the electromagnetic spectrum.

The Power of Solar Energy

Innovations of solar energy date back to 7th century B.C. (U.S. Department of Energy,
2001). During those times, people were not given the luxury of the technology that is used
modern day. Historically, magnifying glasses and sunlight displayed an interaction that helped
shape the future of solar energy methodologies. Later on, the idea for solar powered steam
engine back in the 1860s became the predecessors for parabolic dish collectors operated today
(Smith, 2015). From then on, solar energy has been improving to enhance the quality of
household uses and transportation.
Solar Energy Conceptualized
There have been various studies and observations done to assess the implications of solar
energy and how it effects the environment. For instance, Tsoutsos, Frantzeskaki, & Gekass
(2005) study looked at environmental impacts of implementing solar energy technologies in
various communities. The authors examined environmental factors mostly by way of a series of
observations within each subcategory. These categories consisted of focusing on pollution,
health impacts, noise pollution, land use, etc. It was assumed that solar technology offered by
evaluating these aspects, it provides a broad range of views and ideas surrounding how either
beneficial or harmful solar technology could be. Observations were recorded overtime and
considered for analyses after substantial review.
Results associated with this study reflected a lot of ideas. For one, the authors found that
solar technology did do more good than harm. The land needed for low heating systems in this
development was miniscule being as though the system only required the roof of an existing
building (Tsoutsos, Frantzeskaki, & Gekas, 2005). This reduces the idea of competition or
conflict over unused land, which involves property/land rights. On the other hand, this study
mostly highlighted negatives of using solar technology. Accidental leakages, air pollution, and

The Power of Solar Energy

the robust noise from occupying such a development were amongst the downsides of solar
technology. In all, these researchers aimed to notify future developers of possible ways to
increase the safety and efficiency of solar systems. To critique these findings, the authors could
have included more information about social impacts of solar energy. Their focus on
environmental and economic complications was beneficial, but they fail to acknowledge health
or cost consequences of using solar technology.
To bridge the gap from the previous study, there is an abundant of research on the
aftermath of solar technology from a societal standpoint. Yuan, Zuo, & Mas (2011) took a
quantitative approach to examine the social acceptance of products generated by solar energy.
There has been various instances where people know about the renewable energy source, but not
enough to want to invest their time in. In a global prospective these researchers identified how
China, a lucrative manufacturing country, applied solar energy to their everyday lives. Results
showed that people are more aware of solar water heating than solar photovoltaic systems (Yuan,
Zuo, & Ma, 2011. Some reasons were due to income, age, and education of home residents.
Overall, this study showed that despite preferences of which system to use, people abroad
displayed as much interest in solar energy products as domestic people. Previous research has
identified the advantages of switching to a renewable energy source that is useful for everyone.
Not only do it provide substantial power, but it provides safer uses than other products.
Solar energy is a valuable alternative from various sources such as fossil fuels, coal,
natural gas, etc. By emitting zero greenhouse gases, it does not contribute tremendously to the
failing climate circumstances that people are subjected to today (Union of Concerned Scientists,
2013). It enables the operation of electricity driven by solar energy to be more environmental

The Power of Solar Energy

friendly. Inhaling harmful gases would not be too problematic due to solar energy products
containing few hazardous materials. This provide a sense of relief especially for those who are
going green or care tremendously about the environment. It also allows people to live a
healthier lifestyle when switching to less hazardous products.
Clean air has been becoming a part of a lot of agencys mission statement like the
Environmental Protection Agency. Therefore, the acceptance of developments that include little
to no contribution to the negative consequences of air pollution is highly favorable. Even though
solar technologies and architecture emits little to no hazardous gases, they still consist of
hazardous materials to the environment that could unfortunately be deadly. For example, solar
panels are constructed with different materials with one mainly being silicon. Developers
thought silicon was a better option due to costs and installation aspects. However, it can in fact
cause numerous health problems when around these panels for long periods of time (Zach,
Roshini, & Caleb, 2015). The disease associated with these health malfunctions is called
silicosis, which can cause damaged to the lungs and effect respiratory functions within the
human body (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2015). Studies have shown that this disease has
killed on average 25 people and has deterred many from investing in solar technologies.
In addition, it is difficult for solar plants to co-occupy land with agricultural infested
areas. This is due to the mixture of these technologies with land-grown food is not healthy. The
problem from this involves there being limited space for solar technologies to flourish. It also has
to do with the extreme amounts of water supply needed for systems such as solar water heating,
For instance, concentrating solar thermal plants use 600 to 650 gallons of water per mega-watt
hour of electricity used (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2013). That amount of water takes away
from potential agriculture plants and makes it more of a challenge to find land that can access

The Power of Solar Energy

that flow of water at a time. Despite water being accessible everywhere, bodies of water is hard
to find especially in the mid-west where there is more dry land.
Further social impacts involve the remnants of using a lot of water for storage. According
to solar panel plus, storing heat energy in water tanks can result in mold and fungi. Not only is
this hazardous but it can also create a lot of bacteria and germs that are not good for both people
and animals. This can in turn become illnesses or infections due to being exposed to fungal
infested surfaces. That is counteractive to peoples livelihoods and opens the door to other health
complications. Incentives to install this type of solar technology would decrease drastically,
making it hard for people to see the value of doing so.
Despite the negative backlash of solar energy technology, there are more positive
connotations associated with it. For one, various products are cost effective and affordable for
most people. One product in particular would be the solar heating and solar cooling systems that
are found in homes across the country. These products in turn makes paying bills much more
affordable when using solar energy for electricity or the equivalent. Efficiency is also a factor
when considering the uses of solar energy. Instead of using standard lightbulbs, switching to
solar powered lightbulbs like LED and fluorescent, requires less energy per watt per lumen (U.S.
Department of Energy, 2001). With this, people save hundreds of dollars a year on household
bills and necessities. Again, not only would money be saved, but people are contributing to the
restoration of negative climate changes. Household emissions are important to the environment
so it is crucial for families to consider using products that will help climate changing events.
Furthermore, investing in solar technology increases property value and open the door for
various job opportunities. Architecture is a lucrative field and the installation of solar systems are
even more monetary beneficial. Therefore, when people need these systems installed it creates

The Power of Solar Energy

job for those who are both looking for work and out of the workforce. The skills required for the
job is extensive and compensation for a job well done is rewarding. As long as people invest in
solar technology, workers would not have to worry about looking for work or losing a job. Once
things like solar panels are installed, it adds value to houses. For instance, people can sell their
home at an increase property value rate because they imbedded a valuable asset to their home.
That increases returns and people are satisfied with getting their moneys worth. First Solar is
one of the many organizations who aim to improve solar diversity and ensure less risks of fuelprice volatility (First Solar, 2016). Overall, there are problems within our society that solar
energy can help reduce. Increased pollution, raised sea levels, and lack of environmental
initiatives partly stem from people not making better environmental choices. Using solar induced
products could provide less emissions of harmful gases, affordable pathways, and quality
In conclusion, solar energy is a better alternative when considering beneficial sources to
our environment. As a renewable energy source, it is available almost everywhere and it cannot
exhaust or run out. It is used for multiple purposes such as water heating, washing machines,
small appliances, and various other items. Since it is everywhere, that makes it that much more
important to ensure that it is not harmful and contain numerous advantages. It does however,
have a lot of downfalls. Installation of solar panels can be costly and not all places around the
world have substantial access to the sun. Moreover, some solar technologies cannot be used at
night and require a backup generator or battery to function in the suns absence. Even still, solar
energy is highly sustainable and clean. It is one of the most sustainable energy sources and
people everywhere will benefit long term both financially and physically.

The Power of Solar Energy


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The Power of Solar Energy


Tsoutsos, T., Frantzeskaki, N., & Gekas, V. (2005). Environmental impacts from the solar
energy technologies. Energy Policy, 33(3), 289-296.
U.S. Department of Energy (2001). The history of solar. Web. Retrieved from
U.S. National Library of Medicine (2015). Silicosis. Web. Retrieved from
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Yuan, X., Zuo, J., & Ma, C. (2011). Social acceptance of solar energy technologies in China
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