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(PRELIMANRY TRAINING) Wash face and Eyes with water that has its amen loaded the following thoughts:
a. The ability to find any object
b. The ability to see the truth of any situation.
c. Ability to see the astral body of any object.
d. The ability to through a person in a illusion.
(PRELIMANRY TRAINING) Visual in perfect 3D any object. Grade yourself be analyzing the mistakes in the
visualized object and the actual object
(PRELIMANRY TRAINING) Imagine the mental eye, the astral eye, and the physical eye overlaying each
other but distinct. The southern god sees through these the various planes. The physical is tuned only to
the physical. The astral eye only sees the energy bodies of the astral plane. The mental body sees only the
mental images that people see themselves as.
(PRELIMANRY TRAINING) Ensure the elements are balanced and at strong levels within the system.
Training Steps
a. Take up your asana posture and imagine that you are inhaling the universal light similar in form and
brilliance to our sunlight through pore breathing.
b. Regard your body as a hollow organ (Vase refer to scroll Auset for the symbology) filled completely with
this universal bright white light.
c. Ensure the light is loaded with the desired qualities and compressed.
d. As soon as you have sucked in the light into your body in this manner, together with the quoted
qualities, and if you can feel its tension and penetrating power inside you, accumulate the light with the
help of your imagination from the feet and hands towards the head, compress the light around the eyes
or the one eye you intend to load.


e. Allow the eyes to download the ability for 10 min.

f. Once this time period has elapsed and it is felt that the eye has absorbed the energy then allow the eys
to discharge and return to normal spiritual pressure.
g. Warning: Improper preparation for this exercise can lead to eye strain if the eye is weakened initially.

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