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Elliot Schwid


Assignment 4/ Archaeological Excavations

Field Sample List

Artifact Description Location

#1 Clear, petro-chemical hand object. Maker’s mark 40 cm North
= seemingly random numbers. Not as strong as 30 cm East
metallic. Not sharp can be held in a hand.
#2 Purple, stretchy petro-chemical object. Hand size, 40 cm North
smooth. Appears to be able to hold things. 80 cm East
Possibly for feet?
#3 Yellow cylindrical petro-chemical with metal top. 35 North
Appears to contain flint. Chemical analysis shows 75 East
the presence of flammable chemical.
#4 Small round brown circle piece of metal. Contains 30 cm North
English engravings. Dates. “In god we trust”. 70 cm East
#5 Black metallic object. It was found wrapped 25 cm North
around another metal standing object. The object 20 cm East
could not be removed from its place. Appears to
be two interlocking pieces.
#6 Thin pliable material filled with a leafy substance. 20 cm North
Chemical analysis showed the leafy substance had 20 cm East
been burned. Possible interaction between this and
object # 3? Chemical analysis also showed
presence of nicotine.
#7 Petro-chemical ball with another ball inside. 15 cm North
Maker’s mark shows “Coca-Cola” possible 5 cm East
advertising tool?
#8 White “packet” containing some substance. 5 cm North
Maker’s mark indicates “Heinz”. Possible edible 50 cm East
#9 Metal objects attached to another metal object. 15 cm North
Smaller objects are solid and are round at the top 10 cm East
and long with grooves. The tops have numbers
indicating they might have some sort of sequence.
#10 Elevated platform, evidence for repainting. 20 cm North
Elevated by metal stands. Different materials All East
attaching stands to living space #1.
Living Space Description Locations

#1 Aggregate sand, ground up lime stone, hardened Starts at 15 cm North goes

and smoothed. parallel with living space
#2 goes all the way east.

#2 Organic compounds mostly consisting of bark, Starts at 0 cm North and

wood chips and soil. Object # 10 separates two stops at 15 cm North.
living spaces.

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