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Cavalcate, gridate,

urlate, attaccate,
massacrate alle spalle questo
sporco negro che ha il torto
di assomigliarvi.
le sue mogli
e le sue sorelle
massacrate i suoi bimbi
bruciate le sue case
rubate le sue terre...
Giustizia fatta,
qui in Ruanda.
A Roma
la tua redingote, in fretta
taglia i tuoi capelli, rasati, e
copriti la pelle di tatuaggi.

Ride, yell,
scream, attack,
shoot in the back this
;&(B>*-,55)%*?B.3)*3,is that he looks like you.

his wives
and his sisters
massacre his kids
burn his homes
steal his lands
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Justice is done,
here in Rwanda.

In Rome

Put on
your army boots, wear
your frock coat, quickly
cut your hair, your beard, and
cover your skin with tattoos.


le vostre pietre,
le vostre frecce, i vostri vecchi fucili.
E presto, presto,
i vostri cavalli,
e spronateli
a sangue. Suonate
le vostre trombe,
eccitate e liberate le
vostre mute di cani assassini.
La caccia al negro aperta.

Take up
your stones,
And quickly, quickly,
your horses,
and whip them
until they bleed. Blow
your trumpets,
stir up and set free
your hordes of killer dogs.
The nigger hunt is open.


In Ruanda

Ballata assurda

In Rwanda

Absurd Ballad

Cercalo nei bar,

percorri il litorale, getta un occhio
alle fermate dei bus, le vie buie,
le case fatiscenti, la stazione.
e soprattutto nessuna piet per
questo intruso di sporco negro che ha lardire
di calpestare le tue aiuole.
E vomita il tuo odio,
la tua ignoranza e la tua follia, e urla:
allo sporco negro.
Cos giustizia fatta,
qui a Roma.
A Berlino
la tua redingote,
la tua croce uncinata.
Gott ist mit euch.
Eccetera, eccetera...
Fai come a Roma.

Seek him in bars,

along the shore, check out
all the bus stops, the black alleys,
the crumbling homes, the train station.
Get him out in the open,
and above all show no pity for

And vomit your hate,

your ignorance, your folly and yell:

Thats how justice is done
here in Rome.

In Berlin

Put on your army boots,

your frock coat,
your Nazi cross.
Gott ist mit euch.
Et cetera, et cetera
Do as in Rome.


Organizza la tua muta, armala,

di fucili,
di solide sbarre di ferro,
di grosse catene in acciaio temprato.
Cavalca la tua bella macchina
e presto,
presto guida a tutta
velocit come un dannato.
Brucia i semafori
clacsona ai quattro venti...
La caccia al negro al culmine.

Organize your pack, arm them

with guns,
with solid bars of steel,
with thick chains of tempered steel.
Step on your cool machine
and quickly,
quickly ride it at full
speed like a damned fool.
Ignore the stoplights
blow your horn to the four winds
The hunt for the nigger is on.


Riempi il tuo cuore di odio

prendi il tuo coltello
e il tuo manganello.

Fill your heart with hate

take along your knife
and your nightstick.

nero quasi.
lui non deve essere bianco.
deve pagare, lultimo degli europei.
Cos giustizia fatta. Dio grazie.

To the one from Rwanda because hes black.
To the Indian because is neither black nor white.
To the Arab because hes not white enough
and almost black.
To the Polack because he is too white.
To the one from Bosnia because especially he
must not be white.
To the Albanian,
who must pay, since hes the least European.
And to the Portuguese because you cant tell
And to the Indio because he is from Chiapas,
and to the woman because shes not a man.
To the homosexual and why not?

Shoot, shoot in the back.

That is how justice is done. Thank God.


Giustizia sar sempre fatta.

Dio con voi.
Fate come a Berlino
anche se siete a Parigi.
Fate come a Parigi
anche se siete a Bruxelles.
anche se siete sul tram,
o sul marciapiede.

Justice will always be done.

God is with you.
Do it as in Berlin
even if you are in Paris.
Do it as in Paris
even if you are in Bruxelles.
even if you are on a bus,
or on the sidewalk.


Ma presto
della caccia al negro
pugnala alle spalle
e senza piet
questo sporco negro ditaliano che puzza
troppo di maccheroni.
E non sta mai a casa sua.

But quickly
because you could miss the best
part of the nigger hunt
knife in the back
and with no pity
this dirty Italian nigger who stinks
too much of macaroni
and never stays in his own place.


Cos giustizia fatta. Dio grazie.
Puntate: fuoco... fuoco.
Puntate: fuoco... fuoco.

Shoot, shoot in the back.

That is how justice is done.Thank God.


Cherche-le dans les bars,

parcours le littoral,
jette un il larrt des bus,
pour cet intrus de sale ngre,
qui a le culot
et tue-le.
Et hurle et vomi ta haine,
ton ignorance et ta folie: Mort au sale ngre.
Prenez vos pierres,
vos arcs et vos fusils, et vite,
vite, sautez sur vos chevaux et fouettez-les
jusquau sang.
Sonnez vos trombes, excitez et liberez
votre meute de chiens tueurs...
La chasse au ngre est ouverte.
Chevauchez, criez, hurlez,
attaquez, massacrez derrire le dos
ce sale ngre qui a le tort de vous ressembler.
Violez ses femmes et ses surs,
brlez ses cases, volez ses terres...
Justice est faite.

Cherche-le dans les bars,

parcours le littoral,
jette un il larrt des bus,
pour cet intrus de sale ngre,
qui a le culot
et tue-le.
Et hurle et vomi ta haine,
ton ignorance et ta folie: Mort au sale ngre.
Prenez vos pierres,
vos arcs et vos fusils, et vite,
vite, sautez sur vos chevaux et fouettez-les
jusquau sang.
Sonnez vos trombes, excitez et liberez
votre meute de chiens tueurs...
La chasse au ngre est ouverte.
Chevauchez, criez, hurlez,
attaquez, massacrez derrire le dos
ce sale ngre qui a le tort de vous ressembler.
Violez ses femmes et ses surs,
brlez ses cases, volez ses terres...
Justice est faite.

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