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Kindergarten Lesson Plan for Week of 4/18/16

Objective: To have students keep a steady beat and learn about spring through a
fun song.
Materials Needed: Game Plan K page 105, page 107, page 109
Rhythm practice: Speak and Clap your first name
1. Students say their first and last name together while clapping syllables for
their names, class echoes.
Rhyme: Bumble Bee
Bumble Bee, bumble bee, stung a man on his knee, stung a pig upon his snout. I
say you are out!
1. Say rhyme for class
2. Have students echo rhyme back in 1 measure phrases until whole class can
say rhyme.
3. Make a circle with teacher in the middle, have class repeat rhyme as the
teacher keeps a half note beat pointing to each student in circle, at end of
rhyme, I say you are out student teacher ends on is out and sits down.
4. Play until only one person left.
5. Have students who are out, keep steady beat on lap. (pass out woodblocks).
Song: The Cuckoo
1. Sing song for children
2. Ask questions about song: what is a cuckoo? (bird) where do they live? Come
out in spring, what is spring?
3. Isolate words cuckoo, have students echo melody back,
4. Sing song again, students sing along every time cuckoo is sung
1. Divide class in half, half of the class are cuckoo birds, other half are trees
2. Birds hide behind the trees and peek their head out every time cuckoo is
sung in song
3. At end of song, teacher improvises melody on xylophone and birds fly to a
different tree, when the xylophone stops students should freeze and be at
new tree
4. Song repeats 3-4x
5. Switch groups, birds become trees, trees become birds
I can:

Use my singing voice.

Keep a steady beat.

Second Grade Lesson Plan for Week of 4/18/16

Objective: To learn ABA form and have students demonstrate knowledge of rhythm
by echoing rhythm patterns on the drums.
Materials Needed: Game Plan 2 page 87, 4 African drums
Song: Whos That?
A Section:
1. Warm up students voice.
2. Teach students song by singing it until they can join in.
3. Add body percussion: pat on leg for whos that
Tap hand for tapping at my window
Pretend to knock for knocking at my door
4. Add xylophone instruments for quarter note, half note rhythm.
B Section:
Poem: knock, knock. Whos there? Ba-na-na! ba-na-na who? 2x
Knock, knock, whos there? Orange! Orange who? Orange you glad I didnt say bana-na again?
5. Perform in ABA form
- Break class in half, half the class performs song on xylophones, second
half of the class performs B section poem while keeping steady beat on
- Teacher does 4 beat rhythms for students on drum to echo back
- Repeat song and switch
Ending Song: Viva La Musica.
1. Teach class song 3 sections
2. Have kids stand in circle to sing song and come up with different motion for
each of the 3 sections.

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