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Case Study:


a. E.O
b. 20 Months
c. Hispanic
d. Female


Information Source
The method and tools I used to gather information about E.O. is the Profile for
Infant/Toddler Developmental Checklist, Teaching Strategies Gold, and Partners for
Healthy Babies, and Home Visits.


Background Information
a. E.O. is the youngest child of the family. She has 2 older sisters and 1 older
brother. The oldest sister is attending high school. The other siblings are attending
elementary school. E.O. does not have many opportunities to play with children
her age, but at this time she is attending socialization at Chicanos Por la Causa.
Socialization is provided for the family twice a month; if Mom has a form of
transportation she is able to attend with toddler. Mom is a high school graduate
and homemaker. Dad completed the first year of high school; he is the sole
provider of their extended family (E.O. grandparents also live at the same
residence). Dad works through an employment agency, which provides part-time
jobs throughout the year.
b. Describe childs physical characteristics (size in relationship to others the same
age, health, and abilities) E.O. is 20 months old; during socialization E.O. is
attentively with children from 0-32 months. She has not engaged with other
children at this time. She explores all areas in the classroom except for the infant
section, which is available for parent and babies from ages 0-12 months. E.O is
also aware of other children in the classroom.
c. Describe the childs attendance and participation patterns As of 01/27/1
(enrollment), E.O. has attended socialization 5 times this year. Attending
socializations, for 1 and a half hours, is part of the agreement for the Early Head
Start Home Base Program. When Mom has transportation available she attends
socialization. They both participate in each activity such as circle time, exploring,
and lunch time.
d. Based on my current understanding of child development, observation and
assessment E.O. is in the typical range. E.O. currently communicates with Mom
by pointing, babbling and repeating words. She listens to 1 step directions. E.O.
also performs tasks that are developmentally appropriate.


Developmental Performance
a. E.O. likes to look at picture books. On 03/24/16, during a home visit, E.O. grabs
the book from the toy bag (Home Visitor provides bag with activities), she sits
on the couch and looks at the pictures, turning the pages one at a time (She
sometimes skips a page). When she looked through the pages she hands the book
to her Mom to read. E.O. listens as Mom reads the story. E.O. also enjoys
physical activities such as throwing and rolling balls. During socialization child
would throw a ball overhand to Home Visitor and to Mom. E.O. also walked to
the basketball hoop and inserted the ball through the hoop. As ball would roll
away she picked it up and threw it in the hoop once again. (She did this 3 to 4
b. E.O. area of limitation is based on Moms concern with speech and language, E.O.
currently communicates with Mom by pointing, babbling and repeating words. I
have expressed to mom the importance of reading to E.O. for 15-20 minutes a day
and also talking to her throughout the day. I have given Mom a couple books that
she could add into her library at home.
c. Describe the childs overall personality/temperament; support these with
observations or examples E.O. is smiling when Home Visitor arrives at her house,
she is also eager to learn when she searches for an activity in the toy bag. Home
Visitor demonstrates how to use an activity such as a peg board. E.O. listens and
observes how to use the object. With help with the first few pegs, E.O.
successfully inserts all the pegs on the board.


Conclusion and Recommendations

a. Based on my current understanding of child development, observation and
assessment Mom needs continue to talk with her child throughout the day. I have
given Mom a few ideas to expand her toddlers language and communication.
Some of these are as follows: Self-talk actions, sing songs and rhymes, pretend
play, reading daily for 10-15 minutes, and taking field trips to the library once a
week. As you model 2-3 word sentences or phrases, E.O. will learn new words
and increase her vocabulary.
b. Some recommendations for the classroom would be playing in the dramatic play
area, naming items throughout the classroom, be engaged with E.O.s interest
areas. Talk and ask questions as well as giving E.O. time to respond.
c. I have expressed to mom the importance of reading to E.O. for 15-20 minutes a
day and also talking to her throughout the day. I have given Mom a couple books
that she could add into her library at home. I also provided a resource to the
phoenix library where she could check out books with pictures, animals, flip
books as well as texture books.

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