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Name: Sherron Gardiner

Section: 01

Subject: Math

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Title of Lesson: Take it away

Establishing the Lesson Framework
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills

(3) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop an understanding of addition and subtraction situations in
order to solve problems. The student is expected to:
(B) solve word problems using objects to find differences within 10
The student will:
a) Solve and model subtraction story problems
b) Create story problems and provide modeled solutions
Rationale for teaching this lesson: Students need to practice thinking and problem solving skills
Content Area Literacy Strategy/Rationale for choosing a specific strategy:
This strategy will give students the opportunity to verbalize their thinking as well as to listen to what others have to say
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS):

(3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking. The ELL speaks in a variety of modes for a variety of purposes with an awareness of
different language registers (formal/informal) using vocabulary with increasing fluency and accuracy in language arts and all content areas. ELLs
may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL to meet
grade-level learning expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically
accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the students level of English language proficiency. The student is
expected to:

(B) expand and internalize initial English vocabulary by learning and using high-frequency Enlish words necessary for identifying and describing
people, places, and objects, by retelling simple stories and basic information represented or supported by pictures, and by learning and using routine
language needed for classroom communication;
(C) speak using a variety of grammatical structures, sentence lengths, sentence types, and connecting words with increasing accuracy and ease as
more English is acquired;
(D) speak using grade-level content area vocabulary in context to internalize new English words and build academic language proficiency;
(E) share information in cooperative learning interactions;
Evaluation Strategies
Pre- Assessment Have students complete a subtraction problem the day before
Formative Assessment: Observation during interactive activity
Summative/Post Assessment: Create and solve a story problem
Designing Supportive Learning Environments



A bowling pin set

Dry erase marker
Magnetized miniature bowling pins

Chart paper
Magnetized miniature bowling pins


My Dog Subtraction
Computer with overhead screen for video
Doc camera.

Handout with assessment

(justify why needed or not


Classroom should be a grouped arrangement and have a rug area for student to gather

Student Grouping
Technology Needs

Students to work in teams of three or four for group activities

Computer, Doc camera

Safety Concerns
Student Needs/Adaptations



General student
Student B

Challenging behavior among most students

Be consistent in addressing misbehavior

Prepare to redirect frequently.

Student C

Content Knowledge

What content do you (the teacher) need to know in order to teach this lesson?
What other connections do you need to know?
The teacher should have a thorough knowledge of number and operations, as any attention to the concept of subtraction can lead to
questions regarding other topics.

How will you make the content clear and meaningful to the students?
The lesson will be taught interactively so the student can participate in its step by step presentation. In addition, the lesson has a game-like component
which usually appeal to students. The use of manipulatives to model story about the students themselves will ensure that the content is clear and

What are some content-related responses you anticipate from your students?
What possible errors or misconceptions could the students make?
How can you correct these errors and misconceptions?
A student may respond by stating that he is nor familiar with the number being discussed. Learning numbers is not a quick fix, but the teacher can help the
student by giving opportunities to become more familiar with the numbers. Teacher can count numbers out loud and have students match the sound with
concrete objects.

What are some anticipated student behaviors/comments as students are learning the concept/s or skill/s?
How can you be prepared?
Students may find the concept difficult to grasp, As a part of the lesson planning a teacher should prepare to reteach a concept again
Instructional Strategies
The instructional model(s) utilized in this lesson is (are):

____X_ Direct My Instruction _x____ Cooperative Learning

_____ Discovery Learning ____ Simulations

The teacher will

The student will

_____Other /specify___Interactive Learning______

-State objectives for lesson
-Ask student to think-pair share with someone close to them about what the minus
sign means to them
--Listen and participated in the Literacy strategy activity

Type of formative

-Listen to what students share to get an idea of their understanding

Approximate time

5 mins.
Be sure to include Content Area Literacy Strategies and ESL Strategies

The teacher will

-Show a short you tube video about subtraction My Dog Subtraction at the

beginning of the lesson.
-Set up the bowling pin activity and have students do the bowling to generate a
Story problem from which a math sentence will be written and the modeling
-Help students to work through the different scenarios.
- Ask students to get back in their groups and complete the story problem

with math sentence and modeling, using chart paper.

After the group work, students will be asked to complete their individual story
problem with a math sentence and a modelling.
The student will
Type of formative
Approximate time

-participate in the interactive teaching

-join with group for group assignment and do the individual piece at the appropriate
Students responses will be closely observed by teacher during the group activities.
Students will be asked questions to check for understanding while the teacher is
moving through the classroom.
35 40 minutes

CLOSURE (keep this short (2-3 min); summarize the lesson, & focus on important skills learned)
The teacher will
Do a quick story problem on the white board and seek the students feedback

The student will

The students will listen and respond to questions asked by their teacher using
appropriate vocabulary.

Type of formative

Listening to students responses.

Approximate time
(must be short: 1-3 min)

3 - 5 mins

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