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Getting to Know You

Please fill in the blanks with information about yourself. If you need more space, use the back
of the sheet.
1. Number of people in your family: ___________
2. Number of brothers: ___________
Number of sisters: ____________
3. Do you have any pets?
If so, describe them:
4. If you had an entire day to do anything youd like, how would you spent that day?
5. Describe your ideal teacher:
6. What do you consider to be your best school subject? ____________________
7. What after school activities do you participate in?
8. What are some fears you have about fourth grade?
9. Tell me anything else youd like me to know about you.

Dear Parents,
I would like to know more about your child so that I can better meet his or her individual
needs. Please take a moment to complete the following surveys and return them to me by
Friday, August 31. Feel free to use the back to list any additional information of which youd
like me to be aware. I know that together we can make this year successful for your child.
Thank you!
1. What motivates your child?
2. What kinds of things upset your child?
3. My childs areas of strength are:
4. My child struggles with:
5. Are there any personal or medical problems of which I should be aware?
6. What extracurricular activities does your child participate in? When are they scheduled?
Parent Signature________________________________

Date ___________

Personal Learning Inventory

Please think about the following questions and answer honestly so that I can know what you are good at and what you might
need help with this year. Dont worry, I wont be upset no matter what you write and no one else will see this paper except

What do you like to do best during READING time? (! Check which ones you like)
" Read aloud by teacher
" Readers Theater
" Silent reading
" Reading centers
" Buddy reading
" Write your own idea here: __________________
What is easy for you during reading?

What do you think is hard during reading?

! Check which of these sentences you think is true:

" I cannot read or cannot read well.
" I need to work on reading
" Sometimes I struggle with reading
" Reading is pretty easy for me
" I am a super reader!
My favorite book is ______________________________ because ____________________________
My favorite type of book to read is: (! Check one)
" Mystery
" Historical Fiction (Fictional story about true events)
" Science Fiction/Fantasy
" Realistic fiction (Stories that COULD be true)
" Poetry
" Non-Fiction (Stories that ARE true)
" Adventure
" Traditional Literature (Fairy tales, myths, etc.)
" Biography
" Write your own:___________________

What are THREE (3) things you hope we learn in 4th grade this year?
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
Is there anything else you would like me to know?

If I asked you to write a story how would you feel?
" Excited, I am a great writer!
" Yuck! I like to do ANYTHING, but write!
" Id feel OK, I like to write.
" Yikes, Im scared of writing a story
" I dont care
Which writing sounds most interesting to you:
" A fairy tale or adventure story
" A story about something that has
happened to me
" A report about a topic I'm interested in


A poem or song
A journal about my day
An opinion essay
Directions for how to make something

What would you like to write a story about this year?

What are you good at in math?

What is difficult for you to do in math?

Put these math activities in order from your FAVORITE (5) to LEAST (1) Favorite.
_____ Math games
_____ Word Problems
_____ Worksheets
_____ Flash cards
_____ Using manipulatives
(Counters, fraction bars, etc.)

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