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Name _____________________________

Ecology Self-Assessment
Read yourself using the Levels of Understanding rubric (1-4).
_____ I can categorize elements in an ecosystem as either biotic or abiotic.
_____ I can identify the adaptations of a plant or animal.
_____ I can explain why a living thing needs to adapt to its environment.
_____ I can explain what a consumer, producer and decomposer is and
identify examples of each.
_____ I can explain what an herbivore, carnivore and omnivore is and identify
examples of each.
_____ I can explain the difference between predators and prey and provide
an example of each.
_____ I can construct a food chain and food web.
_____ I can describe the flow of energy in a food chain or food web.
_____ I can predict what will happen to a food chain or food web if an
essential part is removed.
_____ I can describe the negative human impact on food chains/webs and
can propose solutions for the problem.
My favorite activity in this unit was:
I liked it because:
The most interesting thing I learned was:
One thing I still have questions about is:

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