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Alex Butler

Jessi Morton
UWRT 1103-066
3 April 2016
Annotated Bibliography: Millennials and their Relationship with Technology

Hill, Kate. "Generation Antisocial: How Social Media Is Affecting Our Teens." ABC South East
SA. ABC, 2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.
This article is talking about our current generation's problems with social media. The
points are brought up that it's possible to walk out in front of a car, how concerts can be ruined
by it, and kids don't turn off their phones when they are getting cyber bullied. The article itself
was actually split into these three different sections. Each section contains many quotes from
people who have actually been in these situations. For example, in the first section, it is about a
girl who talks about the concert she went to being a complete waste of money because of all the
cell phones out with flash on in order to record the performance making it difficult to enjoy on its
own. The second a business owner talks about how people could stumble into the street because
their eyes are constantly glued to their phones. The third is a clinical psychologist talking about
how its easy for adults to turn off social media because its not their way of life where it is for
their kids so they dont turn it off even as they get cyber bullied.
This article is credible because the three occurrences are personal experiences. The first
one was a girl who was actually at the concert, the second part was a business owner, and the
third was a clinical psychologist. They make this entire article credible. This article is similar to
the others again because of the obviously negative points about social media and technology.
Every one of the articles Ive chosen talk mainly about the negative side of technology and social

Alex Butler

Jessi Morton
UWRT 1103-066
3 April 2016
media although a few reference the positive influence social media plays on our generation.
Overall they all talk about the negative points though.

Hughes, Jake. "Social Media Turning Our Generation into Addicts." The Paw Print. Adams State
University, 20 Sept. 2012. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.
The main point of this article is that social media is causing us to become addicted to
knowing what other people are doing and updating others on what they're doing. Addiction to
social media is a major problem. People have the constant need to share whatever they happen to
be doing and no one has moments anymore where they dont feel the need to share whatever is
happening. The author makes the point that social media can be very useful for different things
such as messaging friends who live in a different country or state. But he follows up with the
point that people have hundreds or even thousands of friends on their social media profiles who
arent actual friends. They are just random people that check up on whatever you post or do. He
also makes the point that normal conversations are becoming worse because of social media.
People can no longer hold a decent conversation. At the end he raises the question of whether
social media will ever completely disappear or not.
Its hard to say for sure whether this article is completely credible or not. I believe the
author is a student from the school but the article was credible enough to get put on the school
website and in the paper. This would also make him a member of the millennial generation so he
experiences everything first hand and sees all the problems with the generation. This article is
similar to all my other sources because its talking about the negatives of social media and

Alex Butler

Jessi Morton
UWRT 1103-066
3 April 2016
technology as a whole on our generation but points out that we dont use it for the correct
reasons or the better reasons.
Marketing. "How Technology Is Shaping the Future Generation." The Workshare Blog.
Workshare, 4 Oct. 2012. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.
This article was about how a 10-year-old child interacts with technology and brings up
issues such as the child thinking the world would be dull without technology and most
communication with friends is done over technology rather than actually meeting up in person.
She represents the millennial generation in my opinion because she talks about how she thinks
the world wouldnt be as fun without technology, as she stated it would be dull. However, she
still notices the problems with it when she talks about how all communication is done over
technology although she doesnt really realize that these are major problems for the generation.
She talks about how because of technology its easier to communicate with her friends but
doesnt realize how it affects her actual face to face conversations and this is why the millennial
generation is succumbing to technology in the first place. Because they dont realize that its
such a major issue.
At first I was a bit skeptical of this article as the author started out by stating that they are
only 23 years old, but then went on to prove credibility. The author uses only other sources to
prove the main points. The author uses a 10-year-old girls answers to questions about
technology and social media as well as backing up points with ESG Research. That is why this
source is credible. This article once again is similar to the others because it talks about the
negatives of social media and technology while also pointing out how some of it can be positive.

Alex Butler

Jessi Morton
UWRT 1103-066
3 April 2016
Being tech savvy can be useful, but being too caught up in technology and social media is a
major detriment to todays generation and unfortunately, many generations to come.
White, Gillian B. "Do Millennials Make for Bad Employees?" The Atlantic. Atlantic Media
Company, 30 Nov. 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
This article is talking about how technology makes millennials poor employees because
of their lower work ethic and laziness due to the instant gratification they expect because of
technology. It talks about how they expect more money for less work. It also presents the idea
that millennials could make better employees because of how much more difficult it is to get into
college these days. In a survey, bosses agreed that millennials are much more narcissistic
compared to the previous generation. Some other positives about millennials in the workplace
include them being up to date with technology and the tendency to be quicker learners. Overall,
this article discusses what could make millennials good workers versus being poor workers.
This article could definitely have the potential to be biased because the people who were
surveyed and the author of the article were not actually a part of the millennial generation. Their
opinions could be influenced since theyre not a millennial and it may cause them to believe that
millennials will be worse workers than they thought. It also may seem like they are better
workers when they understand technology even though it isnt complicated to figure out. The
ones surveyed were experienced managers. This article is similar to the others and my topic
because it is talking about how technology influences millennials abilities in the workplace and
overall compared to other generations.

Alex Butler

Jessi Morton
UWRT 1103-066
3 April 2016
Zachos, Elaina. "Technology Is Changing the Millennial Brain." PublicSource. PublicSource, 15
Nov. 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.
This article is talking about how millennials arent developing properly mentally because
of the increased use of technology. It talks about the difference between their parents developing
and themselves since their parents didnt grow up with technology. It also talks about how it
hurts their communication problems and even their physical development. Zachos states that the
average millennial spends around 18 hours a day using some type of digital media and 90 percent
use social media which is actually up 12 percent compared to 2005. Since the brain isnt fully
developed until age 25, the constant use of digital screens may harm development and cause us
not to develop the same way as our parents. Zachos also states Technology use can affect the
parts of the brain that control the core of a persons personality, from how they work in a team
down to hand gestures and expressions. This quote shows what technology can do to
influence the development of our brains.
This article is definitely credible because the people referenced are confirmed scientists
who have studied this subject in depth. Although the author herself isnt credible, the people
referenced are. This article is similar to all my others because once again, it compares the
millennial growth to that of our previous generation and talks about the negative influences of
technology and social media. It talks about millennials being addicted to technology and how
major of a problem that this addiction is. It overall points out all the problems technology causes
for the development of the millennial generation, a reoccurring problem.

Alex Butler
Jessi Morton
UWRT 1103-066
3 April 2016

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