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English 1A: Annotated Bibliography

Anzalda, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue. Readings for Revolutionary Writing.
Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2013. 22-32. Print.
How to Tame A Wild Tongue is about a Anzaldua speaking about her struggles from a young a
about being judged about her language being wrong. She was told that she needed to speak
english and not spanish. Anzaldua felt ashamed of her language. She later had to learn how to
speak each language to because with some people she was able to speak freely while with other
people she had to speak a certain way. She learned how to appreciate her language and that her
language is her authentic voice. She wrote this essay in two languages mixed to prove to people
that it is not wrong to write in two different languages.
Baca, Jimmy Santiago. Immigrants in Our Own Land: Poems. Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State UP, 1979. Print.
Baca, Jimmy Santiago. Poem Hunter. "As Life Was Five Poem." 3 Jan.
2003. Web. 06 Apr. 2016.
Chang, Candy. Before I Die I Want To TED. July 2012. Lecture. Web.
The speaker in the video is Candy Chang. She has tried to communicate with her community in
New Orleans by using stickers, chalk, and stencils. In the video she talks about someone close to
her named Joan who died so unexpected. She began to think about how many people get caught
up with their day-to-day life and dont remember to live their life. So she came up with an idea to
create a wall in an abandoned property near her home and make it look nicer. It had the words
before I die I want to on the wall in stencil so that the community can write their own goals
with chalk. People were able to understand their neighbors in a new way.
Davis, Dr. Sampson. et al. The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream.
New York: Riverhead, 2002. Print.
The Pact is about three young boys who grow up in a bad neighborhood and come from bad
backgrounds but set goals for themselves to accomplish their education. They each help each
other when they want to give up or when they need someone to study with. They created a pact
to make a promise that they will each get a better education and succeed together. One of the
three men grew up with mostly only his brother. His father was never around and his brothers
father left them later on but they didnt have a relationship either way. One of his friends father
believed in him that he was capable of becoming a doctor which gave him the hope to continue
Elbow, Peter. Freewriting. Readings for Revolutionary Writing. Boston: Bedford/
St.Martin's, 2013. 134-137. Print.

The author explains the effectiveness of freewriting. He says that it it simply like jabbering.
Writing without thinking and letting all your ideas just flow out of you without a filter.
Freewriting was not meant to be corrected or evaluated. We always feel obligated to go back and
correct our work. When we go back we change what we write and that makes it become
unauthentic.Peter Elbow encourages writers practice free writing because it undoes the ingrained
idea of editing while writing. This technique will enhance our writing and save it from being
dead. He provides examples of freewriting. By practicing freewriting on a regular basis we learn
to express our ideas without being corrected or criticized.
Finley, Ron. A Guerilla Garden In South Central LA TED. Feb 2013. Lecture. Web.
Ron Finley is a resident in South Central Los Angeles. He doesnt like that in almost every
corner there is a fast food place. He believes that it is so unhealthy for children as well as for
other people. He begins to plant vegetables on the sidewalk of his house. The county then warns
him that he needs to get rid of it because it is not a place to grow vegetables. He ignores the
warning and continues to grow his healthy food. He begins to share the vegetables with the
community since that was his plan the whole time for the community to eat healthy.
Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. New York: Bantam, 1993. Print.
Goldberg, Natalie. First Thoughts. Writing Down the Bones. Boston: Shambhala
publications, 2005. 8-10. Print.
Goldberg gives an instructional approach to freewriting. It is a good tool to use when you want to
get your ideas out. It is important to get your first thoughts out because those are what obstructs
your other thoughts that are held back do to social politeness. Your first thoughts are like your
first reactions. Your internal sensor is what usually tells you that you are wrong so most people
live applying their first or second thoughts. When you are writing it is important to write based
on your first thoughts. Your first thoughts are powerful and filled with emotions. All the heart
that you put into your book is what makes it interesting.
hooks, bell. Where We Stand: Class Matters. New York: Routledge, 2000. Web. Pdf.
King, Dr. Martin L. I Have a Dream. Readings for Revolutionary Writing. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 2013. 189-192. Print.
Martin, Michel. Tough Lessons On Debt For College Students. NPR. NPR, 2 May 2014.
Web. 22 Mar. 2016.
Osterndorf, Chris. Bernie Sanders Is Right: College Should Be Free for Everyone. The
Daily Dot. 12 June 2015. Web.
Pipher, Mary. Writing to Change the World. New York: Riverhead, 2008. Print.

Mary Piphers book talks about how writing can help with so many things. She begins her book
talking about how this world is messed up because it can be so cruel and such a dark place. She
uses variety of authors throughout her chapters to help support her ideas. She explains in one of
her chapters how each person in the world is individual so they have their own story to tell. Only
you are able to give the details from a moment you witnessed. She also explains how when a
person dies, a library closes. It means that a persons brain is like a library since people have so
much knowledge.
Rojas, Rick. Nearly 75% of California High School Grads Go to College, State Finds.
Nearly 75% of California High School Grads Go to College, State Finds. 11 Oct. 2011.
Snchez-Flavian, Patricia. "Language And Politicized Spaces In U.S. Latino Prison Poetry:
1970-1990." Bilingual Review 27.2 (2003): 114-124. Academic Search Premier. Web.
6 Apr. 2016.
Simmons-Duffin, Selena. For Millions Of Millennials: Some College, No Degree, Lots Of
Debt. NPR. NPR, 19 Nov. 2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2016.
Swales, John. The Concept of a Discourse Community. Feb. 2016. PDF File.
Taibbi, Matt. "The College Loan Scandal." Rolling Stone 1190 (2013): 34-39. Academic
Search Premier. Web.
Warner, Natalie. Being young and making an impact TED. April 2011. Lecture. Web.
Natalie Warner is twenty-years-old when she made this video. She talks about her
accomplishments even at such a young age. When she was younger she was shown a video that
motivated her to be a part of an organization to help stop the killing of young children and
having them as soldiers in Africa. While being a part of this organization they used their own
money to travel and protest to help stop the cruelty. Many of the protests were successful but
some werent. She was able to get Oprah Winfrey to listen to them and help protest to get a bill
passed. But having Oprahs help wasnt her accomplishment, her accomplishment was that she
was able to achieve what she wanted as such a young age and make a difference.

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