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Crossroad Health


Crossroads History
Opened in 1992
Founders: Charles Shubert, M.D., Julie Shubert, Janet German, & Sally

Four Locations
Over-the-Rhine, Rothenberg, West Cincinnati, & Harrison

Not currently accredited

Federally qualified
Mission Statement
Our mission is to give honor to Jesus Christ by providing accessible,
comprehensive health care in partnership with our patients and
community leading to health, changed lives.

Crossroads Guiding Principles

To provide services to the underserved community and to those
who have lower incomes
To share Jesus Christs love while respecting others
To promote healthy lifestyles via the body, mind, and spirit
To do Christs deeds in the spirit of prayer
To develop relationships with our community and coworkers
To care for our patients medical needs as well as prevent
unseen medical problems
To promote the sacredness of human life from conception to

Family adult and pediatric care
Cancer preventative screenings
Diabetes care

Population Being Served

See roughly 600 patients in a week
Receive around 2800 phone per week
Population they serve
20% Hispanic
20% Caucasian
60% African American
<1% Asian `

Government Funding & Private

Government Funding
Receives grants from government
25 facilities in Ohio compete for 2
Grants go to whichever facility can
prove they need it the most
Fill out 100 page packet
Proof in documentation that you
serve low income patients
Patients fill out documentation stating
the income of their household and how
many are in their household

Private Donations
Crossroad does not turn any
patient away based on their
ability to pay or not.
Relies on donations to help
cover cost of patients bills
Donate via PayPal on
Crossroads website

Patient Records

All electronic
NextGen EMR/EHR System
Bridging with hospitals in next
year or two
No plans to switch EHR System


Audited by HRSA
Every three years
Has 6 months to fix any

Self-Pay Patients
Patient who do not have insurance
Complete Sliding-Fee Application
Fill out once a year
Provide check stub
Household size
Income weekly/monthly
Sources of income (work, foster care, stipend from military)
$50 per visit without proof of income and information
$15 per visit with proof of income and information

Almost 200 employees over all 4 locations
Turnover rate
Less than 10 a year

Spanish speaking Call Operators, Physicians, and Medical


Completed 38 hours
March 8th- March 31st
Worked one-on-one with Operations Manager, Lea Ann Ruf
Worked with Data Entry Manager, Albina Rice
Visited the Health Department in Cincinnati and worked oneon-one with a Credentialing Manager, Terri Webb

Operations Management
observed deliveries of
Worked on deposits
printed patient charts
made business calls
worked on completing
credentialing paperwork for a
nurse practitioner
faxed documents and made copies
pulled patient paper chart
observed problem solving with
patients and employees
Reviewed employee policies

medical supplies
observed directing
employees to facilitate jobs
reviewed Medicare
Enrollment Application for
Group Practices
attended meeting for front
desk employees
observed checking in and
checking out of patients
observed collecting patient

Data Entry
Filed all patient encounter files for entire year (January-March)
Patient encounters included all CPT codes physicians marked

Scanned billed to Centerprise Inc. which is their billing and

consulting service
Calculated deposits
Stamped Checks

Credentialing Specialist
Meeting with Credentialing Manager of the Cincinnati Health
Department, Terri Webb.
She is in charge of over 300 healthcare workers.
Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, Nurse Practitioners, Medical Assistants,
Nurses, and Dental Assistants

Communicates via email and phone

Audited by HRSA

Employment with Crossroad

My goal is to become a
Credentialing Specialist and
receive my CPCS certification
Credentialing Specialist
Without experience -$12-$14 an hour
With experience- $25-$30

Crossroad Health Center like many

other healthcare organizations will
not hire without experience
Crossroad does not require RHIT

Afordable Care Act

The Afordable Care Act (ACA) helped Crossroads many
needful patients
Before ACA
Patients who did not have a job could not aford health care
Patients who lived in homeless shelters or domestic abuse shelters were
not able to get healthcare
Children of low income families could not get vaccines or annual checkups

After ACA
Patients from all backgrounds can aford to have health care
Children of needy families get vaccines and health care they need

Crossroads Biggest Challenges

Before ACA 60% of patients couldnt pay for services
Crossroad never turned anyone away so they would pay for the $250 visit
Crossroad would not have any income

Now after ACA government still struggles to cover what patients cant pay
Self-Pay Patients only pay $15 or $50
Government covers the rest of the $250 visit

Private donations are limited and low

Crossroads Future
Plans of expanding
Opening a school-based facility
Provide vaccines and other health services to needy children whose parents cant
take them to doctor
Plans of getting full-time Gynecologist

Overall the future of Crossroad looks promising. Crossroad is always

reaching out to those in need.

Reference: (2016). About Crossroad Health Center. Crossroad Health

Center. Retrieved from:

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