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347 ui Republic of the Philippines DEPASVMENT of AGRARIAN REFORM INE: APPLICATION POR EXEMPTION PORSUANT TO. ADMINISTRATIVE, ORPERNO 6 SERIES OF 1994 OVER FANDHOL DINGS SITUATED AT BRGY A.0999 06-F-0750-00 PRENSA. BACHE OD erry, JOSE 8. MONTILLA, J, Applicant ORDER Submitted to te Oe for.resolution is an Application for Exemption Bom t CARP coverage pursuant to Department of Justice Opinion No. 44, setles of 1990, ih Feintion lo DAR Administrative Ordet No 6, series of 1994, filed by Jose B, Montilla Jr venistered owner of the following landholdings LOT NO. TITLE NO. AREA (TA,) 9901 Rel, PSI-06-019566 P7221 03386 990-1. © PSD-06-013566 T-147722 97986 1100.13.6 PSD-06.612566 PATI 8 10R6 99U-B-7, PSD-06-011566 VeMaTRA 9 1986 990-1-7-B, PSD-064501- Y-186479 240790 030289 FOTAL 61.6744 Petition Applicant submitted, int i, the following documents, to wit 1 Covtificntions, all dated October 23, 1996 issued by Salvneloe § Malitong, City Planning and Development Coordinator! Deputized Zoning Administrator, Bacolod City, that snbiect Properticn with an aggregate area of 61.674 hectares, Incated b That expenses inemrert for survey, tilling. transtér and rebuilding of farmworkers reepective hones te the relocation site shall he shoultes dl by the tanvloxence £ Anesian well or water commetian fiom ame water source: shall he installed at the reigration «ite at the fexpenen of the fanddoscrer Ie teloeation site i Inemied on 1 "000 vq,» petion of lot 1202-82, Parl-06-038505 8 Syeriul Paver af Attorney Records show that actual field investigation was conducted on September 1999. hy atenm composed of representatives AF RCLIFPI, anvl based on its Gneings. if teeommended” approval of ineinnt applicntion just ty the abovementioned np Administentive Order, but only yp to the extent af 6N.OANG heclwer, hecane the enmining 0.7728 hectwe portion of lol 990-B-2 wae alrenrly covered puusiant to Pi Ne 27 For the foregoing, aml in view of the fact that there wae compliance with the Feqmitements pret ibed! under Adhninistative Oder No.6. series of 100, jm yeation to DOL Opinion b9. 44, series of 1090, this Office finde the petition tenable warranting anproval at the same, “The jnaperties in question verre ve-clneifiod ae non-geient prior to fe 15 198K, by moni atm dly approved soning ordiannee, within the contemplation DOE Opinion No. AA, serice af 1990 laid that the landholdings WITFRE FORE, momises comidered, it ie a Imvolved are nol agricultural sm, necordingly, the application toy exsmptien ie hershy richly approved “The Regional Director, howeesor, ie inset by iveone thal the ton © Rovampny Flies, Bacolod ¢ iy. and sahyoet nf inant application ‘sore identified for vesifeutinl woo under the 1976 Frama me Plans of the ily af Bapatad, prepared pans te the proses al the Minishy mie tren ‘senmiont amd as npptaved by the Cite Conseil jn ite esehition No S131.A, govies af 19th od vas the teat Mlminine Honing and Zoning Progen of the Nalir vial Coot clinating Council nf the Mitrisity of Human Setflemente ae append ander ity Comet Reeoinhion No $797, ert oe nh 1972 HEOHS oufifieation dred Inly 11 198 iceined hy Pike P Samonde Renional Offer, FILE, Reeron VE Hailes City, Hal Sty Ten Plane Zoning Ordinance af Bacolod City, sea apymavrdd an seplember 74 FORM by the Hunan etHements Contmiesion (HSE) ao Mons Wl Reeulatory Board (THE URRY an seenttime ccith affieial preter ond pracodwes emrted wt prnsaval tn best iets ea Ye SH which estibtished n National roowlnatine Comeil ot Four Homning amd Zoning Fevteleation of Mrocmeial inigaten Olties I Gouna neo ty Natictial Mvigution Adminietiation (MEAY Repinn <1 Taga City Mow ne (ec idonlal that enbjnet late are not ew seed by sine. National! Commun Ws iertion Price Coat ition dad September 7. 19. af OC Municipal Agrarian Reform Cficer. bev P. Sanetvs. that exespt for the 0 7798 hectare pation of Lot O8n-R.2-7, Ped 64811-02782, enhivet londhintalines sanefer pmwinint te P27 Se xcere pot pled and the re ol envered be Operabien Lane Furter, et the reining 60 20018 ert tealhe al Repmblie Act 6657 ar the CART TOPs aud Tae Dect ntione: Foeation’ Vicinity Map Alfidweit of Waiver of Rinks owe tout Uy ths fiw other eon Cetaler © 197 with the eninteramuty nt the barvlass wo tow Th Montes th whereby thie fu mvra bee have wig geal feast be a awe Tne the Fads ney shall dev ile Ts tipmion: sinnmetated i thy eaid svrivor are the fallawing A relocation area at seventy five (75 qq on mens nn in With appropricle rsd tenrline te the ors ing Hegy Felien te Racabod iy elesll he prick tn ach affected familviprrsen OF sn Fv mes. oF fremuvorker Rod therein ebniy protected aw aceordaice wih cristing Inve, les ane rep SeoPbR RED, Dit: cmon Nowenlany’ 24, 209 (eee HORACIO TE MORALES Cony tinniched VOM dese B ntontitln. Bigy Rata, Bacolud (its Negtae ecidontal 2. Pablo Wanein Sinolone co Cartagena Sf Prey How. Palsacéon Rtarntne Heo. ita The Municipal Aeration Refiven Officer DARMO Ropalad ity 1 the Provincial Apearim Re DARPO, Davie 8 Bacntad ¢ Ha OfTigey ity the Regiawal Dit rete DARRO V1. toile City BR TMED POD ABVANC

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