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Among the Hidden

Grade 7 Novel Chapter Questions

Chapter 1
Why is Luke afraid he will never be allowed outside again?
Why do you think the Government forced them to sell their land?
Chapter 2
1. What event does Luke recall that made him realize that his brothers have never
had to hide like him. 2. Why didnt Lukes parents take the Population Law
seriously when they became pregnant?
3. What did Lukes mother and father see on TV while pregnant that scared them?
Chapter 3
1. Whats happening to Lukes beloved woods?
2. Why is Dad so mad at him for looking out the window?
3. What do you think the population police do? What do you think they would do if
they found Luke?
4. What did Luke just realize that his room had? Why is that so important?
5. On page 19, write the sentence that is an example of foreshadowing. What do
you think might happen?
Chapter 4
1. Why is it not safe for Luke to eat at the table with his family anymore?
Chapter 5
1. Is it fair that the government tells Lukes family to get rid of the hogs? Why or
why not?
Chapter 6
1. Based on what we just read, what changes can you predict are in store for Luke?
How will his life change now that Mother has gotten her work permit?
Chapter 7
During this section of the story, you are able to see just how Luke is treated by his
family. Lukes family displays a shocking lack of empathy.
1. What examples from the book demonstrate the lack of empathy that Lukes
family has for his situation?
2. Why do you think Luke is willing to sacrifice his own needs for his families?
Chapter 8
Why does Lukes father get so upset with Luke when he cleaned the house and
made some bread? Would you be as mad if you were his parent? Why or why not?

Chapter 9
The book is getting a little exciting now! Luke sees another person in the Sports
Family house. What would you do if you were in Lukes position? What do you think
he is going to do?
Chapter 10
Make a text-to-self connection Would you do the same things that Luke is doing as
a third child? Would you do things differently? Explain.
Chapter 11
Read Chapter 11 silently to yourself. The description of Lukes routine life has taken
up a good portion of the book so far. How has his life changed since Mom took a
job? Does Luke have more or less freedom now? Do you think he longs more for
the outside world now?
Chapter 12
What does it mean to be courageous? Is Luke showing signs of courage? How?
Chapter 13
Dont read into Chapter 14! Predict what you think Luke is going to do next.
Chapter 14
1. Did your prediction that you made in Chapter 13 come true or not? How so?
2. What do you predict will become of Jen and Luke?
Chapter 15
Compare and contrast Luke and Jen. For each item on Lukes side, write a
comparison of the same thing on Jens side.


Chapter 16
Make sure your compare and contrast list is complete for chapter 15. - Should be
at least 7 things!
1. Why has Luke been banned from using the computer or the telephone?
2. What amazes Jen about Luke in Chapter 15?
Chapter 17
Lukes character has been evolving since the beginning of the book. He has
changed in many ways. Choose one way that he has changed and explain it using
specific examples from the book.
Chapter 18
What is the difference between a Baron and a farmer? Think about the things that
Jen has and the things that Luke has. Think about how Jen interacts with her family
and how Luke interacts with his family. Explain the differences between a Baron
and a farmer in a well written paragraph.

Chapter 19
Luke reads all the information Jen gave him about where the population law
came from. He finds it interesting and feels somewhat guilty now that he knows.
Write out a definition of the above words. Make sure you are using them in the
correct content.
Chapter 20
No Questions
Chapter 21
Foreshadowing - is the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in
literature. It helps the reader interact with the text and make predictions.
Word Roots Fore in front of
Shadow a glimpse of
Chapter 22
1. Find one example of foreshadowing.
2. Explain what the author is using to create foreshadowing.
3. What is your prediction based on the foreshadowing?
Chapter 23
1. Write a summary of what has happened up to this point in the book. Use only
main ideas and try to write it in 5 sentences or less.
- Read Chapter 23 silently.
Chapter 24
Text to Self Connections
Should Luke go to the rally?
Luke is faced with a difficult decision. He needs to decide whether or not he should
go with Jen to the rally. What would you do if you were Luke? List three reasons for
your decision.
Chapter 25
No Questions
Chapter 26
At the end of Chapter 26, Luke is in Jens room when someone walks in on him.

Write a paragraph in first person what might have gone through Lukes head as he
was discovered. Try to work in similes, metaphors, alliteration, and/or

Chapter 27
1. What surprises Luke about Jens father?
2. Would your parents be willing to do the same thing for your friend if the same
thing had happened to you?
Chapter 28
1. Jens father is way different from Lukes father. Give three examples comparing
and contrasting their similarities and/or differences.
Chapter 29
1. Why do you think the author didnt let the population police find Luke?
2. Would it have been more interesting if they had?
Chapter 30
What do you think is in store for Luke now?

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