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Hannah Floyd
Mark Stenger
ENGL 112
24 April 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Adams, Caralee. Recess Makes Kids Smarter. Scholastic Teachers. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
In this website, Adams begins with a story from a parent of a fourth grade child.
She talks about the childs experience with recess at school, and how it has
changed from then to now. She also talks about who makes the decision when it
comes to recess, and how many schools in Chicago are with recess and the
amount of time that they have while at recess. She concludes the article by giving
examples and reasons on why it is that recess should be given more to kids
throughout the day, and the benefits of having more recess and why kids need to
be more active during the day.
I will use Adams article to support my argument that having only one recess a day
during school is not enough for a child.
Blad, Evie. "Withholding Recess as a Punishment Declines." Education Week. Web. 20
Apr. 2016.
In this article by Blad, she talks about how more schools are getting away with
taking recess from children for disciplinary reasons. She then talks about how
schools around the country have came up with policies that limit the teachers
ability to take away recess time. She also talks about the number of schools who
are successfully using that policy and how the children are benefiting from it.


There is also a point in the article where some educators talk about how taking
away recess is for unrelated behaviors, such as incomplete homework. Then she
continues to talk about what they are doing to change it and how educators are
making things different for those students in the classroom.
I will use Blads article for the Rogerian paper to talk about the opposing
viewpoints that are being said about recess. I will also say that there are ways they
can agree and use this article to explain why.
Cordell, Sigrid. "Nixing Recess: The Silly, Alarmingly Popular Way to Punish Kids."The
Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
In this website, Cordell begins by talking about an actual incident that happened
when a student lost recess because he forgot homework or a signature form. Then
he talks about the percent of schools that take away recess as a punishment. He
then says that it is now a state issue, because so many kids need their daily
amount of physical activity. Then there is a list of alternatives for discipline, so
that there can be a fair agreement while still giving those children discipline,
without taking away their recess. Finally, he talks about how parents can really
make a difference, that what they say to educators can really have an impact when
it comes to their child.
I will use Cordells website to talk about how educators can come to an agreement
when it comes to having some discipline in the classroom. I will talk about how
there are many other ways to discipline students for late or no homework, rather
than taking recess from them.


Crawford, Nicole. Fight for the Right to Recess: 3 Reasons Kids Need Break Time.
Breaking Muscle. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
In Crawfords article, she talks about her own experiences with recess for
children. She says how her husband is the new headmaster of a charter school and
how it is hard for them to have safe recess in such a busy town that they were in.
She continues to say that it does not mean that they are going to stop having
recess. She continues to state the three reasons why recess is so crucial to kids
now. She concludes by saying what you can do to make recess better, even if you
have limited sources or are in a certain are where it might be difficult.
I will use Crawfords article to prove to educators that say they do not have a safe
school environment that there are other options and things that they can do to
provide activity to their students.
Day, Nicholas. Teaching Kids How to Play at Recess. Web 27 Mar. 2016.
In Days website, he talks about how some schools have been getting rid of recess
to replace it with more math and science time. He then talks about how scientists
have said how important recess is and that replacing it is not good for students.
Then he continues to say that when you give children more recess is when you
find them more focused on schoolwork. He concludes by saying that recess is
good for children to have social interaction.
I will use Days information to talk about how having more than one recess
throughout the day is important for how well each child stays focused throughout
the day.
Lutz, Sharon. "The Wrightslaw Way." The Wrightslaw Way. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.


In this article, Lutz uses an incident from a parent with a child who has ADHD.
They talk about how their child has a hard time finishing their homework and that
the teacher takes away his recess as a punishment. She continues to say that this
type of punishment does not work for her son because it only causes stress and
depression to him. She asks Lutz if there is anything she can do so that her son
can continue to have recess like everyone else. Lutz gives her own examples of
the types of negative impacts that losing recess has on a child with ADHD. She
then gives solutions and other ways that the school can discipline the child for not
completing his homework.
I will use Lutzs article to talk about how no recess effects children with ADHD as
well, and what educators can do with these students to discipline them, instead of
taking away their recess.
Parker, Clifton B. School Recess Offers Benefits to Student Well Being, Standard
Educator Reports. Stanford University. 11 Feb. 2015. Web 27 Mar. 2016.
This article by Parker talks about how important recess is for children. He talks
about how it can improve students attitudes and can even help with bullying. He
continues to talk about schools with recess and a good environment can help the
student feel safer and want to be more engaged when it comes to class time. He
also continues to say that more recess time also leads to an increase in student and
teacher behavior as well as better behavior with peers from the class.
I will use the editorial from Parker to let my readers know that recess can help
with bullying. Most people think that it can lead to more bullying but with this
article I can state reasons why it can help decrease bullying.


Pica, Rae. Why Kids Need Recess. Why Kids Need Recess. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.
In this editorial by Pica, she states seven different ways that kids need recess. She
says that not only kids need breaks throughout the day but adults do as well. She
continues to say that research all the way back in the 1800s says that people learn
better when they are active. She also notes that the natural sunlight can help as
well, stating that it can improve your wellness. She concludes by saying that
exercise is healthy and the ways that it helps our body and why kids need it every
I will use Picas article to talk about the ways that having kids outside at recess
can benefit their wellness and how they perform in school.
Rochman, Bonnie. Yay for Recess: Pediatricians Say Its as Important as Math or
Reading. Time. Time, 31 Dec. 2012. Web 27 Mar. 2016.
In this website by Rochman, she talks about how recess can help students be there
best and do their best while in class. She also continues to say that teachers should
encourage it upon students because it is very important for their development as
well as the way that they interact with their peers. She then continues to say that
the AAP committee is developing a statement regarding recess as a physical
activity and how important it is to have it at school. She concludes by quoting the
AAP and their statement on why recess should be used as a physical activity for
I will use the article by Rochman when I explain that there are other important
sources as to why recess is needed throughout the school day and that it is not just
a time for play but a physical activity also.


Shute, Nancy. 4 Reasons More Recess Helps Kids Do Better in School. US News. U.S.
News & World Report, 4 Feb. 2010. Web 27 Mar. 2016.
In this article by Shute, it is not very long but she begins to talk about the benefits
of recess in her own perspective because she was a volunteer at her daughters
elementary school. She talks about what she saw and what she thinks is important
for the kids. She then goes on to talk about statistics on how many schools no
longer provide a recess. She lastly states four reasons why recess is so important
but it did not come from her, it came from principals and vice principals so they
can get the outlook of how important they think it is to students.
I will use Shutes editorial to further explain reasons on why recess is so
important and also state that these reasonings come from principals that want to
see students succeed and have plenty of recess.
The Five Secret Benefits of Recess. Playworks. 19 Sept. 2011. Web 27 Mar. 2016.
In this article from playworks, they are brief about the benefits of recess but they
have really good reasoning on how important recess is and what parents need to
know about it. They also continue to talk about how it can help the fight against
childhood obesity, which is very important for young children. They conclude by
talking about brain development and how important recess and exercise can play a
role when involving that.
I will use this article from playworks to talk about facts that my paper needs from
other outside sources and how recess and exercise can help fight childhood
Why Do Kids Need Recess? Why Kids Need Recess. Web 27 Mar. 2016.


In this article from new kids center, it begins to talk about six reasons that
children need recess and why it is so important to them in this time of their lives.
They continue on to say four reasons as to how you can promote more recess as a
parent and as an educator. They let parents know that they have a right to be open
to the schools if they think what they are doing is not right or if they think the
children need more time to play at school.
I will use this article from new kids center to explain to parents that you are able
to do something about the recess time the children are lacking. The parents have rights
too and it is important that the school knows they are concerned.

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