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A. Candidates First & Last Name: Ayse Matay
B. Subject/Content Area: Mathematics
C. Grade Level (PK-12): Grade 1
D. Unit Topic: Data Management
E. Lesson Topic: M&M graphing
F. Duration of Lesson: 40 minutes
G. Materials:
1. 15 M&Ms (various colors)
2. 1 blank grid (bar graph creation)
3. 1 sheet of questions about the bar graphs.
4. Crayons (One for each color of M&Ms.) Each student will use their own crayons
a. Red
b. Brown
c. Orange
d. Blue
e. Green
f. Yellow
5. SMART board
A. Standards: NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, and Ontario Standards
1. NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics:
Standard Strand: Measurement and Data
Grade: 1st Grade
Topic Strand: Represent and interpret data
Standard Number and Statement: 4. Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to
three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many
in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
2. The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8: Mathematics
Standard Strand: Data Management and Probability
Grade: 1st Grade
Topic Strand: Collection and Organization of Data
Specific Expectations:
By the end of Grade 1, students will:
- Demonstrate an ability to organize objects into categories by sorting and classifying
objects using one attribute
- Collect and organize primary data that is categorical and display the data using one-toone correspondence, prepared templates of concrete graphs and pictographs, and a variety
of recording methods.
B. Central Focus

Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to organize objects into categories by sorting,
classifying and organizing M&Ms. The requisite skills for this lesson are the ability to add
numbers and a basic understanding of colors.
C. Objectives
1. Through the use of M&Ms, the students will be able to sort and categorise them based
on a single variable, in this case color. A blank grid sheet will be filled out by students
based on the color amounts of M&Ms individually received by the teacher
2. Through the analysis of the bar graph completed, students will be able to answer
questions about the data collected.
D. Assessment Plan
1. The teacher will formatively assess students work on the SMART board and by
discussing their findings with the students directly as they work independently on their
own graph.
2. The teacher will conduct a summative assessment at the end of the lesson. The teacher
will collect the students bar graphs and completed answers to determine student
proficiency in collecting and organizing a set of data.
E. Opening/Anticipatory Set
1. Teacher talk: Good morning boys and girls. What kind of candies do you like to eat?
The teacher will listen to student answers and encourage many different kinds of candy to
be said. Teacher talk: How many of you like to eat M&Ms? A picture of a giant
M&M will be on the SMART Board behind the teacher. The students raise their hands.
Can anybody tell me the colors of M&Ms? Teacher listens to student responses and
turns on the classroom projector to show the SMART board presentation.
2. Teacher talk: Who has ever heard of a pictograph? Can anyone tell me what is a
pictograph? Teacher listens for students responses. After giving time for the students to
share ideas, a volunteer can be picked to slide and reveal the definition of a pictograph on
the SMART Board.
3. Teacher talk: Given what we know about pictographs, lets try to make our own as a
class. I am going to call each of you one by one up to the SMART Board and you are
going to drag your favorite color M&M into the square.
4. Each student comes up to the SMART Board on by one and selects their favorite M&M
color. The teacher may need to organize the selections so they represent the vertical
structure of a bar graph.
5. After all of the students have chosen their favourite M&M colour and placed it in the
box, the teacher will remind the students of the definition of a pictograph.
6. Using the pictograph the class made on the SMART Board, the teacher will direct
discussion about the information presented. Teacher talk: Ok class, so what M&M color
was chosen the most?
7. Students count the M&Ms selected and state the number of the most popular M&M
8. Teach says, What M&M color was chosen the least?

9. Students again count the M&Ms selected and state the number of the least popular
M&M color.
10. Teacher asks, Are there any groups that are the same?
11. Students answer stating yes or no.
12. The teacher asks How many are in each group?
13. The class will count together to find how many M&Ms were selected for each group and
write them on the SMART board.
F. Main Body/Procedure:
1. Using the document camera the teacher will show the first page of the book More
M&Ms Math Teacher talk: Ok, what is the title of this book and who can tell me what
it is about? Teacher listens to the students answers.
2. The teacher will take the students through the book and have students read through it
while they view the projection. Teacher talk: Ok, who can read this page here? The
teacher will select one student to read. Student talk: Now lets sort the colors. How
many groups did you get? Well use them to count so dont eat them just yet. Teacher
talk: Good job! Next, who can tell me how many blue M&Ms are on this page here and
who can come up and write that information on the board? Teacher will listen to the
students and direct them as they come up and write the information down.
3. This information on the board and the sorting mat will serve as a visual reminder for
students and can used to assist students as needed. This will be especially helpful for
ENL, IEP or visually impaired students who may need to have information readily
organized and available.
4. Teacher talk: Can I have a volunteer read the next page?
5. Student will read page 4 from the document camera Lets make a graph where well
place all the candy. For solving math problems, a graph comes in handy.
6. The teacher will distribute a copy of the M&M Graphing handout, which will be the
blank grid, photocopied and provided to the students.
7. Teacher talk: Ok, now it is time that we start to do our own bar graph using our own
M&Ms. If you want you can help each other, but remember you have to make a bar
graph using your own M&Ms. If the class has not already been organized by putting
desks together now would be a good time to do so. This will help with classroom
organization and give students more room to work with, which will avoid M&Ms flying
all over the place. It will also enable students to help each other and communicate their
ideas with each other. ENL students can support each other.
8. Teacher talk: Now everybody will also have to get out your crayons. Make sure you
have the colors that you see up here on the board.
9. Teacher talk: Ok, now that everybody has their sheets and crayons together, I will come
around and give you each 15 M&Ms and an M&M sorting mat. Everybody will get
different amount of colors so dont worry if your colors are different from Daves or
Imans. When you get your M&Ms, I want you to start sorting them out by colors. Place
them in the squares with the matching colour. Please do not eat your M&Ms yet. Stress
the point of not eating the M&Ms yet and ask the students to repeat your instruction
ensuring they understand the directions. The teacher will model the behavior of sorting
the M&Ms onto the blank grid using the document camera to project it on the board. The

teacher will also move around and check on the progress of ENL and IEP students, giving
assistance when needed.
10. Teacher talk: Good work everybody. We can see that it looks like a graph of M&Ms on
your sheets now. I want you to now start to color the graphs and take off the M&Ms.
The teacher will again model the behavior using the document camera. Students will
start to color the squares the appropriate color while they take the M&Ms off the grid.
As students do this, the teacher will continue to walk around the room checking on the
progress of the students and helping ENL and IEP students if needed.
11. Teacher talk: Once you are finished coloring the graphs you can start to answer the
questions about what colors were the most or least. Look at the SMART board to help
you if you are stuck. The teacher will put the SMART board M&M page back up with
its similar questions that all students can reference. It will be important here for the
teacher to check on IEP and ENL learners to ensure that full sentence structure is used
and offer assistance as needed. When students are finished, they can clean up and help
other students.
G. Closure/Ending:
1. Teacher talk: Does anybody have any questions? Teacher answers any questions
presented by the students.
2. Teacher talk: Today we learned how to sort M&Ms and make graphs. Who can tell me
how we did this? Teacher will listen to student answers.
3. Teacher talk: Very good everybody! I want you to hand in your graphs and question
answers with your name on the top. When you hand them in to me, tell me what color of
M&Ms did you have the most. The students will give the sheets directly to the teacher
and tell which color of M&Ms was the most.
4. Teacher talk: Ok for homework I want you to think of other things that we can separate
into groups, just like we did for M&Ms. We will talk about it more tomorrow. In the
meantime, lets get everything cleaned up and get ready for recess. Students and teacher
finish off the class and get ready for recess.
III. Reflection
1. Culturally Responsive Teaching:
The class will follow the rules that state students will respect of one another and helpful
toward everybody. Students will be expected to act positively and polite when doing
their work both inside and outside the classroom. As always the teacher will demonstrate
these behavior expectations, so the students can follow his/her example.
As pertaining to the lesson itself, M&Ms and all other materials will be provided by the
teacher. This will be for the benefit of students who come from low socio-economic
backgrounds and may not be able to afford M&M candies.
In the anticipatory set, the teacher asks students to share the kinds of candy that they like
to eat. This allows students to talk about candy that they may have eaten that are
prominent from different cultures.
2. Accommodations:
This lesson has been created to incorporate multiple instructional methods that allow for
students of varying learning styles to participate. The manipulatives in the form of
SMART board and M&Ms allow kinaesthetic learners hands on tasks. Visual and Verbal

learners will benefit from the reading and display of the book on the document camera.
Logical and mathematical students will like the categorization and organizing of the
different colors of M&Ms. Intrapersonal student will enjoy the independent work
required in class, but Interpersonal students will also benefit by the option of helping each
other to understand and complete the required tasks. IEP and ENL students will
appreciate the visuals provided by utilizing the SMART board and document cameras.
Translations of colors from English to the native language of the students can be
3. Prerequisite Skills:
- In order to be successful in this class, the students must understand the different
colors used and be able to count up to the number 15.
- In order to be successful in this class, the students must be able to follow directions
and handle manipulative.
4. Misconceptions:
Students may eat their M&Ms before they start or even finish their work. The teacher
will ask students to finish as much as they can and then provide extra M&Ms so they may
complete their work. The teacher will not give out extra candy initially as it will
encourage other students to eat more.
5. Academic Language:
Students will need to be familiar with the different colors used; red, yellow, green, blue,
brown and orange. They will also have to be familiar with numbers up to 15. The
important vocabulary words that align with the curriculum are graph(ing), sort(ing), data,
and data management, organize(ing), interpret(ing), manipulate.

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