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Ema Enzbrenner
Diana Watkins
Comp 2 Tues/Thurs 9 a.m.
19 April 2016
Being a Woman and The Rights We Are Given
When you hear the word feminist what typically comes to mind? Most people associate
the word with hate or man hating, which isnt the meaning of the word at all. The actual
definition is simply, the advocacy of womens rights on the grounds of political, social, and
economic equality to men. When you think about different attributes the genders have, typically,
you think about how men have more physical capabilities where women are more nurturing.
Men are thought to be providers, more so than women. We acknowledge that there are
differences between our sexes, but who decides that one is better than the other? I believe that
both men and women balance one another out. But, in the male dominated world that we live in,
masculinity is associated with power. Feminists realized they were going to have to prove
themselves if they were going to work in a mans field.
Feminist movements, including achieving the right to vote in the 1920's, and the push for
equality in the working place and education in the 1970's, shows us just how many unequal
rights we had just because we were females. These movements brought attention to basic human
rights; politics, education, and employment which should be equally accessible to both genders.
But as women moved into their work places, they found that in order to be successful in their
line of career, they may have to model male behavior. Back in the olden days it was always
assumed that women should always be the ones who make the coffee, watch over the children,

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pick up after men and serve the meals.(Coontz) Most Americans believed that it was much
better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes
care of the home and family. (Coontz) It is considered common knowledge that most men still
make more money a year than some women, and it is also true that men hold most of the position
of power in society.
In America a lot of women depend on their partners to provide for their family, although
divorce is also more common nowadays than ever. Since divorce is more common these days,
there are many single moms that work full time to be able to provide for their children when the
male is absent. Because of this I believe that women should be offered to make as big of a salary
as most working men if not more. Women are just as capable at performing work tasks as men
are and we shouldnt have to prove to our society that we deserve better than what we are dealt. I
feel that a stereotypical job in the United States for women would include being a teacher, nurse,
or any type of job that would require nurturing attributes. I see nothing wrong with any of those
professions especially considering I myself would like to be a teacher. But, I feel that if a woman
wants to work a male oriented job she should be able to.
Most men in America probably dont want to be associated with womens rights or
necessarily be associated with feminism. But, if people would take the time to learn what the true
definition of the word is they wouldnt need to be afraid to claim such beliefs. You dont have to
claim to be a feminist just to believe in gender equality and rights for women. The word
feminism is what scares most men away from even talking about womens rights. The word has
been given so many bad raps that anyone who claims to be one is a man hater. But, why would a
male who claims to being a feminist also be a man hater if he himself is a man?

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In a campaign known as HeForShe actress Emma Watson talks about how men are afraid
to stand up for the equal rights for woman. Watson says, How can we effect change in the world
when only half of it is invited to participate in the conversation? I would have to agree with this
statement one hundred percent. Being a woman, we automatically feel as if our opinion is not
important or that we wont be able to speak freely in a male dominated world. In Emmas speech
at the United Nations Headquarters she formally invites all men to stand up for the rights of
woman all around the world by saying, gender equality is your issue too.
Emma Watson is not the only public figure who believes that gender equality effects
everyone. Sociologist Michael Kimmel is a leading researcher and writer on men and
masculinity around the world. Having written four novels with the backbone being about
masculinity and gender equality Kimmel steps up to speak about why gender equality is
important. Kimmel was on a talk show once called A Black Woman Stole My Job with four
angry white men. When it was Kimmels turn to speak the first question he asked is Why do
you think this is your job? (Ted Talk) Kimmel talks about mens sense of entitlement as he says
without confronting mens sense of entitlement, I dont think we will ever understand why so
many men resist gender equality. (Ted Talk) Michael Kimmel explains how more gender equal
countries have shown to be happier than any other countries, and about how it is better to be
gender equal in companies. Kimmel states, Companies have lower job turnover, they have an
easier time recruiting, higher rates of retention, high job satisfaction, and higher rates of
productivity. (Ted Talk) Another point that I really agree with that Michael Kimmel talks about
is how the opinion of boys have now changed from when he was younger. Kimmel explains
younger men today expect to balance work, and family. They want to be in a dual-career
relationship. I would have to agree with this statement, now that college and education is more

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available to women around the world it is almost expected that most partners in a relationship
will both have a job to support their family together.
Most Americans would agree that in order to get ahead in life these days you must get a
degree. I struggled with this thought after I graduated high school back in 2013, I wasnt quite
sure if college was the best option for me. I took two years off after graduating and instead of
reading books, and solving math equations I began working full time. My first full time job was
a sales assistant at the mall, the second a nanny for three children of a surgeon, and part time a
host at a Japanese Cuisine restaurant in my hometown. I am not going to lie while I was taking
this time off I felt left out while seeing my peers who I had grown up with getting their education
and having fun while doing it I began to question if I had made the right decision. The only thing
I was lacking was my confidence and drive to put myself back out there, but I thought to myself
better now, than later. It is so normal now for everyone to get a degree to be successful as an
adult in this society we live in. I can honestly say I am privileged to be able to have the
opportunity to broaden my knowledge and hopefully land myself a degree. This degree will be
able to bring me success and also help me to provide, along with my partner, for my future
family. My only hope is that when searching for a job that I do not have to compete with man,
but that I am also competing with other women. It is so important that men and women
understand the importance of gender equality in education and also within the work place.
Of all the issues we have in this world we live in, I truly think that gender equality should
not even be a factor. Women have dealt with this issue for so long that this issue should have
been solved by now. I am so glad that now, more than ever so many public figures and others
around us are standing up for what is right. I do realize that women have been given more
privileges in 2016 than they were in the 1960s but that does not mean that we are not still

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somewhat inferior to man. Hopefully we dont stop pushing until we get the rights, and equality
that we deserve. Gender Equality is not just an issue in the United States but around the world.

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Work Cited

"Michael Kimmel." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.

Porter, Jane. "Yes, Gender Equality Is A Men's Issue." Fast Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr.

Coontz, Stephanie. "Why Gender Equality Stalled." The New York Times. The New York Times,
16 Feb. 2013. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.

"Gender Inequality and Women in the US Labor Force." Gender Inequality and Women in the
US Labor Force. N.p., 23 Nov. 2011. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.

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