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Name: Christy Chen School: Saint Gregory the Great Academy Date: 4/14/16
Cooperating Teacher(s): Mrs. Robin Muccia
Primary Subject Area and Grade Level: List the primary content area for this lesson. List the beginning and ending grade levels for
which this lesson is appropriate.
This lesson is for a 6th grade integrated language arts class. Specifically for 6-1 ILA at Saint Gregory the Great Academy.

Interdisciplinary Connections: Provide a listing of the subject area(s), in addition to the primary subject area that is incorporated in this
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Language Arts- Reading, writing, comprehension
Social Studies- Number the Stars Holocaust
Technology- Starboard, Chromebooks, Google Classroom, Google Presentations

Lesson Duration: State the approximate time frame for this lesson.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
1:35-2:18 (40 Minute Period)
1:35-1:40- Do Now
1:40- 1:50 Note Taking/ Video
1:50-2:05 Station 1
2:05- 2:18 Station 2

Relevance/Rationale: Consider how your outcomes and plan will engage students cognitively and build understanding. Why are the lesson
outcomes important in the real world? How is this lesson relevant to students in this class (interests, cultural heritages, needs)?
(1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students)
The lesson is designed for 6th grade students to practice reading comprehension skills. This lesson is one lesson out of a unit of
strategies that I have been teaching the students. Students will be utilizing these strategies when reading Number the Stars. We just
read about the scene where Annemarie is in the forest and she is on a mission to go find Uncle Henrick and they support this scene
utilizing the story of Red Riding Hood. I chose Red Riding Hood so that students can review the story and see the connection
between the short story and the scene in Number the Stars. Students were also having difficulty with the nearpod due to the fact that
when I change the slide their screens are unable to go to past slides, therefore I am now creating my presentations through slides
and adding links onto that slide to provide technology applications for practicing the skills and lessons taught. I took a survey
through the students and they told me about how the nearpod is difficult for them, they also told me that they enjoyed videos and
interactive activities.

Outcomes/Objectives: What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson? Outcomes should be written in the form of


student learning and suggest viable methods of assessment. For teachers of English language learners: What language objectives will be
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
At the end of this lesson you (students) will be able to
Define the reading strategy: Sequencing
Apply the strategy to short stories (Red Riding Hood) and Number the Stars
Practice Sequencing with website applications
Utilize a graphic organizer that illustrates Sequencing of a scene in Number the Stars

Content Standard(s) and/or Common Core Learning Standard(s): For example: (CCSS) 4.NBT.3 Use place value
understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place. Content area teachers should include appropriate English Language Arts
Common Core Standards for Content Areas, if appropriate, in addition to content standards.
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)
R.L.6.3 Reading; Literature- Describe how a particulars storys or dramas plot unfolds in a series of episodes.
R.L.6.2 Reading; Literature- Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a

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summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

R.L.6.10 Reading; Literature- By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the
grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Use of Formative Assessment to Inform Planning: Describe your students current levels of understanding of the content related to
the outcome for this lesson. What are some of the indicators that let you know that these outcomes and the lesson activities represent the
appropriate amount of cognitive challenge for all students?
(1f: Designing Student Assessments)
I have been working on reading comprehension with the 6th grade Language Arts and Social Studies classes. I have taught lessons
utilizing comparing and contrasting, problem and solution, and inferencing. Students are at the moment working on a compare and
contrast essay. On Tuesday I had students work on organizing and sequencing their essays. This lesson will further help students
write their essays. They will utilize this essay to help further comprehend the rest of NTS and create essays that are in logical order.
I had students complete a recent survey about learning strategies and what they find is helpful for them. Based on the survey most
students enjoy videos and they like the presentation on their own computers so that they can follow the notes. The students also
liked mentor texts to help them practice the skill before they did it on their own. This is one of the reasons why I chose to utilize
several short stories for the students to practice with their groups.
I will be gathering data through padlet where students will post their responses so that the whole class can see. I will also do a short
survey quiz as an exit ticket to gather a small amount of quick data.
Class Information: Describe any unique characteristics of the class (considerations may include: special needs, language levels, learning
styles, etc.). Describe how other adults (paraprofessionals, volunteers, co-teachers, resource teachers, etc.) will support student learning, if
applicable. Also include any other circumstances an observer should know about.
(1b: Knowledge of Students)
6-1 is the stronger class compared to 6-2. Students in this class do however have IEPs.
LG has trouble with comprehension of directions, text, readings etc..
MA and AS have the lowest grades in this class and they has trouble following directions, and comprehending the
NR is excelling at comprehension of NTS. He has read it in the past and he contributes good information in discussion.
JM rushes through his work and makes small mistakes.
AS is also one of the weaker students in the class. He does not follow directions for homework, worksheets and has a lot of
questions when given directions.
Many students in this class have trouble reading and following directions; CS, NR, XK, BP.
CS and AS also calls out often and has trouble staying still and quiet during direct instruction.
S has just been called out for plagiarism therefore she is a little upset and we will keep an eye on her during her work
I have been viewing Matthew and Connors essays and I am at the moment helping them work on their writing due to the
fact that Matthew is one of the lower leveled students

Overview: Provide a brief overview of the lesson. The overview should provide the observer with a description of the lessons content and how
it relates to the larger unit. Include prerequisite knowledge required to meet lesson outcomes and relationship to future learning.
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Recent Past Lessons
Students and I are working on their compare and contrast essays an essay that was created for the students in order for them to
practice comprehension and writing using NTS. NTS is our unit novel we are on Chapter 14. Students are excited about the book
because there is a lot of action in the next few chapters we are reading. Students have even read ahead and discussed it with me
after class on Tuesday.
Present Lesson
Students will complete a do now on the StarBoard that consists of an editing exercise (grammar, mechanics, spelling), and an
Students will be introduced to the Sequencing lesson briefly through a Google Presentation. Presentation will be brief and just give
them the overview of what it is and how to practice the strategy.
Group Work- Students will be placed into groups and will utilize centers with their groups. There will be 5 groups of 4 and 5
centers. Students will rotate activities. Activities at the centers will be short readings, interactive quizzes and story maps.
Students will then complete a short exit ticket survey before leaving class. (If time does not allow, students will complete it for
Future Lessons
This lesson will help students in sequencing not only when reading and comprehending but when writing as well. I will utilize a day
next week to teach students how to organize their paragraphs and essays for the Compare and Contrast essays. Students have

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already learned about transitional words and how to utilize and understand them in a text.

Technologies and Other Materials /Resources: List all materials, handouts, resources, and technology tools that are needed by the
student or the teacher to execute the lesson. Technologies may include hardware, software, and websites, etc. Materials and resources may
include physical resources (e.g. books, manipulatives, supplies, equipment, etc.) and/or people resources (e.g. guest speakers, librarian, etc.).
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources)
Technology- Starboard, ChromeBooks, Google Classroom, Google Presentation, Video , Google Survey
Articles/ Centers1. I am NOT a Big Bad Wolf, Am I?
2. Sponge Activity Worksheet #11
3. Cultural Variations (Little Red Riding Hood)
4. Story Map Scene in NTS
5. Labeling the Story Map

Grouping Strategy: Describe how you will group students to facilitate learning of the outcomes of this lesson. What is the rationale for the
grouping strategy?
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
Students will work in groups of four during the group work. Students sitting in the very front of the classroom are usually the
students that are struggling more and have the lower grade. Therefore, these students will be mixed up with students further back in
the classroom (stronger academic students). Seats were moved during the beginning of the trimester, and students seem to be
working together nicely. Talkative students were separated. At the moment the table with C, M, A is an issue. They talk a lot I may
switch their group depending on how well they work in this lesson. Ls Table is also a struggling table, I will see how they work
together in the next few days and see if I should move them for the activity.

Academic Vocabulary: What key terms are essential to this content? What terms are essential to develop and extend students vocabulary?
(1a: Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1b: Knowledge of Students)
Sequencing, Story Map, Climax, Rising Action, Falling Action, Theme

Lesson Procedures: The procedures should clearly describe the sequence of learning activities and should identify where and how all
materials, technology tools and student-created technology products, and reproducible materials/handouts are utilized in the lesson. Describe the
lesson sequence:
How will the lesson launch?
How will the material be presented?
What questions will be posed to the students? What are the expected responses?
How and when will the teacher model?
What opportunities will there be for guided practice, group work and individual practice?
How and when will you monitor student understanding throughout the lesson?
What opportunities will there be for reflection and closure?
Include approximate time allocations for each portion of the lesson. Be very precise when explaining the teacher and student tasks during the
learning activities.

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(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1e: Designing Coherent

Post objectives on the blackboard so that students can read them and see them throughout class.
By the end of class you should be able to
1. Define the reading strategy: Sequencing
2. Apply the strategy to short stories (Red Riding Hood) and Number the Stars
3. Practice Sequencing with website applications
4. Utilize a graphic organizer that illustrates Sequencing of a scene in Number the Stars
Do Now Students will complete a do now and once they are finished they will raise their hands. I will call on a student and have
them come up to the StarBoard and correct the sentence. I will ask the student to share with the class what he did and why he did
certain corrections. I will call another student up to complete the analogy. If students are unsure of the words in the analogy I will
have them look it up on their ChromeBooks.
Presentation Students will utilize chromebooks to sign into Google Classroom. They will see the first posting (Sequencing)
They will open up the presentation and I will give a brief overview and show a short video to the class
Stations/ Group Work- Group Work- Today we will be working in groups. We will be doing 5 different, short activities. If you do
not have time to complete all the activities we will complete them next class period. At the first Station you will Read the short
reading online and click on the correct numbers to show the sequence of the text. In the second station you will read a version of
Red Riding Hood and practice using a Story Map. In the 3rd station you will read the mock of Red Riding Hood and answer the
questions based on sequencing online. For the last two stations you will be practicing Sequencing using Story Maps and your NTS
Individual Work- Students will edit their essays and make sure they are describing their characters and giving brief facts about the
story in order of the actual story
Homework: Work on their essays, Exit Ticket

Differentiation: Describe how you will differentiate instruction for a variety of learners, including students will special needs, English
Language Learners, and high achieving students to ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage appropriately in this lesson.
Be specific.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
I will be able to work with students during group and individual work time. Each group will be mixed with higher achieving and
lower achieving students. Students are able to choose their version of Red Riding Hood in one of the stations. Students will also
utilize whatever scene they want when utilizing the story map.

Assessment Criteria for Success:

How and when will you assess student learning throughout the lesson (formative)?
How will you and your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes?
What is the criteria for mastery of the lesson outcome(s)?
Describe any (formative and summative) assessments to be used.
(1f: Designing Student Assessments)
Student learning will be assessed throughout the lesson. I will be able to gauge students knowledge through questions and answers
I receive during presentation. I will allow students to share examples not only verbally but through nearpod as well. These answers
will be shared with the class and then put onto our anchor chart together. Based on me walking around and guiding the students I
will see which students are grasping the concept and which students are not. At that point I will help students during group work
and individual work. They will be assessed in-group work and then through individual work through diagrams and guided
Students will know if they met the outcome of the lesson if they successfully completed the stations and if they had worked
cooperatively and collaboratively with their group. Students will complete mini quizzes in two of the stations and students will be
producing examples for me to see on padlet.
Students will do an exit ticket at the end of class so that I can gather data quickly. Data from google survey produces pie graphs and
bar charts to show student growth and learning in a more visual way.

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Anticipated Difficulties: What difficulties or possible misunderstanding do you anticipate that students may encounter? How will you
prevent them from occurring?
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)
Working in groups is still new to the students. They have been practicing a lot with me and through the lessons I give them in ILA.
Working in stations and allowing them to learn and practice on their own may be something different and difficult for them. I know
some students that like direct instruction because it gives them directly the information they need to know for tests and when I have
them learn things on their own and there is not a right answer they get very concerned.
I also have 5 stations, students have trouble transitioning and getting straight to work from activity to activity so we may only get
through a few stations but we can finish this the next period.

Reflections: List at least three questions you will ask yourself after the lesson is taught.
(4a: Reflecting on Teaching)

Did the students enjoy the stations?

Were the students challenged enough through the activities I provided them?
How was transitioning from station to station?
Which students need a re-teaching of this lesson?
What students need help on their compare and contrast essays?

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