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Instructor: Gustavo Ibarra PhD

HLTH 1050
03-21- 2016
Alcohol and alcoholism
The national institute of alcohol abuse and alcoholism
researchers have made studied to find out cause, prevention, and treatment
of alcohol and its consequences. Scientists have made important
contribution seeking for evidences and causes. There are so many major
advances in alcohol research NIAAA has participated and to the achievement
of the future. Scientists have proved that alcohol is disease that requires
treatment. Disease concept defines alcoholism as an independent disorders
characterized by craving for alcohol. Dependence or addictions alcoholism is
drinking merely heavy, problematic, ill advised, or socially unaccepted.
Alcoholism and alcohol abuse has interconnected factors genetics
background, social environment, emotional health. It has become more risk
in the some racial groups than other American Indians and Native Alaska.
Typical problem of drinking that become severe can give medical
diagnosis of alcohol use disorder or AUD. Approximately 7.2 percent or 17
million adults in the United States age 18 and older had alcohol use disorder
in 2012 which include 11.2 million men and 5.7 million women. Some
adolescents also diagnose with an ADU, in 2012 an estimated 855,000

adolescents age 12-17 had an AUD. Becoming diagnosed with AUD, its
showed that someone must meet certain criteria outlined in the diagnostic
and statistical mental disorders (DSM) under (DSM-5). It very important to
take right decision before your drinking turn into alcoholism for example you
can do exercise, read good book, talk with friends over coffee, and start any
other healthy activity. There are the signs and symptoms of alcoholism you
can neglecting your responsibilities, poorly at work, neglecting your kids, and
you can start skipping out your commitment. Alcoholism make individuals
repeated legal problems breaking role of conduct under the influence of
alcohol. Alcoholics mix alcohol with other prescription drugs to enhance their
highly and continuing drink even though drinking cause serious problems to
Alcohol intoxication results as the amount of alcohol in someone blood
stream increase. And that can cause typical behavior problems and mental
damages. For example some Alcoholism leads people to bad behavior,
unstable moods, and impaired judgment. In the last of two decades theres
a 37 percent increase in the years of life lost to clinical depression, anxiety,
alcohol and drug abuse and other disorder mind, [The suicide Epidemic].
The suicide rate for Americans 45 to 64 has jumped more than 30 percent in
last decade according to the new CDC report. Sometime higher blood
alcohols level can lead to coma or death. Unhealthy alcohol use can puts
your health in risk or cause typical alcohol problems. The alcoholism is a
term that uses to describe the dependence people the way of their drinking

alcohol. The excessive consumption of alcoholic beverage is a mean problem

that leads to alcohol dependence and addiction. It can affect all aspects of
individual life cause serious health complications, affecting every organ in
your body, damage your emotional stability and cause financial problems.
Alcoholism can also have impact to your family, friends, and some time can
cause problem in your work place.
Its very important to the people to take proper responsibility to
manage their drinking. Moderate alcohol consumption has been found to be
associated with other benefits. The study of about 6,000 people flowed in the
Britain found that those who consumed alcohol at least once a week had
significantly better cognitive function in middle age Than those who dont
drink at all.[Drinking to Your Health(in moderation), Science Says]. Moderate
alcohol consumption decrease rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and
other heart diseases.
Alcoholism or alcohol abuse has become the major problem in our
society because it take lives of huge the number people every year through
automobile crashes, violence crime, child and spousal abuse, reduced work
place productivity, and differences kind of illness in society. According to
center of disease control and prevention, excessive alcohol use is the third
leading lifestyles-related cause of death in the United States of America.
People have differed in way they the view alcoholism some are defined as a
treatable disease while other thinking it is instead a choice on the part of

drinker. But individuals genetics speaks can be a mean source that leads
some people to addiction. Genetic factors play a role in determining who
develops use alcohol use disorder, we will be better able to develop targeted
treatment and prevention strategies, [The National Institute for Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism].

They heavy drinking lead to potential psychological damages in the

addictive individuals. For example drinking may cause shrinking of the brain
and deficiencies in the fibers, which carry information between brain cells.
Alcohol also effects on various nerve cells in brain communication system,
neurotransmitter system, brain cells metabolism and blood flow in the brain.
It also affects functions that associated with learning and memory as well as
cerium which control the movement and coordination. Addictive person lost
capability of proper learning simple forgotten because of memory damage.
Heavy drinking also made individual lost capability to control has movement
as well as loss of making his job properly. People who use alcohol for long
time may have typical challenges, because of changing of structure brain,
associated behavior, and damage white matter fibers that connect one part
of the brain with one another. [New Views on Long-term Risks of Frequents
Drinking]. Its so clear that alcohol has serious cause and damage to those
who consistent drinking individuals seem to have serious challenges in their
lives. Many people have been face blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed
reaction times, impaired memory. Some people who drink heavily for long
period of time may have brain deficits. Typical alcohol consumption effect

brain in many ways large amount of alcohol can produce a blackout which
intoxicated person cannot recall event. Someone cannot remember even
serious event that occurred in the front of him. Those who have been drink
large amount of Drinking for long time developing serious damage in brain,
poor general health and serious diseases. Some individuals may develop
serious disorders in their lives.

As we seeing today the problem the excessive drinking among older is

becoming the major problem in the America society. Alcoholism cause typical
death among the elder in U.S there are estimates 2.8 million older adults
meet the criteria for alcohol abuse. And that number is going to increase in
the next come years by the 2020 it will reach 5.7 million adults, according to
a 2014 study in peer-reviewed specialty journal, addiction. The drinking has
been increase within older adults because majority of retirement people
favorite drinking and baby boomer have always love to drink. Statistic from
the National Council on alcoholism and drug dependence showed the
growing problems of alcohol abuse among elders. 6-11 percent of all elderly
patients admitted to hospitals show symptoms of alcoholism, 20 percent of
all elderly patients admitted to psychiatric services exhibit symptoms of
alcoholism, 14 percent of elderly patients in emergency room exhibit
symptom of alcoholism, and the prevalence of problem drinking in nursing
home is high as 49 percent. [The Growing Problem of Overages Drinking].

It clear that Alcoholism is a disease that need to be address in proper

way because its kill many people every year. The heaviest drinkers are at the
greatest risk for alcohol cause of mortalities. The research has showed that
last year alone more than 30,700 Americans have died from alcohol causes
including alcohol poising and cirrhosis, which cause by heavy drinking.
People can die by alcohol in so many ways death from drunken driving, other
accidents and homicides committed under the influence of alcohol. [U.S.
Data Shows a Surge in Drinking-Related Deaths]. Alcohol as we
understanding alcohol has darker side and benefits s In the reality alcohol
abuse is not sometime harmful to the must adult, but it become more
harmful while used in wrong way. Today about 18 million adults Americans
have typical alcohol use disorders. Many people have serious problems
because of alcohol use in their work place, schools, home and cause
dangerous situation situations or a lot of social problems. Alcohol disorder
can make some individuals severe potential symptoms experience for
example being unable to limit amount of alcohol you drinks, some on can
spend a lot of time drinking, continuing drinking even though he got in
problem cause by so much alcohol consuming, and drinking can let some
individual give up or reduce social activities.
Individual who have alcohol problems and needs to withdrawal faces
symptoms that include sweeting, rapid heartbeat, hand tremors, problem
sleeping and vomiting. They can also experience anxiety, and other
symptom for example ability to function at work and social situation.

Therefore addicted individuals need to looks treatment counseling and group

meeting. They also need to avoid places and situation that get them to
trouble and committed themselves to work with counselor to get change.

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