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Hostrawsers Happenings

April 22, 2016

Ms. Hostrawser
Phone: 574-342-2355


On Friday we finished up Topic 17. Students have

learned how to plot and graph equations on a Coordinate
Plane. We will be reviewing on Monday and take the test on


We will be reading Saint Matthews Island next week. 1944 scientist released 29 reindeer on
this island and expected them to thrive because the island had plenty of food and no predators, but the deer
mysteriously died. Scientist investigate to find out

GrammarThe class will be studying principle parts

of regular verbs.

Writing We will finish up our poetry project.

Spelling Study!! The ending of these words can be
tricky. There are not that many more test to help raise
your grade.

Social Studies We are currently learning about

the three branches of government and what responsibilities each branch has.
Science We have started a NIPSCO Energy Unit.
You student should have brought home a packet yesterday. I am sending home the booklet for the student
to do at home. Thank you for your help in this project.

Final Syllable
IN Standard 5.6.7- Spell correctly.

1. important
2. experience
3. ignorant
4. entrance
5. difference
6. instance
7. absence
8. appearance
9. intelligent
10. evidence
11. pollutant
12. clearance
13. confidence
14. conference
15. insurance
16. ambulance
17. hesitant
18. consistent
19. excellence
20. persistent
Challenge Words
21. iridescent
22. coincidence
23. convenient
24. significant
25. alliance

Note From the Teacher:

The final session of ISTEP will be given April 25th April 28th. This test will be given
online. It is important to encourage the students to try their best. Please eat breakfast
and come to school well rested .
Thank you to all the parents who helped chaperone the Camp Amigo trip. The students
really appreciated it and we had wonderful feedback from Camp Amigo. Cheryl, the camp
director, sent a letter to Mr. Riffle complimenting our 5th grade group and their behavior.
Its wonderful that other people see the PRIDE at Triton Elementary.

Visit Our Class Website:

*contact the teacher

*class schedule
*nightly homework
*upcoming events
*websites to visit
*class photos

Upcoming Dates

Star of the Week

April 25-April 28.ISTEP testing

May 25.Field Day

Marcy Sleighter
Marcy loves to

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