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EDU 431 Methods of Teaching Math and Science

Portfolio Submission
By: Andrea Sambartolo
Standard-Professional Practice:Members apply professional knowledge
and experience to promote student learning. They use appropriate
pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning
for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning
communities. Members refine their professional practice through ongoing
inquiry, dialogue and reflection.
Artifact Description: While partaking in the current course Methods of
Teaching Math and Science I was able to explore the use of strategies and
principles needed to create and teach an effective lesson plan which is my
artifact, as well as become aware of the three models of pedagogy which
include direct instruction, formative, and transformative (applying student
knowledge). With this assignment, I was responsible for teaching a
mathematics lesson related to the Ontario Curriculum that focuses on a key
element of this course which is the motivational/anticipatory set of a lesson
plan. The significance of this assignment was to develop an understanding of
how to efficiently motivate the students to want to learn what I will be
teaching, to let them know what they will be doing and why it is relevant for
them to know, and to ensure that all students are attentive. In being given
this task, I was able to gain a better understanding of how to maintain
classroom management, how to use my personality, voice and manner in
order to excite the students, how to incorporate pedagogical techniques to
encourage the students to listen to my instruction, and finally, I was able to
gain experience on how to create an atmosphere for students where they are
excited to learn. Lastly, I learned that it is of importance to include
approaches that apply to kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learners. As an
aspiring teacher, I understand that my duty will include the creation of
effective lesson plans that include accommodations and tools (technology,
assessment instruments, materials), for each individual student, following a
constructivist approach.
Artifact Rationale: In an educational system that supports constructivism,
it is of great importance to create effective lesson plans where diverse
learners can become motivated and interested in learning. In this, educators
must provide ways in which all students are included and are encouraged
and willing to participate. In having the opportunity to complete this teaching
seminar I were able to determine what the most productive ways to teach
students are, and ultimately determine what will be the most beneficial for
them. Motivation plays a key role in a students interest, engagement and
enjoyment in school and associated tasks such as homework and study
(Martin, 1). I found this quote important in regards to this artifact as it

patently describes the benefits of motivating students through teaching

lessons and assigning work. Educators need to show how excited they are to
teach as students will notice this. In such, by having the opportunity to
further educate my classmates on the importance of motivating students to
learn during my teaching seminar, I was able confirm that my classmates will
implement the same notions and values in their future teaching careers.
In addition to examining the importance of motivation, it is significant for
teachers to place emphasis on their delivery of teaching. In understanding
this, I was able to further incorporate this principle throughout my seminar
presentation. Through motivating students, we can expect them to find
learning activities meaningful and worthwhile. According to Katheryn Wentzel
and Jere E. Brophy, motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain the
initiation, direction, persistence, and quality of goal-directed behaviour (2).
Thus, this artifact allowed me to set a goal for myself and for the students I
am teaching in order to get them participating and enthusiastic.
Effective lesson plans for teaching and motivating are ones in which the
students and teachers learn from each other, (Milkova, 5). As a future
educator, I have chosen to demonstrate the importance of taking a
constructivist approach to teaching that will guide my teaching strategies. In
doing so, we will be able to exemplify the absolute necessity of classroom
assessments, and the most effective ways to implement them into our future
classes. All in all, the motivation aspect in lesson plans enable teachers to
determine the type of motivation their students need and should provide
available tools to respond to these needs.
Reflection: This assignment was extremely beneficial to me as it exposed
me to multiple forms of teaching strategies that can be implemented in
classrooms when preparing to teach students a new lesson. I have learned
that a lesson plan has many aspects that include identifying the learning
objectives, designing appropriate learning activities and develop strategies
to obtain feedback on student learning and on myself. In my future
classroom, I intend to use effective motivation while teaching as it will
increase student learning, and even decrease classroom management
challenges that may arise. It was interesting to see how different strategies
fit the different types of learners. For example, my teaching seminar included
visuals, hands-on activities, and was auditory. Thus, I feel as though it is
important to reflect upon my own teaching pedagogy to make sure I am
meeting the needs of my students effectively. As a teacher candidate, I will
be able to commendably differentiate between assessments that are
appropriate to what I am teaching, and most importantly to my students and
their needs and capabilities. I am aware that I will need to accommodate
different learning styles, personalities, as well as students from unique and
diverse backgrounds. The success of my future students is what I will be
aiming for when conducting my lessons. This assignment has given me
insight on what is it like to have students with ranging learning skills.

Therefore, not only will I capitalize on my students existing motivation, I will

help encourage to stimulate and socialize their motivation to learn. With this
artifact, I was able to reflect on my own teaching strategies which will be
helpful for when I become a teacher. I learned how to create various
dialogues of how to speak to students in ways that are inviting, comfortable
and inspiring. Evidently, this teaching experience has allowed me the
prospect to grow, both as a student, and as an educator.

Brophy, Jere E., and Wentzel, Katherine. Motivating Students to Learn. 4th Ed.
Martin, Andrew, and Tracey, Danielle. Motivating Students to Learn. 1-4.
Milkova, Stiliana. Strategies for Effective Lesson Planning. Center for
Research on Learning and
Reaching. (October 1, 2012) 1-6.


Name: Andrea Sambartolo
Grade: Kindergarten
Date: 02/03/16
Time Estimate: 30-40 minutes
Subject: Mathematics
Lesson & Unit:
Measurement: Length
Intended Student


Students will be able to demonstrate, through investigation, an

awareness of non-standard measuring devices.
Students will be able to demonstrate, through investigation, a
beginning understanding of non-standard units that are the same
type (e.g., straws, paper clips) but not always the same size.
Listening/Comprehension- students will listen to specific
instructions during the lesson.
Discussion- Students will be able to answer questions and form
discussions during the lesson.
Participation- students will take part in class discussion.
At the end of the lesson, students will be able given an
opportunity to estimate and measure different objects using nonstandard materials to see how long or short the objects they are
Students will learn to measure everyday objects using linking
cubes and count to see how many linking cubes it will take for
them to measure the object (may eventually lead to an
understanding of how to build structures in post years).
By the end of the lesson students will be able to estimate and
measure different objects using non-standard materials to see how
long or short the objects they are measuring (either individually or
with a partner > cooperative working habits).
Check for learning (diagnostic or formative): give each student a
few linking cubes & have them choose something around the
classroom to measure.
Observe and record participation and understanding. See (through
observation and by working with students) if students found their
own non-standard materials for measuring lengths. (Can the
students effectively figure out what is tall and what is short?).
If there is time, hand out the Tallest and Shortest worksheet.
Give them feedback/positive reinforcement. Handout will allow for
teacher to have samples of students work.


Anticipatory Set

Question and Answers: asking students open-ended or closeended questions and giving them some time to think and answer.

We measure every day. This is done by filling, covering, matching,

and using instruments.

At first, primary students have to learn to measure concretely. This

gives them an opportunity to work with abstract mathematical
quantities and communicate math ideas in their everyday
language. After students understand concrete experiences, they
are ready for further investigations that come with post grades.

Measurement covers occupational skills and tasks to life skills.

It gives the students an opportunity to learn the process of

measurement, specifically length. It helps develop their
understanding by solving real, appropriate problems, and
facilitates their understanding of measurement through
conversations with peers and teachers.

TC=Teacher Candidate
ST= Student (random potential questions)
PR=Possible response

In math today we are going to start a new unit. This Unit is called
Measurement. What is measurement?
ST: When you measure something.
TC: excellent. What do we measure?
ST: We can measure anything like book, pencil and pen.
TC: What can we use to measure?
ST: Ruler.
TC: Can we use other objects to measure items such as cubes,
blocks, footsteps, strings and hands.
ST: Yes.
TC: Exactly, as long as we use the same size objects to
measure it is okay to use those items.
TC: Do you think if I use these two different size cubes to
measure an object, my answer will be correct/perfect?
ST: No because they are two different sizes.
TC: Thats right we can use anything to count but we need to
make sure its the same size.
TC: What are some things we can measure?
ST: books, classroom, tables, and chairs.
TC: Thats right, today we will be learning to measure the
length of something.
TC: Boys and Girls what are we exactly measuring when we
are looking at the length?
ST: We are measure how long and short and object is.
TC: Yes, we will look and guess to see which string will be long
and which string will be short.
TC: Lets look at the string on my right hand, if you think this
one is longer raise your hand.
ST: Students raise their hand.
TC: If you think the string on my left hand is longer raise your
ST: Students raise their hand.
TC: Now lets test to see which one is longer. Use linking


cubes to see the longer strings. Once I am done as a class

count the linking cubes. This will allow students to distinguish
between the longer and shorter one. Do this with other
TC: Explain to students that when one string is out long and
one string is rolled up we can assume the rolled up one to be
short but that is not always accurate of how it appears to be.
**** End of motivational part of the lesson.

Measurement: to see how long an object is using standard or nonstandard units.

Length: to measure something to see how long or short an object


Students will brainstorm about what they think measurement is

and will get an opportunity to estimate and measure various
objects using linking cubes.

Have students go around the classroom and measure small

objects with the linking cubes provided.

Motivating and encouraging: Appraising students as they

answer questions asked to encourage and motivate them to learn.
Also makes them feel proud and accomplished.

Modelling: showing them using other visuals such as examples

on the board to further their understanding.

Comprehension and Application: Having them understand

what is going to be taught or what they have read by having them
explain back to the class (summarize).

It is important to guide the students through observations,

discussions and questions and answers. I will verbally ask them to
questions to see their prior knowledge and to observe how much
they know about the concept covered during the lesson. To further
their thinking, in between I will ask them questions to expand the
discussion. While doing the lesson, I will help students to count as
they are linking the cubes.



Think, pair, share: have students find something that is short and
something that is tall and ask them to explain their reasoning.
Teacher will be able see each students understanding about the
lesson covered as they answer questions & will orally review what
students learned about in their lesson.
Review the meaning of measurement (to see how long an object
is) and length (to measure something to see how long or short an
object is), and reiterate the things one can use to measure objects
(a human being, a table, a line outside on the playground).
Today we learned about measurement and length. We compared
things using taller/longer than and shorter than.
Facilitate questions that draw upon their understanding: how did
we find out whether something was tall or short? What objects did
we find in the classroom that helped us measure things?
We learned that there are many things around the classroom that
we can measure such as books, chairs, tables. We also saw how
many things there are around the classroom that we can use to
find out if something is short or tall, such as linking cubes, rulers,
We measure every day. When we measure something we find out
how far it is from one end to the other end.
Use visuals, verbal cues and gestures when teaching so that there
is a variety of ways for the students to retain/understand the
Prior knowledge: Students are familiar with counting as they count
every day when they are doing calendar in the morning >



Students will need to be familiar counting numbers from 1-10.

Some students might already know how to count at least to 10.
Some students might know how to count up to 20.
Students who are strong counter have them come up and
demonstrate their counting strategies to motivate other students.
Some Kindergartens might have trouble counting so
encouragement is needed.
Chart paper
Linking cubes
Was the lesson hands-on, constructive, and active?
Did my lesson employ the students minds and allow them to ask
questions and to feel included?
Did my lesson allow for appropriate understanding and follow
curriculum guidelines?
Have I determined which students achieved the learning objective
and which students need further instruction?
What can I improve on to make this lesson even more efficient?
Was enough feedback and encouragement provided?

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