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Primula veris
Family: Primulaceae
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe and temperate Asia. A pretty spring flower
from the moist meadows of Britain. The yellow corolla contains aromatic volatile oils
and saponins, and has been used for centuries to make homeopathic preparations,
tinctures, teas, facewashes and a delightful wine. The flowers are sedative and pain
relieving. Cultivation: Extra care. Sow seed in the fall, midwinter or very early
spring, in flats or directly in the nursery bed or garden. The seeds require coldcoinditioning to germinate. Thin or transplant to 6 inches apart. Flowers bright
yellow, to 1 foot tall.
Some women we find, sprinkle ye floures of Cowslip with white wine and after still it
and wash their faces with that water to drive wrinkles away and make them fayre in
the eyes of the worlde rather than in the eyes of God, Whom they are not afrayd to
offend. Turner

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