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Holly Konja

Dr. Bill Shea

Journal 3
In the short book how to write a paragraph, the author starts off with the very basic thing every
writer needs to know which is how to write a sentence. If someone does not know how to write a
simple sentence they will not know how to complete a well-written paragraph. Then the author
goes on to explain how to write a thesis. The thesis is basically the heart of the essay. It explains
what it is about and how the essay will be organized. And the thesis can either make or break
someones paper. This could cause somebody not to read the paper if they feel the thesis is not
strong. Then the author goes on to explain that the paragraphs should all correlate together and
complement each other to make a strong paper. If they do not go together, the essay can be very
on organized and messy which is not a component of a strong paragraph or paper.

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