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Grammar 2

K. Minton
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Lesson Objectives:
1. SWBAT find and correct errors in the use of future time clauses. (grammatical)
2. SWBAT describe their plans for the morning when theyre given a schedule. (functional)
3. SWBAT create whole sentences using future time clauses given only one verb and one noun. (functional)
4. SWBAT write a paragraph about their plans for a friends visit over the weekend. (functional)
Course Objectives:
Students will:
1. acquire knowledge related to the vocabulary and concepts in the course context.
2. learn targeted grammar forms.
3. identify and edit grammatical errors.
4. think critically to analyze the meaning of grammar in context and explain the reason it was used.
5. communicate ideas in speaking using targeted grammar.
6. communicate ideas in writing using targeted grammar.
7. complete two integrated projects that require the use of multiple targeted grammar structures.
Overview of Procedures:
1. [09:30-09:45] 15: Greet / Homework
2. [09:45-10:00] 15: Plans for the Morning
3. [10:00-10:25] 25: Grammar Race
4. [10:25-10:45] 20: Writing Practice
5. [10:45-10:45] 00: Assign homework / Dismiss.
Detailed Procedures:



1. Greet / Homework
[9:30 - 9:45]



2. Plans for the Morning

[9:45 - 10:00]





Teachers Role
[ pre-homework ]
[ Talk about WILL vs GOING TO, i.e. ]
[ Ill make it obvious on a quiz ]
Go over homework.
Do: p. 196, exer. 6, 7
Do: p. 197, exer. 9
((( monitor / explain if necessary )))
((( SS will describe their plans for the morning )))
[ put activity sheet on the doc cam ]
All right. Heres our schedule for the morning.
[ read the first couple ]
[ do the first sentence with the class ]

Students Roles
SS will compare their homework with a
SS will bring up any issues they have.

SS will work in pairs to describe their plans

for the morning when theyre given a

3. Grammar Race
[10:00 - 10:25]




4. Writing Practice
[10:25 - 10:45]




For these blanks, create 8 more sentences about this schedule.

For example:
(4) I will watch TV before I take the bus ....
((( monitor )))
(((grammar race on future time clauses )))
((( 4 teams (pre-assigned by T), each given one vocab item )))
((( each team will have to create a correct sentence ... )))
((( ... and write it on the board )))
((( writing practice )))
OK. Next Tuesday, well have a writing assignment, in class.
So today, were going to practice.
[OB:] Brainstorming
Do you remember this word?
[ thinking about it, writing down notes ahead of time ]

SS will compete in teams (pre-assigned) to

create grammatically correct sentences using
future time clauses.
SS will write a paragraph about plans for the

[ place writing assignment on the doc cam ]

Heres the topic...
[ explain the topic ]
Spend 5 minutes brainstorming and writing down notes.
((( monitor the brainstorming )))

5. Assign Homework
[10:45 - 10:45]


Okay. Use the rest of class working on your paragraph.

Use this paper. [ the assignment paper ]
Ill collect these at the end of class.
[ if they ask ] Itll be like a homework grade.
[ if they ask ] Next weeks writing will be 10%.
You can ask each other questions.
((( monitor the writing )))
Do: p. 198 Exer. 11
Do: p. 199 Exer. 12(B) [ info under 12(A) ]

Anticipated Problems
Some of the students freeze up during a writing assignment; may have to prompt them with suggestions.
Thinking Ahead
Monday: Begin adjectives? Discuss options for the final project? (minimum: presentation, document) Discuss making a rubric together.
Tuesday: In-Class Writing (grading for future time clauses, articles).

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