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Stage 1- (Desired Results)

Established Goal(s): Include content standards, CCSS, course or program objectives, learning outcomes, etc.

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information

through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.


Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition,

classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables),
and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information

and examples.
Understanding(s): Students will understand that(big ideas)

Communicating original ideas involves stating a claim,

backing that claim with evidence, and following that evidence
with reasoning that explains the importance of the original
Organization and tone are just as important as content when
communicating ideas

Essential Question(s):
Why are organization and tone important when
communicating original ideas?
How can I effectively communicate my own ideas in the
real world using the claim/evidence/reasoning model?

Students will know:

Students will be able to:

The claim/evidence/reasoning model of persuasive writing

Write a persuasive text using the claim/evidence/reasoning


The organization/format of formal writing

Organize (Intro/body/conclusion) a formal persuasive text

The importance of organization/tone in formal writing

Identify the effect organization and tone have on the

purpose of a piece of text/media/statement

Stage 2- (Desired Results- How do you know they know? Collecting Data)
Performance Task
-Through what
Students will create an original media of their choice (newspaper article, video, photo essay, presentation,etc.)
performance task(s) in in which they make a claim, back it up with evidence, and explain their reasoning. Topic is also up to the
will students
student but they must submit a project proposal as well as give weekly verbal progress reports in-class.
demonstrate the
- By what criteria
will performances of
understanding be
Other Evidence

Tone workshop

Desired Understandings: Concepts and Skills

Students understand the importance of tone in communicating

purpose within the claim/evidence/reasoning model

Data Collected

One page worksheet

Would You Eat

Students understand what makes a good claim, what makes
This? Article paper strong evidence, and how to best state their reasoning.
plate activity

Paper plate split into sections for c/e/r

where they recorded their thinking

Thesis Statement
Exit Ticket

Thesis based on defending the importance

of their favorite hobby/pastime to their
parents, using the model we went over in

After a lecture and road map activity on thesis statements,

students will take 10 minutes to write their own at the end of
class. (understand how to write an effective thesis statement)

Essay organization Students will understand the importance of organization in

worksheet/model communicating ideas in formal writing/ a formal setting.

One page worksheet (per student) and the

student outline (students trace each
other on paper and write thesis in head,
paragraphs on body, conclusion in feet) -one per student group

Stage 3- (Daily Instruction)



What is tone?
Why is tone important?
W- where is
lesson going How do I use tone in my writing?

Do Now
H- hook

Students will watch the original Frozen trailer and write a) what the tone of the media is and b) how that tone was
created. They will do the same thing for the Frozen horror movie trailer. Then as a class we will discuss that even
though the content stayed the same, the tone changed its meaning. (Conclusion: tone is as important as content)
What I am doing?

E- equip
R- rethink and
E- evaluate
T- tailor
O- be


What the students are doing?

What data am I collecting?

Student understanding of tone and

why it is important

Lecturing on tone

Taking fill-in-the-blank notes

Playing videos/asking class about

tone of videos

Writing tone words for each video and Student understanding of how tone
sharing what they wrote
affects meaning

Organizing students into groups of

Writing a sentence as a group based
four and explaining that theyll write
on a previously read article in the
a sentence in the secret tone word
secret tone theyve been assigned
theyre given

Students will be able to identify tone

in short texts based on keywords

FIRST: Gathering materials/writing

definition of tone on the board


FIRST: D.E.A.R reading time for 20


Tone, Audience, Purpose

Students will pick two passages from their independent reading at the beginning of class, one that communicates a

Ticket out the

positive tone and one negative tone, and identify the tone of each passage or sentence; to be written on a piece of
Video Clips:

paper and turned in on their way out the door

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