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The link between emotional intelligence and technology

Professional Writing and Research
Olivia Duncan
5 March 2016


Todays society has evolved in several ways and technology is one of them. Technology has
been a major part of todays world and it seems like everyday something else is getting invented
that draws people in. This literature review is going to share the examination between
technology and societys emotional intelligence. The literature review will have three main
categories; gender, generation, and careers. These three different categories will go in depth to
fully understand what effect, negative or positive, technology has towards societys emotional
intelligence. Gender will look deeper into women and men; generation will be split into the new
age and the Baby Boomers. The last category, careers, will be split into the positives and
negatives that technology has put on people and companies. Overall, this literature review is
going to contain different peer reviewed journals, articles, and books to help what technology is
doing to societys emotional intelligence.


The link between emotional intelligence and technology

Emotional intelligence, as stated by Ravichandran, Arasu, and Kumar (2011) is the ability
to control, evaluate, and be aware of ones emotions. As a person it is important to be aware of
ones emotions to allow control over them in different situations and daily routines. People who
are aware of their emotional intelligence are often aware and sensitive to others, even when they
do not necessarily need to be. Whereas, people who are unaware of their emotional intelligence
crash through life and are often tagged as frustrated, misunderstood, and failures. When people
are able to train their own emotional skills they can live a more productive and fulfilling life
(Kewalramani, Agrawal, & Rastogi, 2015). Digital technology has transformed the way we live,
communicate, and work. The Internet is becoming the universal medium for the information
people learn and absorb. A very particular way is the way the Internet and technology is
changing the way our brains function. A study showed that a U.S. student nowadays will have
been exposed to 30,000 h of digital information by the time he or she is 20 (p.329). Keegan
states that when teens (8-18 years) were surveyed on their media consumption, their total time on
the media was time equivalent to a full time job (Keegan, 2012). This research paper is going to
gain access into whether digital technology in todays society is a blessing or a curse.
This paper will focus mostly on qualitative research, the research that deals with
emotions and feelings. It also will deal with descriptive statistics, which is when is used to help
describe, show, and summarize the data that has been researched. This paper will also involve
some quantitative research, the research that deals with numbers and charts. Throughout, this
paper will be answering and looking deeper into the following research questions:
1. To what degree is technology advancing the business place and is it causing people to


decrease their face-to-face interaction?

2. To what degree does technology hinder or advance learning in the classroom?
3. To what degree has technology changed both men and women in the workplace?
Literature Review
Technology is evolving throughout todays society. Technology is defined in many ways,
a tool for both social aspects along with intellectual. Most of todays population uses technology
for communication, information, entertainment, and personal use. However, each person has
different ways it affects their lives and each person can use it in many different ways (Van
Volkom, Stapley, & Amaturo, 2014).
Men have actually scored lower than women on their emotional intelligence; however
men did score higher than women when trying to cope with stress in the work place, and women
scored higher than men in interpersonal skills. With women allowing themselves to be in touch
with their emotional intelligence, it has illustrated that women are more transformational leaders
than men. The characteristics of a transformation leadership are related more towards female
characteristics. Being a transformational leader enables one to establish himself or herself as a
role model and can gain trust and confidence of their followers. Another way transformational
leaders gain their followers is to motive them and push them; they use their emotional support
for help when it is needed. These leaders, mostly women, benefit from being aware of their
emotional intelligence; it makes them more charismatic and effective (Lopez-Zafra, GarciaRetamero, & Martos, 2012).
There are several different ways women and men can use technology. They both use
computers the same amount; however, women use their cell phones more whereas men play
video games. Some research has examined gender differences with why men and women use the


Internet, and it is for different reasons. Women tend to use the Internet to browse, purchase items
ones, research what they are interested in, and log into and stay on Facebook. Men, do not
browse or purchase items online, they are less likely to simply browse the web just because.
There are different emotions that come from using the Internet; women find they experience
anxiety and lack confidence more than men do. Having anxiety and lacking confidence
indicated that negative emotional reactions can be severe enough to prevent the user from using
technology altogether. It is stated that men have more positive feelings towards technology than
women do; women cherish making connections with others rather than through technology (Van
Volkom et al., 2014).
Viswanath, and Morris (2000) state that perceived usefulness is defined as the extent to
which a person believes that using a particular technology will increase his or her job
performance (p.116). They also state that perceived ease of use makes a person believe that
using technology will make their job easy and free from effort. Women are more drawn towards
using perceived ease of use than men are, men are more motivated by usefulness and
productivity related factors. Perceived ease of use shows women lean towards easier to use
products that may ultimately be more useful to them, whether it be technology or not.
More than 203 million Americans own a cell phone, and more than 30% of Americans
say they cannot live without their device. There was a study done at Rutgers University and the
assignment was to live without the students cell phone for three days, only 3 of the 22 students
completed the task. Society is only able to escape cellular devices when we are miles up in the
air; even then we are forced to do so. Cell phones have become very popular, they have been a
way for teens to bond, a symbol for acceptance, and it has boosted self-esteem and self-


confidence. Some teenagers are so dependant on the means of this technology they will steal or
take from others who have it. The question is raised, can cell phones be addictive? Research
shows that cell phones can be addictive but not the way someone is addicted to drugs or caffeine.
When using cell phones most Americans use them for games, the Internet, personal use, text
messaging, and many different applications; this is where things start to get addicting. It is not
an addiction but reinforcing behaviours that make it seem addictive. If someone is use to playing
a game, or checking a certain social media, they will continue to do so because that is their
behaviour. The study that was conducted showed that the electromagnet radiation from the cell
phones do cause certain levels of stress that affect the levels of essential enzymes in the human
body. Cell phones however, do not do any harm on our brain or deep damage into anything else
in our body; it is societys behaviours that have them thinking they are addicted to technology
(LaPorta. 2006).
New age. Emotional intelligence is important when trying to determine a student or
childs ability to communicate. Psychologists have found that general intelligence only
contributes for 20 percent of someones success in life; the other 80 percent comes from other
factors, one being emotional intelligence. Students that have a higher level of emotional
intelligence are able to perform better at academics. In order for one to be able to build up their
other skills and competencies they must be in touch with their emotional intelligence. Humans
have two rational minds that help us both think and feel, both all us to store knowledge,
influence feedback and behaviour, action, and thinking. This shows that emotional intelligence
can be practiced and learned, if it is not well known (Marzuki, Mustaffa, & Saad 2015).
Heemskerk, ten Dam, Volman, & Admiraal (2009) state that, learning by computers is
supposed to be motivating for students and is assumed to have positive effects on their learning


experience. Students seem to be motivated when hearing they will work with technology,
however, their experiences with technology in education can vary depending on their gender.
Girls take fewer technology classes than boys and show less confidence when working with
technology. Boys are found to play more computer games and take more technology classes than
the girls do. However, girls are more often than not found sending more e-mails at school than
boys, they use their technology for different things. When it comes to educational technology
girls seem to prefer games and educational tools that drive more cooperation and competition.
They are drawn towards games with creativity, more than games that are for dexterity, very
detailed, and colourful. Girls are also fond of clear instruction and interesting subjects, boys
however, like pictures and competition; something to work for. Teachers think that educational
tools should not discourage specific groups of students and should apply to both male and
In another study it was stated that boys experience an early and passionate attachment to
computers and technology. Early in life it is claimed that technology is male territory so girls
often stay away from it, society and culture have linked success and interest with computers to
males. Schoolteachers want to effectively utilize computers and technology in the classroom that
appeals to both genders, not just males. Educational leaders need to realize that gender equality
among students and technology should not only address education but should also allow the
student to develop their own understanding for computers, and appreciate what they are used for.
Both female and male students use computers to learn and can be linked to educational setting
and properties; word processing, Internet, homework, reports, and their projects. They use it for
e-mail, self-expression, and their own personal interests. The educational leaders who make the


educational programs for computers need to understand how boys and girls learn different and to
recognize that all education should fit both (Mims-Word, 2012).
Asthana (2009) states that schools must address how digital media is affecting young
people and their cultural experiences. The author also states that technology has not transformed
learning yet, and it has not revolutionized schooling as a whole. Technology has not yet proven
to show an increase in educational achievement or long-term motivation for learning. However,
it is thought that young people feel liberated and empowered by technology and videogames.
They also are actively engaged in learning education through fun and play. When children are at
home the technology can still be used, CD-ROMs, DVD games, video or computer games, and
web sites. These games can all target the right age range, from teachers, to children and parents,
and even toddlers.
Flipping the classroom is a new popular approach to learning; it is mostly applied to
college students. Flipping the classroom involves short audio or video lessons that students must
watch before the in-class lecture takes place. The Millennial generation has been unique in the
world of learning because they have been able to grow as technology has. Millennial students
prefer interactive and experiential-learning styles, flipping the classroom is an easy way to meet
the needs of these students. A world without technology and Internet is something these
Millennials do not know; they do not see the Internet as a tool but as a part of their everyday
lives. Phillips and Trainor state that this generation is described as smart, ambitious, incredibly
busy, multitaskers, ethnically diverse, and digitally literate, Millennials think it is cool to be
smart, are always connected, expect immediate/ instant access and responses, and have a
preference for experimental and engaging learning environments (p.103). Benefits of the
flipped classroom include, engaging instruction. Students are able to study on their own time


and at their own pace, they can also listen to a lecture more than one time if not fully understood.
Phillips and Trainor suggest that flipped classroom is excellent for lessons that teach more how
to than hands on (Phillips, & Trainor, 2014).
Baby Boomers. A study was conducted between Baby Boomer principals and
Generation X principals; it was to see how each dealt with educational learning through
technology. It was stated that Baby Boomers scored lower in collaboration, leadership,
commitment, and motivation, they also scored significantly lower in technology. Baby Boomer
principals prefer face-to-face interaction, whereas Generation X principals are willing to deal
with technology and or face-to-face. Motivation is something that Baby Boomer principals also
had troubles with, they are not as motivated to use technology like the Generation X principals
are. In investigations it is easy to see that Generation X had used technology while growing up
and Baby Boomers were not as lucky, it was all brand new for them. Baby Boomers need more
help and encouragement to use technology and have a positive attitude towards it (Seipert, &
Baghurst, 2014).
Baby Boomers and characterized as being technophobes who do not want to adapt to the
new technology, if and when they do they are struggling to use it. Since technology has been on
the up rise, most Baby Boomers have a cell-phone or some sort of technological device.
However, with saying this they have limited use and do not fully understand the functions, other
than calling and sending a simple text messaging. Cell phones started to make their impact in the
1990s, this was when Baby Boomers were in the midst of their careers and raising their families,
they did not necessarily need these new devices. Generation X (born 1965-1981), and
Generation Y (1982-2001) were young enough to start using technology early and realize the
benefits (if any) that came from using them. For this reason Baby Booms are known as being



overwhelmed and intimidated by technology. A study was taken to see if Baby Boomers enjoyed
technology and to see if they were good at using it. The study chose 51 Baby Boomers,
interviews were conducted online and face-to-face, 28 were male and 23 were female. The
average age of these participants was 53 years old, they were asked to rate their general use of
new technology. The survey and study was done online, 4 percent of Baby Boomers thought they
were poor users of technology, 39 percent rated themselves as average users, and 35 percent
thought they were good at using technology. 22 percent of Baby Boomers thought they were
excellent at using cell phones and technology, these were surprisingly all males and they were
working full or part time. There were eight Baby Boomers who took participated in this study
who did not own cell phones, they simply stated that they did not need one when they had a land
line, and did not understand why someone would like to be accessed 24 hours a day (McLeod,
Digital divide is a term that addresses the inequalities of computer owners and their
ability to use it and gain Internet access. The size of the digital dived, or the need to adopt the
use of new technology has varied over the years, but has been on the rise in the last couple. It
took 18 years for 50 percent of Americans to first adopt technology, and 9 years for Americans to
put high-speed Internet and WIFI into their homes. There is a high demand for the continuous
need for WIFI in homes. Age has been found to be a predictor in the use of technology. The
Baby Boomers are less likely to have Internet connection and are not using high speeds of
Internet if they do have it. Baby Boomers are more likely to listen to younger people they know,
they will have a positive influenced from them to use the internet and if so the digital divide will
be reduced (Middleton, & Chambers, 2010).



Society uses technology to experiment new ways to carry out their different tasks and in
doing so they are able to learn more about their jobs. Technology enabled job learning is when a
computer, or some sort of technological device is helping someone perform their job. The
system is used in terms of management control, task innovation and task productivity, and
customer satisfaction. It is also has a positive effect on decision-making, work integration, and
customer service. Using the system does not mean that the technology is doing the job for the
individual, it simply means that the individual would be given an increased understanding and
meaning of the task they are doing, this results in an increased outcome. Technology has
influenced work, the way an individual learns, and ways for the individual to accomplish their
tasks. Learning in the workplace allows for employees to keep learning new information while
doing their job. When individuals of a company get together and form a group they are able to
interact with one another and understand the task at hand more in depth, they are also able to
develop ideas and use their technology as a form of other information (Torkzadeh, Chang, &
Hardin, 2011).
Digital technology is changing the way work is happening. Companies can use video
communication when teams are distributed around the country, or world. However, one problem
with video communication is the lack of presence by the individual that is on the other side of the
screen. Companies have tried to work around this and gain more presence from the individual
behind the screen, the best thing they can do is keep everyone in the discussion fully engaged in
the conversation. Kane states that technology is now a form of societys culture, it brings the
culture together and forms societys values into one. In todays workplace there is a relationship
between the people and the technology, if a work space is not up to par and does not meet the
needs of the employee then problems arise and productivity is put on hold. Technology shapes



society and society shapes technology, when employees are able to pick up their laptop and move
around it is much more effective than when they had a desktop and were limited to their
movement. When people are able to move around they gain the ability to think critically,
communicate effectively, engage, collaborate and share ideas with other people. The biggest
impact of digital technology in the work place is when individuals work and how they work,
people can now leave work whenever, go away on weekend, take days off and still be connected
to their job because that is what technology is able to do. Not always having to be at a desk all
day creates different days for employees, they can work in another office, in the cafeteria, or
whatever space that individual is able to work in to make it the perfect working space. On the
other hand, with all the movement and technology is makes gaining social connection harder.
Working with technology and in front a screen, working from home, and not working with
people limits how much social interaction people get on a day-to-day basis. Another way that
companies deal with technology is through social media, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
More often than not companies now have someone who deals with social media, this person has
to think if what they are posting is good for the company, will it bring a positive view upon the
company, and what is the company portraying by posting this? (Kane, 2015)
When people are dependant on technology it often leads to a weaker relationship with
other people. However, some people are able to gain the trust of other and be able to juggle both
technology skills and people skills, this is called leadership effectiveness. Being a leader comes
with different skills; self-knowledge, the ability to read other, emotional intelligence, adjusting
actions, gaining relationships, and mannerism. Leaders in todays society need to fuse their work
and human relationships together; leaders need to realize they are leading the people, not the
technology. Society today would prefer online friendships over real life one, people today avoid



real interactions and communication because they are interacting and communicating online.
Todays society needs to realize that if they want to trust people and be trusted they must look up
from their technology and look at someone in their eyes, have a real in depth conversation
(Service, & Guess, 2015).
As technology is growing companies are becoming more competitive and need to
enlighten their employees about these changes so they can adapt accordingly. Technology has a
high impact on psychology in the workplace according to Turnage. One thing that can change
the workplace is the creation of automated systems; these systems are designed to have human
characteristics. These characteristics are being able to make decisions, have a sense of
reasoning, have perceptual skills, and be sensitive. They systems also need to be to think like the
machines they are, such as performing repetitive functions. With this new automated system,
what will happen to the individuals that are left out? Will employers see more worker
dissatisfaction or loss of productivity? When different types of jobs started identifying a lot of
individual difference it was difficult for companies to hire, they needed to find the right people to
fit the job. However, with technology, the companies can now fit the job to their employee
(Turnage, 1990).
Adoption, and acceptance are things that individuals need to learn when dealing with
technology in the work of business. This study showed that when individuals accept technology
it is because they perceive it as useful and easy to use. The study also stated that the importance
of how employees are able to use technology in the workplace is a step for acceptance. One way
employees accept technology is understanding and making sense of the outcome that goes along
with the technology, the employees are much more able to adapt to different technology when
they know what it is used for. Stam and Stanton suggest that employees who are focused on



getting a promotion tend to accept changing technology over individuals who tend to care less
(Stam, & Stanton, 2010).
This paper addressed both the negatives and positives about have technology in todays
society. Both men and women use technology, but for different reasons. Men use it to play
video games, they also feel very confident when using the Internet; men have no negative
emotions towards technology. However, women use it for their own personal use, to browse the
web, and to purchase things online. Women tend to feel anxious and lack confidence when using
the Internet, they enjoy using technology that provides positive feedback and is extremely easy
to use. Both Baby Boomers and Millennials know how to use technology, but only the
Millennials were raised on technology. There is a stereotype that Baby Boomers are not able to
use technology the way Millennials can, further research needs to be done on that so the
stereotype can be erased. Baby Boomers pride themselves on being able to use technology, but
they think that it is unnecessary so many do not use it. The Millennial era is very diverse in the
technology world. Technology in the career world has positive aspects; it allows business
meetings to happen around the world instead of in the same room. Instead of an individual being
glued to their desk by a desktop computer they are now able to pick up their laptop and travel
around if questions are raised. Technology still has a long way to go, there is research that can
be done to make sure society is using technology in the correct way. Technology is something
that will never disappear instead it will keep evolving.
Asthana, S. (2009). Beyond technology: Children's learning in the age of digital culture.
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Heemskerk, I., Ten Dam, G., Volman, M., & Admiraal, W. (2009). Gender inclusiveness in
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Kane, G. (2015). The workplace of the future. MIT Sloan management Review, 56.4, 1-9.
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