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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being
Subject/Content: ELA
Taught: 4
What Standards (national
or state) relate to this
(You should include ALL
applicable standards. Rarely
do teachers use just one:
theyd never get through
them all.)
Essential Understanding
(What is the big idea or
essential question that you
want students to come away
with? In other words, what,
aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish
this lesson?)

Objectives- What are you

(Student-centered: What will
students know and be able to
do after this lesson? Include
the ABCDs of objectives:
action, behavior, condition,
and degree of mastery, i.e.,
"C: Given a sentence written
in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able
to re-write the sentence in

Name: ____Deanna

Date of Lesson: 2/25/2016

Lesson Content
LACC.4.RL.1.2- determine the main idea and explain how it is supported by
LACC.4.RL.3.7- Interpret information presented visually, orally or quantitatively
SS.4.C.1.1- describe how Floridas constitution protects citizens rights and provides for
structure, function, and purposes of state government.

What causes change in a community?

Students will be able to determine the main idea

Students will answer questions based on the passage read

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being
Subject/Content: ELA
Taught: 4

Name: ____Deanna

Date of Lesson: 2/25/2016

future tense D: with no errors

in tense or tense contradiction
(i.e., I will see her
Note: Degree of mastery does
not need to be a percentage.)
Address the following
Why are you teaching this
Where does this lesson fit
within a larger plan?
Why are you teaching it
this way?
Why is it important for
students to learn this
Evaluation Plan- How will
you know students have
mastered your objectives?
Address the following:
What formative evidence
will you use to document
student learning during
this lesson?
What summative evidence
will you collect, either
during this lesson or in
upcoming lessons?

Students is reading the informational text that explains how the constitution sets up the
national government and protects rights.

Students will complete the following the questions:

- What is the main idea on pg. 673 and what text evidence supports this idea?
- Which right does the duty to vote balance? According to the graph on pg. 674, how
well do voters perform this duty?
- How does the information in the graph contribute to your understanding of the
Students will complete peer reviews within groups.
I will walk around with a checklist and record what the students are writing and also
record their engagement.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being
Subject/Content: ELA
Taught: 4

What Content Knowledge

is necessary for a teacher
to teach this material?

What background
knowledge is necessary for
a student to successfully
meet these objectives?

Name: ____Deanna

Date of Lesson: 2/25/2016

The information in the text, correct language and content

Students will need to know the vocabulary used in the passage.

How will you ensure

students have this
previous knowledge?
Who are your learners?
What do you know about
What do you know about
their readiness for this
What misconceptions
might students have about
this content?

Students might confuse what parts of the text is the main idea and which is the
supporting details.
Students might be confused on how to read the graph to answer the questions correctly.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being
Subject/Content: ELA
Taught: 4

Name: ____Deanna

Date of Lesson: 2/25/2016

Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will
you use during this lesson?
Examples include guided
release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture,
demonstration, partner word,

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to
do in teaching this lesson? Be
thorough. Act as if you needed
a substitute to carry out the
lesson for you.)
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
What Higher Order
Thinking (H.O.T.) questions
will you ask?
How will materials be

Shared lesson, direct instructions, partner work,


Who is
e (Teacher

Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use

whichever plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson.
For example, in science, you would detail the 5 Es here
(Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the Idea;
Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea;
Teacher will discuss the essential question.
Students will go over the passage in groups
Students will answers the questions together
- What is the main idea on pg. 673 and what text evidence
supports this idea?
- Which right does the duty to vote balance? According to the

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being
Subject/Content: ELA
Taught: 4
Who will work together in
groups and how will you
determine the grouping?
How will students
transition between
What will you as the
teacher do?
What will the students do?
What student data will be
collected during each
What are other adults in
the room doing? How are
they supporting students
What model of co-teaching
are you using?
What will you do if

Name: ____Deanna

Date of Lesson: 2/25/2016

graph on pg. 674, how well do voters perform this duty?

How does the information in the graph contribute to your
understanding of the text?
Then students will complete peer reviews with each other papers
(students will use a rubric and grade each other paper.

a student struggles with the content?

Teacher will gather a group and go over content

What will you do if

a student masters the content quickly?

Students will go around and check other students work and answer questions
that students might have

Meeting your students

needs as people and as

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
backgrounds of your students?
The constitution is a part of the united states history
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
Students will be able to notice how different rules in the school/classroom is
put in play to have order in the school/classroom.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being
Subject/Content: ELA
Taught: 4

Name: ____Deanna

Date of Lesson: 2/25/2016

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
challenge during this lesson (enrichment)?

Accommodations (If
(What students need specific
accommodation? List
individual students (initials),
and then explain the
accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique
(What materials will you use?
Why did you choose these
materials? Include any
resources you used. This can
also include people!)

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
language support?
Discuss how to group words into meaningful phrases and pause slightly
between them in order to better understand the text.
B.W. provide extra time to complete classwork if needed

Journeys books, reading notebooks, pencils, ELMO, rubrics

Reflection: I noticed that students were on task when we completed the turn and talks. I also notice that the students
were engaged ad complete the assignment in a timely manner. I noticed finished the assignment in a timely manner
also. I had students repeat diretions to ensure the students understand the directions that I gave them. They were able
to complete the assignment with minimally amount of disruptions.

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