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Morgan Lasota

Dawn Wiley
ED 457: Lesson Analysis
1. To MyPlate by incorporating the different food groups and
pasting the worksheet in their journal
2. To the students tastes by asking them to share with the class
what their favorite healthy food was which connects them to
3. To prior knowledge by asking them if they knew the difference
between healthy vs. unhealthy food
1. Our content is organized in an understandable fashion and
flows together so that the student can maximize their learning
2. We also divided our open, body, and close and estimated a
time for each (open 5 min, body 20 min, and close 5 min)
1. Examples: We model healthy eating not only by bringing in
examples of healthy and unhealthy foods but also by our daily
habits as teachers
2. Goal Setting: We let our students set attainable goals for
themselves and also set a goal for ourselves so they can see
it taking place in themselves and others

1. Provide Enrichment: Students will be given the opportunity to
journal and write down their thoughts and feelings and reflect
on that
2. Students will also be able to collaborate with peers and enrich
their experiences with their classmates
1. Active in writing journals and identifying food groups
2. Talking in small groups about their journal and their
experience with this activity
3. Sharing their favorite food which might encourage their peers
as well
1. Variety of Activities: Having students do journals and set goals
while learning about the MyPlate food groups
2. Make sure to only journal about school lunch so that students
do not feel uncomfortable about their diets at home, but
making them aware

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