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Name: Maha Zwayen

Course: EED 211
Date: 09/14/2015
Activity: First Sound Sort
1-Age of child/ or group of children
The activity was done with 4 and 5 years old children. The teacher worked individually with
each child while allowing other children to watch how the teacher and this child are working
to do the activity. The activity was implemented in the classroom starting in the circle time
area and then moving to the writing centre. The classroom reflects the concept of diversity as
some children are special needs and some are bilingual and all of them enjoyed the activity
and engaged in it effectively.
2- Objective/s of the activity (AZ language standards):
Language and literacy standards, strand 1: Language, concept 1: Receptive Language
Understanding, indicator b. Actively engages in finger-plays, rhymes, chants, poems,
conversations, and stories and indicator c. Demonstrates understanding and follows directions
that involve: one step, two steps, and a series of unrelated sequences of action. Moreover,
concept 2: Expressive Language and Communication Skills, indicator c. Makes relevant
responses to questions and comments from others and d. Initiates, sustains, and expands
conversations with peers and adults. Strand 2: Emergent literacy, concept 3: Phonological
Awareness, indicator d. With modelling and support, recognizes spoken words that begin
with the same sound. This activity is emphasizing linguistic awareness by learning about the
words that start with the same sound. Moreover, it is helping children to learn how to follow
directions and express their knowledge of words and letters.
3- Describe or identify specific materials used/ needed

Three baskets, marker, paper bag, several objects that begin with three different letter sounds.
The teacher used the letters (B, S, W) in this activity and her objects included (book, bird and
bear toys, bow, band, bag, box, bracelet, block, brush, scissor, sanitizer, soap, spoon, star,
stone, water, watch and wallet).
4- Internet resource address
5- Describe the activity implementation with the following headings
Steps- The teacher started her activity during the circle time and presented the letters (B, S,
and W) and asked the children to give her words that start with these sounds and illustrated
that they would do an activity which is related to these sounds. After that she picked one
child to start her activity with and told other children that they can watch their teacher and
friend working together while waiting for their turns. The teacher was already prepared three
baskets with the letters (B, S, W) written on them and a bag with objects that start with these
sounds. She reviewed the letters on the basket with their sounds to the child. Next she asked
the children to pick an item from the bag at a time and put this item in the basket that carry
the sound as this item starts with. The teacher also helped the children to name the objects in
the bag and say the first sound of the objects name. Moreover, she redirected the children by
repeating the sound of the letters which the objects start with till the children sort all the
objects in the right baskets.
Timeframe- Presenting the letters and words during the circle time took about 10 minutes to
be done. The activity itself took from 5-8 minutes to be done with each child including
naming the objects and put them in the right baskets and helping their teacher after they were
done to have the items back in the bag.

Single or group- The activity started as in the circle time with the group of children. Next the
teacher worked individually with each child while allowing other children to watch and learn
the dynamic of the activity as their teacher and friends naming the items and match them to
the baskets that carry their first sounds.
Inside or outside- The activity was done inside the classroom. Staring on the circle time area
then moving to the writing centre where it is quiet and prepared to do the activity.
6- Evaluate the activity with the following headings:
List the strengths- Choosing the age of children who did this activity was successful because
pre-kindergarten have enough comprehension to understand different directions and they
have knowledge of the Alphabetical letters and their sounds which made them realize how to
match the objects to the baskets that carry the same letters as they start with. Moreover, when
the children are at this age, they are curious and interested in learning which made them
respond to their teachers questions and comments effectively. In addition, starting to explain
the activity to the children during the circle time gave them a kind of expectation about what
they will do next and choosing the writing centre to do this activity in was accurate because it
is quiet and organized centre away from toys which made the children focus on what they are
learning. In addition, spending enough time with each child individually helped the children
to get their teachers full attention which helped in promoting their understanding of making
conversations as listeners and speakers. Beside that choosing items that have sensory aspects
like a soap which smells good made the children interested in continuing the activity. Finally,
giving enough directions from the teacher was helpful for children to learn. For example,
many children faced difficulties with putting the items that start with the sound (W) in the
right basket, so the teacher started giving them examples of words that start with the sound

(W) to make it easier for them to match the objects with the basket that labelled with the
same letter that these objects start with.
Limitation- The teacher did not choose items that start with the same letters on the baskets,
but having different sounds. For example, she did not choose items like (Shoes) when the
letter (s) pronounces different than the (s) in the word (Star) which gave the children a limited
knowledge about the relation between sounds and letters. Beside that, some children did not
have enough interest in doing the activity because the teacher worked with each child
individually which did not allow the children to engage socially with their friends while
working on this activity like one of the children who stopped engaging in the activity
suddenly in spite of the fact that he was doing great.
Variations- The teacher planned to include more objects that start with the same letters as the
baskets carry, but have different sounds. For example, with the letter (C), she will have items
like a (Cow) and explain to the children how the letter (C) sounds different in this word.
Modifications- The teacher planned to include more items that have sensory aspects like a
bell that makes sounds. The teacher also would focus during the circle time on the part of
giving words that start with specific letters were she got this idea as the children faced some
difficulties to find words for the letter (W) expect one child who said the word (Wing).
Moreover, the teacher would hang the letters that she works on teaching the children about
them around the classroom and keep repeating and presenting them in activities, so the
children would fully know them. In addition, the teacher would have two children working on
this activity together instead on working with each child individually to see if they will be
more interested in participating in this activity and if they have better results and certainly she
will be there to direct them all the time.
7- Outcome of the activity

Describe how your objectives were metThis activity helped the children to promote their phonological awareness and their
knowledge of the relation between letters and sounds by sorting the objects according to their
first sounds which are indicated by the letters on the baskets. In addition, the children learned
more about following a sequence of directions from their teacher and they learned how to
answer questions and express their knowledge through making conversations with their
teacher too. For example, one of the children did not know what is the sanitizer?, so he asked
his teacher (What is this?) and his teacher told him to open the cover and smell it and see if
he would know what this is. Moreover, she asked him to put some of it on his hand and show
him how he can clean his hands by using it.
Personal learning
The teacher learned to have higher expectations on the children because they surprised her
with their cognitive and language development like the knowledge that they have about
sorting and their awareness of letters and different words names. She also learned that it is
important to add different colours and sensory aspects to the activities because they keep the
children interested in learning. Beside that she realized the importance of repeating letters and
sounds on children daily and engage them in activities because if they will not practice what
they learn, they would start forgetting about it. On the other hand, the teacher is now more
aware about the importance of working children in groups to keep them interested and
enhance their social skills. Finally, she can see now how it is important for the teacher to
engage with the children in the activity and give them directions to enhance their confidence
and self-esteem and make them realizing the value of what they are learning.

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