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By: Montana, Megan, Emily, Jess, Kacy, and Kaylie

Language Arts Lesson 1 - 5th grade


Have students write a narrative over either a life event or of a made up character. The narrative
should include many details of what the character goes through and does.
Have students get in pairs and trade stories. Each student will make a wordless picture book
displaying how they visualized the story.
The students will then share their wordless picture books with the original writer of the story.

Language Arts Lesson 2


Have teacher read a picture book out loud to students without showing the pictures.
Then have students create a wordless picture book to show their interpretation of the book the teacher
Pair and share
Then have a full class discussion about the similarities, differences and main details.

Math/Economics Lesson

Have students get in groups of 3-5 and come up with a business. They will
have to come up with a business that sells food, jewelry, anything that
could be made by hand and bought.
Over the course of a couple of weeks create a classroom town name and have
everyone start preparing their business.
There will also be a town currency created that exists of coins and dollars.
The class will have a classwide business day where you select a job out of a
hat that gives you your income, each student has a different income and can
go buy from the other businesses.
This teaches students the idea of supply and demand as well as practicing with
working with money and allows them to be creative in making their own
business and product.
This creates a storyline of experiencing being grown up, having your own
money, and living in the economical world.

Social Studies

NSS-USH.K-4.2; NSS-USH.K-4.3; NSS-USH.K-4.4; NL-ENG.K-12.5; NL-ENG.K-12.4; NA-VA.K-4.4

- Students pick and research the life of an influential man or woman in history (can be based off of a
certain time period or event depending on the current unit of study)
- Students write script as if they were speaking as the influential person and describing significant
events of their life in 1st person
- Students create a costume to dress up as their famous person of their choosing
- Students set up a live museum and invite other students and parents to tour the museum and hear
the stories of the influential people

Social Studies Lesson 2

-CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRW3, 4, 7; NSS-USH.K-4.1, 3, 4; NA-VA.K-4.3

-At the end of a unit of study, have students pick a specific aspect of that unit to research and write about
(i.e what Native Americans harvested; Native American language, etc.)
- Have students write their own historical fiction book based on the research they found. They should write
as though they lived in that time period.
- Have students illustrate their books using various materials
- Have students present their books to the class, talking about why they chose to write and illustrate their
books in the manner that they did.

Science Lesson

-Standards: NA-VA.K-4.5, NA-VA.K-4.6

-Students will research and observe the life cycle of an animal or insect (baby chick, butterfly, mealworm,
-Students will begin by researching the life cycle of the animal/insect before observing the process in order
to establish background knowledge.
-while observing the life cycle students will take careful notes. They will be expected to draw sketches of
their findings and keep evidence in a journal.
- Students will use their research, observations, and sketches to write a narrative from the animal/insects
point of view. The narrative should include the thoughts and feeling of the animal/insect during its life cycle.

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