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The Book and the Idea is Visually Very

Interesting... A knyv s az tlet is
vizulisan nagyon rdekes ...

Who are We ?

Where did we

come from?
Kik vagyunk mi ?
Amennyiben nem vagyunk
jnni valahonnan?
I have this picture in my mind of the most
perfect summer day. As it is a dream we can
move so speedily that we can see all the deatils
together, which makes it very beautiful...
n ezt a kpet a fejemben a
legtkletesebb nyri napon. Mivel ez egy

lom, hogy tudunk mozogni, gy gyorsan,

hogy ltjuk a rszleteket egytt, ami

nagyon szp ...
Everything is shimmering in sun and it is
a kind of greenish yellow and although
I did not hear them in my dream, I guess
the birds are singing. Minden csillog
napstsben, s ez egyfajta
zldessrga , s br n nem
hallottam ket lmomban, azt hiszem,
a madarak nekelnek.

And we tramp up hill and down dale as

we say in traditional folk English (the

English of our grandparents, or of your

great-great-great-great-grandparents ,
up hill and down dale has a nice music
to it, going first up and then down like
the words)
s mi sszejrkljk "felfel s lefel
vlgy", mint mondjuk a hagyomnyos
npi angol nyelven (angol
nagyszleink, vagy a nagy-nagy-nagynagy-nagyszleik
hegynek felfel s lefel Dale egy
szp zene hozz, majd elszr fel,
majd le - mint a szavak
and anyway, in my waking
vision we meet groups of people, farmers
maybe, turning over the soil if it is spring,
or reaping golden corn if it is summer,

and we really do not know what season it

is (although it is not winter) because it is
a dream

even though in spring the blossom can

look like snow (the blossom is especially
beautiful just now, did you notice it?)
s klnben is, n bren lts
tallkozunk embercsoportok, gazdk

taln, elfordtva a talaj, ha tavasszal,

vagy arats arany kukorica, ha ez a
nyr, s mi tnyleg nem tudom,
milyen vszak van (br ez nem
tlen ), mert ez egy lom - noha
tavasszal a virgzs is nz ki, mint a
h (a virg klnsen szp most, ugye

And as we pass certain people, they start

(or already are) singing, just because they
are joyful about the day and about their
lives I suppose

and the music is complicated and

beautiful and a bit strange
s ahogy haladunk bizonyos emberek,
elkezdenek (vagy mr ilyen) nek,
csak azrt, mert rmteli a nap, s az
letkrl Gondolom
s a zene meglehetsen bonyolult s
gynyr, s egy kicsit furcsa
it is like no music we have heard
before (or anyone has heard before)
because we have just heard them singing,
in our dream only we were there
although I suppose, in the civilization
which lies behind the dream (if it exists)
we might guess that someone had once
written it down and this group of country

men and boys were singing a well-known

but it did not sound like one it
sounded like something completely fesh
and new.

a mi lom - csak ott voltunk - br azt

hiszem, a civilizci, ami minden
mgtt az lom (ha ltezik) azt sejteni
lehet, hogy valaki egyszer rta le, s
ez a csoport az orszg frfiak s fik
nekeltk a jl ismert dal
de nem gy hangzott, mint egy
gy hangzott, mint valami teljesen j
s friss

After I had written that down for you I
wanted to link it to our studies
did you know studies comes from a Latin






something, to do something with love ?

I found online that study really means:

"a state of deep thought or contemplation; a state of

mental perplexity, doubt, anxiety; state of amazement or
Miutn rtam, hogy le neked akartam kapcsolni azt
a mi tanulmnyok
tudtad tanulmnyok szrmazik latin sz, jelentse
", hogy rl valami, hogy tegyen valamit a
Az interneten talltam, hogy a sz azt jelenti:
"Az llam a mly gondolat vagy elmlkeds egy
llam a mentlis zavarodottsg, ktsg, szorongs
llapotban csodlkozva vagy csoda.

History, Geography. Where do we come

from as I said at the beginning which
is a question many people have asked
before us and a very good question
Trtnelem, fldrajz. Hol szrmaznak - mint
mondtam az elejn - amely krds sokan krdeztk
elttnk, s egy nagyon j krds


And it is the job of children to think of

and ask, very beautiful and delicate and
intricate and difficult questions and you
should be justly happy, as I am writing
this, now today aged 61, but you are only
ten or twelve and have a golden fifty years
ahead of you which you can enjoy
peacefully in Hungary, a place very like
my dream especially here in Mtsalka,






significant at all for dozens of decades and

even centuries, opening up to us who live
here a particularly pure vision of the
green fields, yellow sun and blue sky
and on special days this is reflected in









s ez a feladat a gyerekeket, hogy az, s krje,

nagyon szp s finom s bonyolult s nehz
krdsek - s akkor mltn boldog, ahogy rom ezt,
most a mai idsebb 61, de csak tz vagy tizenkt s
egy arany tven v elttnk, amelyen lvezheti
bksen Magyarorszgon, egy helyen nagyon
hasonl az lmom - klnsen itt Mtsalka, ahol
soha semmi nem trtnt, semmi fontos valaha,
semmi jelents egyltaln tucat vtizedek, st


vszzadok nyits neknk, akik itt lnek egy

klnsen tiszta ltst a zld mezk, a srga nap
s kk g - s klnleges nap ez tkrzdik a
szemedben, meg arct s a lelkeseds

I see it in many small and bright brown

eyes, and Hungarians have as a rule
brown eyes.
Ltom a sok kis s vilgos barna szeme, s
magyarok - mint ltalban - barna szem

In the Church, for example at Easter, you

may here a reading from the Bible about how
God divided the Waters from the Heaven and
then divided the waters into land and sea,
finally creating Man on the Seventh Day,
because I like to think he rested one day
before he started, if only to allow himself the
ability to start counting (as you cannot count
from zero to one very easily, just try that on


your fingers!) so the First day should really be

the Second day. And by that logic, today, April
15th and Friday April 15th ought to be
Friday April the 16th, 2016. But it isnt,





according to the normal calendar.

Az egyhz, pldul a Hsvt, akkor itt
leolvasott Bibliban, hogy Isten osztva a
vizeket a menny majd osztani a vizeken
szrazfldi s tengeri, vgl ltre Ember a
Hetedik nap, de szeretem azt hinni, pihent
egy nappal azeltt, hogy elkezddtt, ha csak
hagyja magt a kpessg, hogy elkezd
szmols (itt nem lehet szmolni a nulla egy
nagyon knnyen, csak prblja, hogy az
ujjait!), gy az els nap kell igazn a msodik
napon. s, hogy a logika, ma prilis 15 - s
pnteken prilis 15 - kellene pntek prilis
16., 2016. De ez szerint nem normlis
szmtsok szerint s a szoksos naptr.


About sixty-five years ago a writer was recovering

from a long and difficult illness and although she
wrote another book first, I guess it was then,
maybe in the spring, that she had a dream about
an endless spreading summer sunlight perhaps
on a day when she was feeling quite depressed,
and this must have lifted her up and shown her
the path to take, a path as a writer of childrens
stories, which was quite new for her family as her
father was a miller (the person who grinds corn
for flour) and the beautiful house in the book and
indeed the film is The Mill House where the Miller
(who was an important and rich man because he
made all the bread for the area) lived in some


splendour and so she thought of Toms

Midnight Garden. Maybe there was a noisy
grandfather clock in the house where she was at
the time, or maybe she just imagined it.
Krlbell hatvant vvel ezeltt r talpra
egy hossz s nehz betegsg, s br rt
egy msik knyvet elszr, azt hiszem, ez volt
akkor, taln tavasszal, hogy lmodott egy
vgtelen terjed nyri napfny - esetleg egy
nap volt, amikor rzi elg depresszis, s ezt
meg is emelte, s megmutatta neki az utat,
hogy egy utat, mint egy r, a gyermekek
trtnetek, ami egszen j a csaldja, mint az
apja volt a molnr (az a szemly, aki rl
kukorica liszt), s a szp hz a knyvet, s
valban a film ltalnos polk Mill House ",
ahol a Miller (aki fontos s gazdag ember,
mert mindent a kenyr a terlet) lt nhny
pompa - s gy gondolta a'Tom Midnight
Garden ". Taln volt egy zajos ingara a
hzban, ahol volt abban az idben, vagy
taln csak kpzelte.


There was one in the house in Devon where my

parents lived up to about ten years ago it was in
south-west England and for ten or twelve years
before that a kind of paradise in their lives not
only did we have a grandfather clock, but we were
also, just above and near the village church, which
had a very noisy bell.
Both clock and bell were there to strike all the
hours, and there was a kind of competition
between the two to see which was first.
Sometimes the church tower won. Sometimes the
clock in the hall. I always listened.


In that house of course we had a fine piano and a

garden and flowers which my mother loved and at
the bottom of the garden, down a steepish hill, a
stone wall and you could climb over the stone
wall and go into an orchard which is a place
where any kind of fruit grows, usually apples, and
lower down was a rocky stream which went
through a deep valley, full of large rocks and
strange trees, and you could walk along this and
get almost lost in a very ancient and strange
landscape. So we often went on long walks which I
do not think children do so much now and in the
other places where we lived, far less beautiful, we
also walked and went on long bike rides as well.
In the garden was mint.
Volt egy hz Devon, ahol a szleim lnek tz vvel
ezeltt - ez volt a dl-nyugati rszn Anglia - tztizenkt vvel ezeltt - egyfajta paradicsom
letkben - s nem csak van egy inga ra, de ez
kzel volt a falu temploma, ami nagyon hangos


cseng. Mind az ra s harang volt ott minden

rban a sztrjk, s ott volt a fajta verseny a kett
kztt, amely az els volt. Nha mr egy
templomtorony. Nha az ra a teremben. Mindig
Ebben a hzban, termszetesen egy gynyr
zongora, s egy kerti virgok, szeretett
desanym, s az aljn a kertben, le a
legmeredekebb hegy, egy kfal - s lehet mszni a
falon, s bemegy egy gymlcsskert - egy hely,
ahol nvekszik gymlcst, ltalban alma volt, s
le egy szikls patak ment keresztl egy mly vlgy,
tele nagy kvek s a fk furcsa, s stlhat rajta,
s szinte elvsz egy nagyon furcsa s si tjon. Oly
gyakran nagyokat stltunk, nem hiszem, hogy a
gyerekek ezt annyira most - s ms helyeken, ahol
laktunk, sokkal kevsb szp, mentnk, s ment is
a hossz kerkprtrk. A kertben volt menta.


It is a shame that you are missing this

contact with your land as a natural family
thing like that

Szgyen, hogy hinyzik ez a

kapcsolatot a fldet, mint egy
termszetes csald ilye

There was another book of this sort, a

magical and nature filled book, Wind in
the Willows, and I recall you found it
difficult too, although some of you could
see its beauty. The link is here. It is quite


funny, as I trick you into being bored or

not being bored...
Volt egy msik knyv effle, egy varzslatos s a
termszet tele knyv,'Wind in the Willows ", s
emlkszem, akkor nehezen, br nhny lehetett ltni
annak szpsgt. A link itt. Ez elg vicces, ahogy trkk,
amit a unatkozik, vagy hogy nem unatkozik ...

We can see it again if you would like to. And we will

look more closely at tall church towers, summer,
gardens, clocks, we continue to watch and
understand (in other words, with your permission)
Toms Magic Garden . Thank you!
Lthatjuk, hogy jra, ha szeretn. s nzzk meg
kzelebbrl magas templomtornyok, nyr, kertek, rk,
emlkek ... ahogy tovbbra is nzni s megrteni (ms
szval, az n engedlyvel)

'Toms Magic Garden


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