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Blog #12

Blood is a mixture of cells, chemicals, and fluid.

It transports substances throughout the body and is overall very important and
essential for survival and living. It also provides as a defense against infection, and
unlike some other body parts, there is no substitute for blood as it cant be made or
manufactured. The only source of blood for those who need it are donors.
Blood is made of 4 main items: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and
Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood that transports water and nutrients.
Red blood cells are disc-shaped cells that contain hemoglobin, which enables the
cells to pick up and deliver oxygen to all parts of the body, and then pick up carbon
dioxide and remove it from tissues.
White blood cells are the bodys primary defense against infection. They can move
out of the blood stream and reach tissues to fight infections.
Platelets are cells within our blood and they bind together when they recognize
damaged blood vessels. They bind to the cut and cause a blood clot and cause us to
stop bleeding.
Blood cells are produced in bone marrow. Its produced especially in the vertebrae,
ribs, hips, skull, and sternum.
Now that you know more about blood, lets talk about how blood transfusions are
An IV line is inserted into the blood vessels. This is what you receive the blood
You have to be watched especially during the first 15 minutes because allergic
reactions can occur, and it is vital to watch.
Certain blood types can be given to people depending on their blood type, and it is
essential that everyone receiving blood follows the basic rules of what blood they
can receive.
Blood types depend on the presence or absence of certain antigens, which are
substances that can trigger an immune response if they are foreign to the body.
There are four blood types which depend on the presence of two anitgens, A and B.
Group A, B, AB, and O. AB have both antigens and O has neither.
Someone with O blood can have their blood given to O, A, B, and AB blood patients
Someone with A can have their blood given to someone with A or AB
Someone with B can have their blood given to B or AB

Someone with AB can only have their blood given to someone with AB

Along with the antigens, there is a third one called Rh factor which is either a
positive or negative. In general, Rh negative blood is given to negative patients, and
Rh negative or positive blood may be given to positive patients.
The most common blood type is O+ and the least positive blood type is AB-

"Blood Types." American Red Cross. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

What Are Platelets and Why They Are Important: Johns Hopkins Women's Cardiovascular Health
Center." What Are Platelets and Why They Are Important: Johns Hopkins Women's Cardiovascular
Health Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

"What Is Blood?" America's Blood Centers. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

"What To Expect During a Blood Transfusion." - NHLBI, NIH. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

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