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Dear Intemational Trade Costumer: This letter is to inform you about the upcoming “ICA” (Colombian Phytosanitary Authority) ruling that will apply for all cargo shipments using wood packaging, pallets or skids as of September 15”. 2005 ICA Resolutions 1079 and 3204 (2004) state that all wood packaging, skids or pallets manufactured out of coniferous and non-coniferous raw wood to enter or exit the country after September 15". 2005, must meet the requirements of the FAO's ISPM No 15-2002. The countries members of the FAO approved ISPM 15-2002 in March 2002. Besides Colombia, other countries like the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay, have already or will mandate to start complying with the ruling this year. ISPM 15-2002 requires that, in order to prevent the spread of quarantine pests, all packages, skids and pallets, manufactured of coniferous and non- coniferous raw woods to be immunized either thermally or chemically, before been used for transportation. The immunization must be carried out by an authorized (by the local Phytosanitary authority) enterprise. The immunization shall be certified by means of a stamp or label (analog to those shown below) on the wood packaging, skid, or pallet. The smallest size of the stamp or label shall be 4 om x 14 cm. (1.58 in x 5.51 in) co-00004 wo aa eee 90-0001 6Se Hr (nm (| Colombia ISPM No 15 Model Europe In order to prevent logistics, customs, agriculture, legal and-or any other problems arising from the non-compliance of ISPM 15-2002, any cargo with packaging, skids or pallets not complying with the ruling will not be accepted for transportation to and from Colombia To obtain further information about FAO’s ISPM No 15 we suggest you to visit the next web sites: ICA, FAO The International Phytosanitary Portal, www.ippc. int. North American Plant Protection Organization, Nappo Sincerely, fi = \ \ C Acsssnalaliidds decays Executive Director President ALAICO ATAC J Min 4 _— < _ > L A Gace Gonzalo Mufioz rholeda Leonardo Ronderos Lobo Executive Director President ASONAV FITAC

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