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Subject: Energy: Lesson 5- Balloons

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson? (What do you want to accomplish?)
Energy can be transferred.
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
Using balloons and string, students will deepen their understanding of speed and energy.
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies. (Students will be able to and this ties to ____ standard.)
I can relate speed to the amount of energy an object has.
o 4-PS3-1: Use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed of an object to the
energy of that object.
I can make predictions on what will happen to the balloons distance when there are different
amounts of breathes in the balloon by using my knowledge of how the different types of string
affected the balloons distance.
II. Before you start
(formative [during] and
summative [after])

Students worksheets and answers to the questions on the back
Students participation

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of
Options for Perception
Options for recruiting interest
-Students can see the information with the
-Having students sit so they can
experiment and hear the results verbally.
see the experiments and so they
are in close proximity to the
Options for Language/Symbols
Options for Sustaining Effort &
-Clarification of vocabulary
-Talking with a partner
Options for Comprehension
Options for Executive Function
Options for Self Regulation
-KWL chart, review of what they learned
-Graphic organizer for information -3 questions on the back of the
the lesson before.
Prerequisite knowledge
What energy is? Energy can be transferred.
and skills.
Multiple Means of Representation

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and do you have them?

Do you need to set up

your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe it.

Multiple Means of Expression
Options for action/interaction
-Students can verbally say what
they learned during discussion
and then they write about it on
the worksheet.
Options for Expression

9 balloons (9 in. balloons)

5 meters of yarn
5 meters of twine
5 meters of fishing line
Plastic tape
3 Straws
Worksheet (see attached pages)
2 chairs per experiment (6 chairs)- use desk chairs
KWL chart
-Have 2 chairs spread 5 meters apart (put tape on the ground so if they get
moved, youll know where they go)
-Have the desks set back a bit so that the last 2 rows can sit on the ground
in front of the 1st row of desks. Let the 2nd row sit on their desks to see over
the 1st row.

III. The Plan


The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities
Take out the KWL chart.
o We have learned in our
previous lessons about
energy being transferred
from one object to
another or from one form
of energy to another.
Yesterday, we worked on the
The more the energy, faster the
playground to learn about how
speed. The harder you pump on
energy and speed were
the swings (the more energy you
connected. How are they
use), the higher you will go/faster
connected? Give an example
you will go.
from the playground.
Right, and we are going to do
another experiment to learn
more about how energy affects


We will be working with balloons

and string today. I will be
demonstrating each of the
experiments while you take notes
on what you observe.
I have balloons, string attached
to chairs, and straws. Everyone,
take one minute to think and
share with a partner a way that
you might get the balloon from
one side of the string to the
other. When you think of a way,
put a thumbs up.
Call on students to share how
they might do it.
Thank you for all of your ideas.
How we are going to do it is put
the string through the straw,
attach the one end of the string
to each chair, attach the blown
up balloon to the straw with tape,
then let the air out of the balloon.
Now, rows 3 + 4 come sit on the
ground in the front, make sure
you bring something hard you
can write on, like a notebook.
Row 2, you can carefully sit on
top of your desks so you can see
more easily.
As I do each experiment, you
each need to record your
answers on the sheet I am
handing out to you now.
Hand out worksheet.
Do each experiment:
1. Feed one type of string
through the straw. Attach one

Discuss with a partner about how

they might get the balloon from
one side of the string to the other.
Put a thumbs up after they think
of a way.

I think you could just slide the

balloon along the string.
Lift up one chair so it slides along
the string.

Rows 3 & 4 bring a notebook to

the front and sit down. Row 2 sits
on their desks.

Write name on worksheet.

Watch each of the experiments
and take notes on their
worksheet. A volunteer helps to
take the balloon to the straw.
Special person should be timing
each one with the stopwatch.

end of each string to each

chair. Make sure the string is
taut and level.
2. Blow up the balloon to the
size of a basketball and hold it
closed (dont tie it!)
3. Have a student help tape the
balloon to the straw.
4. Pull the balloon to the very
end of the string (opening
facing the chair so when you
let it go it goes toward the
other chair.)
5. Have a volunteer (special
person) tell you when to
release the balloon and they
will start the timer. The
student will stop the timer
when the balloon reaches the
opposite end of the string.
6. How long does it take to reach
the other side?
7. Have students record the data
on their tables.
8. Do the same set up 2 more
times (total of 3) for accuracy!
9. Repeat steps 1-8 for the other
2 types of string.
If students get antsy, let 2 students
come up each time and attach the
balloon and letting it go. But teacher
should always blow up the balloon so
there isnt any spit swapping. Use a new
balloon for each different string. (so the
balloon doesnt get too stretched out.)

Everyone go back to your seats

and take out their science
notebook. Im looking for the
fastest and quietest row to get
Give a letter to the rows who are
fast and quiet.
Now that we have learned more
about energy and speed, lets
give energy a better definition.
Energy is the ability to cause
motion and change. There are
different types of energy, what
are some you have learned?
We have also learned that energy
cannot be created or destroyed;
this is called the conservation of
energy. All energy is transferred
from one form to another.

Students go back to their seats.

Students add words and their

definition to notebooks.
We have learned about heat
energy, kinetic energy, and
potential energy.


How might the amount of energy

change the speed of the balloon?
How does changing the type of
string change the outcome?

The more energy (or more air in

the balloon) the further it will go.
The different types of string
absorb more or less energy
because they cause more or less
friction between the string and
the straw as the balloon moves.
Students work on the back of
their worksheets and turn in when

Thank you for all of your

awesome answers! Lets flip your

worksheets over and answer the
3 questions on the back
individually. When you are
finished, put them in the tray.
Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:

Name: _________________________________

String Type


Yarn Trial 1

5 meters

Yarn Trial 2

5 meters

Yarn Trial 3

5 meters

Twine Trial 1

5 meters

Twine Trial 2

5 meters

Twine Trial 3

5 meters

Fishing Line Trial 1

5 meters

Fishing Line Trial 2

5 meters

Fishing Line Trial 3

5 meters


1. What are some observations you have about todays class demonstration? (Make
sure to include which type of string had the fastest balloon travel time.)

2. How might the different number of breaths in the balloon affect this experiment?
3. Describe an experiment you would like to try to further our understanding of this

4. I can:
a. Relate speed to the amount of energy an object has.
b. Make predictions on what will happen to the balloons distance when there
are different amounts of breathes in the balloon by using my knowledge of
how the different types of string affected the balloons distance.

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