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Disease Website Project

Recently, there has been an outbreak of (3) Malaria in Nigeria. It is your

job as a public health
official to let the community know what is going on and help to educate them on
this disease. Create a website that provides all the facts the people need without
creating panic. Please include a public announcement, background
information, transmission, symptoms/diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention. Also include pictures, graphs, and maps.
The purpose of this unit project is to focus on various infections that
pathogens cause in people, animals, and plants. The goal is to gain more knowledge
on these diseases and to present it visually so that your classmates or anyone else
viewing the website will become aware of your assigned disease. You are not limited
to the information listed above but please include everything listed in the rubric.
Elaborate on each topic listed above in order to fully educate others on your
assigned disease. Take this project as an opportunity to be creative while teaching
Group Leader :
Period :
Group Members :
Your groups selected website platform:
Project Due Date : April 8 (Friday)
Computer lab work day : March 28, April 4, and April 6

Go to next page for website rubric.


Possible Points
10 points

-A great PSA should

include basic
information about the
disease. Also, language
that the general public
can understand that
will not cause panic.

Background Info

10 points

information should
include the type of
pathogen, the cause, a
brief history, and fast
facts, etc.


10 points

-Describe the methods

in which the disease is
transmitted such as the
type of contact or


10 points

-List all effects on the

body and what parts of
the body it affects. Also
include which tests are
performed to diagnosis
the disease.


10 points

-This will include any

vaccine, antibiotic, or
other form of treatment
and how long the
treatment is.


10 points

-Discuss what can be

done to prevent this
disease from spreading
between humans and
from the origin.

Use of pictures,
graphs, and maps

10 points

Earned Points



5 points

-The website should be

visually appealing and


10 points

-The purpose of the

website should be
clear. The site
navigation should also
be simple.


10 points

-All sources should be

listed at the bottom of
the page it was used
on. Please only use
credible sources.

Post project
Total Points

5 points
100 points

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