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I. Difference Between Determiners and Adjectives

Determiners and adjectives are related in such a way that they both modify a noun
or a noun phrase. However, the main difference between the two is that determiners are
placed before nouns and introduce them to the audience, while adjectives modify nouns by
providing further details about them. Another difference between the two is that
determiners cannot be graded unlike adjectives, which can be expressed in different
intensities. For instance, an object may be big, bigger, or biggest. However, it cannot be
that-est or the-est. Furthermore, adjectives are only optional parts of a sentence, while
determiners are necessary and indispensable.

II. The Uses of Determiners

Determiners can serve a variety of purposes in sentences and can have different
meanings. However, in general, all determiners are used to clarify a noun or a noun phrase.
One of the most common functions of determiners is to define or demonstrate an object or
a person. For instance, it can show whether the noun that is mentioned in the sentence is
something specific or unspecific. Another common purpose of this grammatical form, is that
it can also indicate the differences between nouns.
Although there are also other functions of determiners such as for expressing
quantity, possession, and questions, most of these purposes are related to the two key
areas mentioned earlier. It is not that difficult to understand determiners because they are
commonly used in written and verbal English. In order to fully grasp the concept, it is also
advisable to study about the different types of determiners which are presented in the next

III. Different Kinds of Determiners

There are different kinds of determiners and each one serves a different function.
These types include articles, quantifiers, demonstratives, possessives, and interrogatives.
1. Articles
There are only three examples of articles, and these are: the, a, and an. The article
the is considered as a definite article because it refers to a particular noun that is
mentioned in the text, while the articles a and an are called indefinite articles because
they point out to a class of noun mentioned in the sentence.
The indefinite articles a and an have the same function, but they are not
interchangeable. The former is used if it precedes a noun that starts with a consonant (e.g.,
a bike; a gadget; a television), while the latter is used if the noun after it starts with a vowel
(e.g., an eggplant; an architect; an umbrella).
Sample Sentences:

The Eiffel Tower is a romantic destination.

Johnny is an Englishman.
Ethan is studying to be an engineer.

2. Quantifiers
As the name suggests, quantifiers are used to express the quantity. It can answer the
questions, How much? or How many? Some examples of quantifiers include: a few,
enough, many, a little, most, some, any, and much.
Sample Sentences:

I have enough money.

We have much time.
She has few friends.

3. Demonstratives
This kind of determiners demonstrates and functions as pointers of a particular noun.
Basically, demonstratives indicate the position or location of a noun from the point of view of
the speaker. Some examples of demonstratives include: this, these, that, and those.
The demonstrative this is used for singular nouns that are near the speaker, while
these is for plural nouns that are also close by. On the other hand, the demonstrative
that is for a singular noun that is further away, and those is for plural nouns that are
also far from the speaker.
Sample Sentences:

This laptop is mine.

That car is my uncles.
These cookies taste great.

4. Possessives
This type of determiners is used to express possession or ownership of a noun.
Possessive determiners are different from possessive pronouns, because possessive
pronouns can be independent or can stand alone. Some examples of possessives
include: my, his, mine, our, their, and her.
Sample Sentences:

This is my car.
Is this his house?
Her mom is very pretty.

5. Interrogatives
As the term implies, the interrogative determiners are used for asking questions. The
three examples of interrogatives are: what, whose, and which.
Sample Sentences:

What toppings do you want for your frozen yogurt?

Which school do you prefer?
Whose baby are you watching?

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