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Gifted Program Purpose

The Fulton County gifted program is designed to

address the unique learning characteristics, interests,
personal needs and capabilities of gifted children. The
program emphasizes the gifted students need for
interaction with intellectual peers. A specialized educational experience is necessary to best meet the
unique needs and characteristics of gifted learners.
Basic to the philosophy of this program is the idea

that no one teacher, resource, or instructional method can meet the needs of gifted students. Education
for the gifted is viewed as a cooperative endeavor
characterized, facilitated, and realized by the efforts
of numerous individuals in the schools and

CMS Gifted Program

Education for the gifted is viewed as a cooperative
endeavor characterized, facilitated and realized by the
efforts of numerous individuals in the schools and
community. At CMS we provide advanced courses for
identified gifted students. Adjusting the rate and
depth of their learning and using a variety of appropriate teaching methods provides differentiation of
the basic curriculum. Challenging instructional activities are designed to intensify and extend their partic-

Additional Information
Many students IEPs or 504s require accommodations that call for extended time for completion of norm-referenced standardized tests.
These test results are excluded from use for determining giftedness.

Georgias multiple crite-

ria eligibility rule (160-4-2-.38) provides a variety

of ways to fairly assess students who have uneven patterns of test scores or whose scores are
excluded for the reason listed above.
For ELL students that do not qualify in the area
of mental ability, but do qualify in two other
areas under the multiple criteria eligibility rule, a
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test may be given if
the student meets certain criteria. (Score 80% or
higher on the nonverbal section of the CogAT
OR Score 70% or higher on the nonverbal section of the CogAT AND score 50% or lower on
the verbal section.)

Additional Info
Q&A Screening and Referral

Q&A Testing Process Grades 6 - 12

ular interests and aptitudes. Identified gifted students

are served based upon their academic strengths and


can be placed in up to four core curriculum areas


language arts, math, science and social studies. Edu-

Parent Resource Guide 2015-2016

cational experiences for gifted students provide the

additional variety and flexibility necessary to adjust


and extend the Fulton County curriculum to meet


these individuals needs.


Everything You
Always Wanted To
Know About The
Talented & Gifted
Amanda D. Howell
Madison Negley

Megan Suggs
Connie Militana

Crabapple Middle School

The Fulton County School System

screens all students for eligibility for
gifted services twice a year.

Automatic Screening
At the beginning of the school year, TAG
teachers review previous year's test scores.
Standardized Tests:
Students must have a minimum of an
85th percentile and a 90th percentile in two
of the three areas of a nationally normreferenced achievement test
Total Reading, Total Math, and Complete
Battery. (Supporting data is needed.)

Reported Referrals

Eligibility Criteria

A student may be referred for consideration

for gifted education services by teachers,
counselors, administrators, parents or
guardians, peers, self, and other individuals
with knowledge of the student's abilities. All
referrals are reviewed by the local Eligibility
Team to consider if existing information
warrants a formal testing for eligibility.

Option A:


85 percentile in Math or Reading.

(Supporting data is needed)
Milestones (Grades 4-9)
Students must score in the top 20 percent
on the reading or mathematics section
when compared to all other students in
the system. (Supporting data is needed)

Composite score in the 96th or greater percentile on a

nationally age normed mental ability test.


90th or greater percentile in Total Reading, Total Math,
or Complete Battery on a nationally normed achieve-

Classroom Screening
Local schools select a two-week period in
the winter to review all students in their
school (K-11) using the
Classroom Instrument for Screening Students.

Next Steps

STAR Assessments:
Students must have a minimum of


Students who meet either the automatic

screening OR classroom screening criteria
AND who have supporting data gathered
from test history, products, and/or advanced
content levels are referred for gifted placement testing. Once referred to testing:

Parents receive the Parent Notification

for Testing Consent Form.
Student is tested for the gifted program.

Parents receive test results. If state eligibility

is determined, students are placed in the TAG
program with parental consent.

ment test.

Option B:
Qualify in THREE of the FOUR categories

96th or greater percentile composite OR appropriate
component score on a nationally age normed mental

ability test

A score in the 90th or greater percentile in Total Reading, Total Math, or Complete Battery on a nationally
normed achievement test or superior product/
performance with a score greater than or equal to 90%,
as evaluated by a panel of 3 qualified evaluators.

90% or above composite score on nationally normed

creativity test or rating scales that equate to 90% or

superior product/performance with a score greater than
or equal to 90%, as evaluated by a panel of 3 qualified

Two year average of 3.5 GPA in core subjects or rating
scales that equate to 90% or superior product/
performance with a score greater than or equal to 90%,
as evaluated by a panel of 3 qualified evaluators.

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