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Mock Interview Packet WHAT WILL 1 BE ASKED? F. The Three Basic Questions Ino me way or another, you will be asked three basic questions in any interview: 4. Why are 7 Interested inthis lela Uieleld This means: Cerner! 0) cls) 2. Why are you interested in this POS/ 0 and lore Example of position s_Wegisterd! Auree — __ Register Auree —___ ts Example of organization is:_(A)} hore ne u Wary ~ (hI ila ens! uP k / 3. What relevant skills and experience do you have that will make set successful? w htt alo you bing 40 the Thble G. Categories of Interview Questions 1. Personal + Tell me about yourself. ~ : + What are your greatest strengths? Weaknesses? ~ saying /Showi ng your siveng ta! Enéssés wea + What do you do in your spare time? — + Why should we hire you? 2. Education + Why did you choose to study at this college? + Why did you choose your major? + What courses did you enjoy mostlleast? + Describe a major paper or project you completed. + What is your G.P.A.? 3. Knowledge of the Organization + What do you know about our organization? Why do you want to work for us? + What do you think it takes to be successful in an organization like ours? Page 3

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