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C. How to Answer Interview Questions: CaaS «key responses are_C\Q\ and _concsiece * Ask for \avit ATID .__ ifyou do not understand a question. D + Build on areas of interest as indicated by the ter Vit) Be prepared to illustrate your answers with + Avoid being { ee AtVE._. show the positive side of all situations D. Know Your Accomplishments and What You Have to Offer! « Tailor your presentation to your QUUCLI NUL. Know what specific points wil sll for the position, and have specific points to reinforce that you are right for the position + Link your accomplishments to the __\ ola. : > When answering a question or giving information, always back up a statement with a Concrek PK PLE. 10 not guess. Interview Protocol E. Some of the Following Seem to Be Common Sense but Often, in Times of Nervousness or Stress, Are Easily Forgotten: iam + Appear alert, show_ PCI AY, and 0 NALS) + Smile, maintain O} ood eye Coral tra sive a fem ha nil Sha (ad + Take time answering. Momentary pauses to collect your thoughts are O.K. «Be prepared to ASK QUES } OWS, to the interviewer. + Atthe conclusion of the interview, ask for a business card and what the next steps and time frame are. * Write a thank you note within 24 - 48 hours. OUSinesS Cacel Use the information on the Page 2

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