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Black Death during the medieval period

One of historys most devastating

epidemics, it killed an estimated 75
million people, including six in every 10
The Black Death was not transmitted
through flea bites at all, but was an
airborne plague spread through the
coughs, sneezes and breath of infected
human victims.
Testing showed evidence of Yersinia
pestis, the bacterium that causes the
plague, which confirmed that the
individuals buried underneath the square
had likely been exposed toand died
fromthe Black Death.
The few contemporary accounts of the
Black Death describe symptoms that
included painfully swollen lymph nodes,
liquefied organs and hemorrhaging
blood vessels, which caused splotches
and sometimes widespread discoloration
on the skin. Many of the afflicted bled
from the nose and coughed up blood.
Death often came within days.

Ebola during the medieval period

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a disease

caused by one of five different Ebola
viruses. Four of the strains can cause
severe illness in humans and animals. The
fifth, Reston virus, has caused illness in
some animals, but not in humans.
Ebola is extremely infectious but not
extremely contagious. It is infectious,
because an infinitesimally small amount
can cause illness. Laboratory experiments
on nonhuman primates suggest that even a
single virus may be enough to trigger a
fatal infection.
Symptoms of Ebola typically include:
weakness, fever, aches, diarrhea, and
vomiting and stomach pain. Additional
experiences include rash, red eyes, chest
pain, throat soreness, difficulty breathing
or swallowing and bleeding (including
Typically, symptoms appear 8-10 days
after exposure to the virus, but the
incubation period can span two to 21 days.


The Black Death was a disease that transmitted through the coughs, sneezes and breath of the infected
human. While Ebola is transmitted through bodily fluids. Ebola is considered moderately contagious,
but The Black Death disease is highly contagious. Ebola symptoms are more common than The Black
Death Disease. Ebolas symptoms appears within 8-10 days, while the Black Death Disease resulted
in death within a few days.

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