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Original materials,
Archive and library materials
Photo-library materials
Sound library materials,


All of the materials to make a production are essentials towards making a
production. All the original materials and other variables within materials
such as intranet, audio, scripts and interviews etc. Without these variable the
production could not be made. The script to a production is an essential the
production needs without the script the production could not be made because
there would be no structure to the production. There are many other
important materials that are all needed for any production. The importance of
the costumes is critical because it makes the production look a lot more
aesthetically pleasing towards the audience, it also makes it more professional.
The original materials are everything that has been filmed, it is important
when making a production to have all of the original materials because
Archive and library materials are websites that producers can buy materials
from and use it for themselves because sometimes when producing a
production some of the footage can be filmed by the producers because it is
out of their reach so they buy footage of websites. It is important to have these
archives because otherwise the producers wouldnt be given the chance to
able to make the production better than it could be. Photo library materials are
a library where there is a vast amount photos and images which the produces
can choose from and use in their production or they may use for the process of
production. Sound library materials is where all of the sound and audio
information comes from so the producer can get any kind of sound they want
and puts it into the production. Sound and photo libraries are important
towards the production because it gives the produces a large Verizon on what
they could choice from the library to put into their production.
The internet has a vast endless amount of information and it is a material used
within the process of production, it is essential and helps the produces come to
conclusions better. Using the intranet transport can be bought, hiring
equipment of facility hiring websites, job websites producers can hire a crew
and actors. This is all what makes the intranet so important and essential
towards the production. Audio for the production is essential otherwise the
production would be pointless unless it was a mimed production. When
making a production the audio and sound part of it crucial making sure it is in
the best quality. Without the audio any production would be poor which
makes the audio so important. Interviews are held to hire actors and the crew
for a production. Producers would have a face to face interview which would
consist of the producer asking the person being interviewed questions on their
work and what their specialities are within film and television production

industry. Costumes are worn throughout all the productions because it is what
the actors wear in front of the camera. Costumes help the production look and
seem more realistic, without them they would make the production
unprofessional and the audience would not watch the production leading to
the production failing. Making costumes so important and essential towards
producing a production.


Recces (Upload an example)

Limitations and risks:

Distance, access, cost, weather

Location recces are used to show where the production is going to be shooted
at. The location recce simply shows us everything we need to know about the
production location such as lighting, what the hazards are and how the
hazards can be avoided, what sounds are going be like and if there is any
background sound that should be noted. The address and all the information
about the location will be on the location recce. Showing all of the risks, costs
and other information shown below in an example location recce. It is
important to identify the risks around a set and to access the set because it
helps prevents the risk of any injury or risking the health and safety of people
around the set. The risks around the set are everywhere anything can go
wrong, such as some of the
equipment may have dangerous
or sharp objects which could
risk the health safety of people
around the set. Old unstable
equipment can be a risk towards
people on set because since its
unstable it could brake. The cost
of locations can vary depending
on what sort of location is used.
Proper production sets can be
found online and will cost a
certain amount per day.
Choosing the location of the
depending on the weather
would be simple, find a
destination around the world
where it is sunny all day round,
such in Hollywood but the costs
of the sets there would cost a lot
than in the UK. In the location
recce on the left it has a average
weather location mainly
overcast and also it is located in Wargrave where there is a 7 minute walk to
the closest station and a 5 minute walk to the closest bus stop. If any of the
limitations and risks are not accessed around the set before it is used it
increases the chance of any form of risk occurring because they werent
identified which is what makes the limitations and risks so important.


Codes of practice
and regulation:

Location permissions
Health and safety


To be filming in a location you need to be able to have permission to be filming
in that location so a warranty will be needed so that it is not classed as illegal
when filming for the production is done there. It is very important that the
produces get permission to film in locations mainly if they are filming in
private lands. Clearances includes a statement which includes information
which has everything to do with the production and and the location.

Copyright is taken very seriously within the media industry because it is illegal
to copyright any form of files which you are not the owner of. Making it very
important that copyright should never be done. The copyright law came into
the UK in the year 2000 and from then on the UK have been very tight on any
form of copyright over films and productions.

Health and safety is a big part of any industry, it is taken very seriously. All of
the regulations for health and safety is to do with anything that has the
potential to be a threat towards your health or safety during the course of the
production. This is why they make health and safety, another reason though is
if someone on set got injured and they pressed charges against the production
and there arent any health and safety regulations the production can be
sewed which would not be good for the production.

Insurance is needed for everything at the set of a production mainly health
insurance but insurance is need for the equipment and all of the facilities.
Insurance is very important but it is not essential for the production although
it is essential to drive a car.


Regulatory bodies:

Press Complaints Commission
(PCC) Advertising Standards
Authority (ASA)
Pan European Game Information
Entertainment Software Rating
Board (ESRB)
British Board of Film Classification


The British Board of Film Classification is a non governmental organization
that was founded in 1985. Basically what the BBFC to is they put age rating on
every single movie that is released, the age rating is very important for the film
industry otherwise there wouldnt be any structure to the films and anyone
aged person could watch any movie. So a baby could be watching violent and
aggressive footage from a film because it has no rating, but because BBFC are
here to help they have done well because now there is ratings on every film.
The importance of having the BBFC is very key because otherwise people will
be braking the law if the BBFC rules are not abided by. BBFC aware people
what the rating of the movie is which is why it is so important.

Trade unions:
Producers Alliance for Cinema and

Television (PACT),

National Union of Journalists (NUJ)

Broadcasting Entertainment

Cinematograph and Theatre Union


Trade unions such as producers alliance for cinema and television is used as
an accelerator to help UK production companies go global. The importance of
having all of these trade unions is that it helps all the productions getting
better advertisement around the world all to improve their popularity and get
a better viewership. The national union of journalists is the voice for the
journalists around the UK.

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